Results 1081 to 1100 of 1825 for stemmed:jane

DEaVF2 Chapter 7: Session 910, April 23, 1980 genetic mice thymus research idiots

[...] Yesterday Jane and I reread an article I’d filed last September, then forgotten about: In the area surrounding a certain village in the Dominican Republic, 38 girls have turned into boys at the onset of puberty. [...] The men have low sperm counts and may not be able to sire children in the normal manner, yet Jane and I think that this rare group event—the only one of its kind on record—fits in with Seth’s material about the millions of variations contained within our species’ vast genetic pool. [...]

However, if given a choice, Jane and I now would forgo the “benefits” stemming from animal experimentation, even if our own future welfares were to suffer because of a subsequent lack of knowledge—and providing that at a time of crisis we didn’t weaken in our joint resolve! [...] Jane and I live in one of those homes. [...]

[...] [Indeed, these animals are so sensitive to disease of any kind that they must be raised under sterile conditions.] Jane was very upset by the article and mentioned it to me several times.1

WTH Part One: Chapter 8: May 23, 1984 merry round horses youngster ride

(This morning I finished making the portable reading stand for Jane to use in bed, and took it in to 330 this afternoon. Jane could use it after a fashion, but not as well as I’d hoped. [...]

(4:49 p.m. “Well, I guess that’s it,” Jane said. [...]

TPS4 Rob’s suggestions about Framework 2 profound Framework everything faith simple

(I have the simple, profound faith that anything I desire in this life can come to me from Framework 2. There are no impediments in Framework 2. Framework 2 can creatively produce everything I desire to have in Framework 1—my excellent health, painting, and writing, my excellent relationship with Jane, Jane’s own spontaneous and glowing physical flexibility and creativity, the greater and greater sales of all of her books. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session April 15, 1981 Sinful superself dilemma breakthrough fulfillment

(I was so absorbed typing that Jane had to call me three times for the session. [...] To my surprise Jane agreed. [...]

(I should note that Jane seems to misunderstand my attitude here: the aim is not to use halting work on Seth’s latest book as a curative device, but to at least keep things from getting any worse. [...] I never told Jane, for example, to not finish the book. [...]

(After supper today Jane said that for the first time in some little while she went to the john without a feeling of panic. [...]

TES3 Session 113 December 7, 1964 December duration Christmas lighter gaunt

(Jane had no idea of the material to be covered in the session as the time for it approached. [...]

(By now Jane was in high good humor. [...]

[...] Jane was well dissociated for a first delivery, she said. [...]

TES8 Session 363 September 12, 1967 island Monchuco slurred port boat

[...] Jane didn’t sound like Seth at all a good part of the time, and she realized this to some degree. [...] Perhaps Jane was speaking more for herself, with Seth’s guidance. [...]

(This session was held for three of Jane’s students. [...]

(A note added later: I met Ruth Klebert in Gerould’s drugstore yesterday, October 31, 1986— she looked okay—has had cancer and a heart attack—knew Jane had died—asked about Seth. [...]

TES9 Session 452 December 2, 1968 destruction planet violence chaos massive

[...] Jane and I had discussed the report at the supper table.)

[...] Jane paused for a few moments, then resumed, after I had thought she was out of trance, and had called her name. [...]

[...] Jane left trance easily, eyes opening after a bit. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 20: Session 581, April 14, 1971 particles ee faster m.h units

(On Thursday night, April 8, Jane and I were visited by three women from Rochester, New York. They were very interested in talking about Jane’s book, The Seth Material. [...] Jane and I went over them briefly before the session.)

[...] Jane’s delivery had alternated between slower and faster states, but her trance had been deep. [...]

(“Number twenty-three: Are you in contact with, or speaking through, any other humans as you are with Jane?”)

TES3 Session 121 January 13, 1965 telepathy intangible study elementary telepathic

[...] Jane was well dissociated, unaware of outside stimuli. [...] Jane also said she does not believe she will smoke anymore while dictating, since that too has become a distraction.

(Jane had no idea of the material for the session as time for it approached, but she was not nervous as she was last session. [...]

(Sitting with her eyes closed, Jane again began speaking in her quiet voice at 9:36.)

TPS5 Deleted Session January 28, 1980 Leonard slap truck react age

[...] When I got home at 11:45 I washed several windows at Jane’s request; they certainly needed it. [...] The pendulum told me my situation was related to the fact that I stopped painting early, the windows, my worries about Jane, my age—the whole bit, in other words, so that I ended up thinking I’d accomplished precious little over the years. [...] I simply wanted to help Jane, live quietly, and paint with some kind of passion I’d always envisioned but never achieved. [...]

(Jane said she’d have a session for me after supper. [...]

(Jane was once more very relaxed as session time approached. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 3: Session 891, December 26, 1979 probabilities resolutions fairy versions peripheral

[...] After the party was over Jane and I gave each other our own presents. [...] [I hadn’t created anything like that for her, though.] When Jane read her poetry to me I strongly felt once again her innocence and perception: “The universe keeps turning into us….” [...]

[...] I don’t care whether we have a book session or one on something else,” Jane said as we sat for the session at 8:50. [...]

[...] Seth came through with two short paragraphs for Jane. [...]

NotP Chapter 9: Session 790, January 3, 1977 kitten Willy psychological awe dream

(Seth opened the session by finishing his Introduction to Jane’s The World View of Paul Cézanne, which Prentice-Hall will publish later this year. [...] He sees Jane’s book as a prime example of what can be done in that area.

(Tonight we started the sessions up again after a three-month layoff: During that time I typed the final manuscript for Volume I of Seth’s “Unknown” Reality, with Jane’s help, and we’ve just mailed it to her publisher, Prentice-Hall, Inc. [...]

[...] As Jane worked on “Unknown” Reality, Willy often lay on her lap, and we felt his approaching death with heavy hearts of our own.

NoME Part Two: Chapter 5: Session 834, February 5, 1979 mosaics painting shared cults paranoia

(After supper this evening Jane read some notes I’d written recently, in which I speculated about why I paint portraits — my “heads,” as I call them — out of my “imagination,” instead of using live models of “real people.” [...] I remarked tonight that it would be nice if Seth would discuss the subject, and Jane replied that she thought he’d do so.

[...] Then, no sooner had we sat for the session than Jane asked me to write down what she was about to say, since she had the material available whether or not Seth got to it: “A new part, or chapter heading: ‘People Who Are Afraid of Themselves. [...]

[...] That’s why I wrote those notes — but I didn’t take the time to discuss them with Jane.”)

TES9 Session 427 August 7, 1968 yearned Dave agony cosmic sepia

(The evening was again very hot and humid, and Jane had been bothered by such conditions all day; but she wanted to hold the session as usual. [...]

[...] Jane had again been in a deep trance but emerged in short order. [...]

(Jane held a hand up, signifying waiting.) We need more time. [...]

TPS6 Jane’s Notes April 14, 1981 Ethel April Tam till tackle

[...] Then on April 14 Ethel Waters calls from Production at Tam’s insistence saying that after Events was delayed till May 14 because of the disclaimer problems; so it would come out the same month as God of Jane.... [...]


TES8 Session 354 July 19, 1967 slippages plateau weight recovery complete

[...] Jane felt very well indeed, the best she has been in many months. [...]

(Jane held her first ESP class last night.)

Your many notes (to Jane) have been a delight to him and your changed attitude is being received by him with the most beneficial results, and this is beginning to add to your own health and energy. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 6: Session 841, March 14, 1979 viruses immunity thoughts Jonestown autopsies

1. In Note 1 for the 840th session I cited an insight we’d recently obtained into the relationship between Jane and Seth, and mentioned how we’re always on the lookout for such clues. Jane had come up with that one, stressing her personal reactions. We’re also eager to learn what we can about Jane or Seth per se. [...]

[...] Just as we did with that 840th session, however, Jane and I are presenting portions of this evening’s delivery in Mass Events because we think they should be published within that framework.

TPS5 Deleted Session December 6, 1978 view tooth teeth aspirations comprehensions

(Notes: On December 2 we were visited by a group of Jane’s students from NYC – Richie, Ricky, Sheri, Jerry, Jeff, Van Zandt, etc. Jane gave a long session interrupted often by “class” discussion. [...]

(10:00 P.M. “I almost have that sickly feeling I get after some sessions,” Jane said.

[...] In addition, Jane also has tooth trouble—one of her bottom teeth is loosening....)

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 17 Nicoll Sue bitter probable Carl

There I see, to my surprise and joy, Jane and Rob Butts sitting talking to some other people. Or are they Jane and Rob? [...] The other people go away, and I go sit down next to Jane, and, to my surprise, they do not acknowledge or recognize me at all.

[...] Somehow, I begin a discussion of the Seth Material with them and go into a talk on physical reality and such, and discover that a few years ago, they had received some strange messages through Jane from ‘someone claiming to be a dead spirit.’ ‘But it was ridiculous,’ Jane says, ‘so we dropped it.’

Sue Meets a Probable Rob and Jane

DEaVF1 A Poem and Commentary by Jane Roberts dawn commentary dusk attend saves

(Jane experienced many painful physical and psychological delays while producing Dreams. [...]


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