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It should not upset him unduly then if it seems to him that he makes “the wrong decision” at any given time, for the process of becoming aware of the impulses is now the important issue, and then to decide between them. He was feeling particularly “brave” this morning. Some ideas for Seven came, and the impulse to write them down. At the same time an inhibited impulse arose—to go to the bathroom—that he had ignored. He allowed them both to arise together. This resulted in conscious conflict before avoided, and a series of conflicting thoughts and impulses.
Lunch, and he took his shower—something else he had put off doing. Before that, however, he purposefully decided to exercise—hence the stairway. Two issues were involved. He punished himself for not writing by making the performance very difficult. On the other hand, certain ligaments had been released in the right leg. They were beginning to come into greater activity, but the leg was not ready to bear the full weight he had to put upon it for the top stair.
To some extent he knew this, but felt defiant enough to try it anyway. He had not written. He felt the impulse to paint, and did so, but by late afternoon he was in a very poor mood. He had the sense to write his notes, however, so the issue was not buried. It was a creative conflict.
In such cases, however, and with your understanding, he should feel free to call on you, regardless of what you are doing. This will be easier on you also in the long run. Such issues only arise at certain stages. His mood was so bad because he felt that he could not win no matter what he did. If he had written instead, he thought, then he would have been denying the body impulses. The “error” was simply a result of a series of such denied impulses, that he then let loose at once. It is far better, however, to do that and learn than to deny the impulses altogether.
[...] The issues involved affect, for example, Ruburt’s personal mobility. They also are connected with the much larger social issues, such as the uses to which your nuclear technology will be put.
[...] Your dreams are your own, yet they interact with others, and the dreams of others are background issues in your own dream encounters.
[...] If you did not believe that energy was more naturally dangerous than beneficial, you would not have any difficulties at all concerning issues like nuclear bombs.
In your times the individual problems of masses of people are bound up with such issues, and as they work toward their own solutions, then in their own ways they help solve problems at the level of world action. [...]
Now: instead of dealing with large issues, Ruburt is to write at least a page about his feelings that day, with particular emphasis upon any issues that bother him at all. [...]
[...] A good portion of the session will deal with such issues.
The pendulum sessions have also served to bring issues out into the open. [...]
[...] I want to stress the purposes they have served, and their general nature and so forth did help to bring up a variety of important issues. [...]
[...] You are dealing with two issues also. The natural person—the creator, the artist—in Ruburt, wants the book out without any interruptions, and cares little about other issues. [...] Nothing is that simple, but the explanation does serve to clarify contradictory issues. [...]
When you realize that you are indeed protected, such issues are absorbed along the way. [...] It is extremely difficult for me, however, to make you understand quite clearly the role that your own attitudes play—for when issues hit close to home you have both the old tendency to blame the other party or parties for what is involved. [...]
An issue here, it seems can arise within a 6-month period, that you should face with tact. [...] Seth now looked at Tom.) And his initial reaction, his initial ideas to this issue, will give way to a more reasoning attitude. [...]
There are several issues that have been left hanging in our own sessions, and material that we shall get to. [...]
[...] This is not to negate your own quite personal involvement, but only to show that other strong issues also help make that involvement possible.
[...] Also however she is not as adventurous, for it is after all your endeavor: you carry the main issues and personal involvement. [...]
The latest disclaimer issue simply falls into the same pattern, and therefore was added to it, but all of those issues involve his feelings and beliefs about work and creativity. Any issues with you also involved work and creativity, along with the expectations that you had of each other—not just in your married roles but as partners and colleagues in your artistic endeavors. [...]
[...] (Two minute pause.) There are still a few issues, and I am trying to get at them. [...] The symptoms then become an issue for the next few days, that prevent him to some extent from carrying out the schedule. [...]
The psychic development was one of the main issues of importance he had been waiting for, and several circumstances had to be met first. [...]
Once the development occurred however the personality knew it would now have to face the main issue: how to handle its own creativity, and find a comfortable balance between spontaneity and discipline. [...]
[...] Ruburt’s mother, as mentioned earlier, had often told him that if he kept on as he was going he would lose his mind; and contacts with psychologists, when he feels they are testing him, brings up this old issue.
[...] They are also held together by a sense of earnestness and duty (with a mock-severe frown)—quite misapplied, but still characteristics hardly foreign to the personality as a whole—so these are misunderstandings to be addressed and understood, and the main issue should be an understanding of those issues specifically mentioned, so that the issues are met in the open and aired on the part of the entire personality (all often with emphasis). [...]
There have been several signs of excellent cooperation between portions of the self—as when issues raised or discussed by the Sinful Self then initiated dreams or other psychic behavior in response. [...] It should not be on any accusations, but on the recognition of the communication itself, and to those specific issues mentioned. [...]
Such activities, and you can think of others—I am simply using this as an example—are therapeutic, even though it may seem that they are beside the issue. They automatically sweep his consciousness into other areas of activity, away from issues to which he may have been sensitized in the past, and serve to give him a breathing spell and refreshment.
[...] In one day, often, he stirs up many issues without getting to the bottom of any given one. [...] He is working well now, and this was at one time a major issue.
[...] Certain incidents, trivial in themselves, will at times carry a tremendous charge, not necessarily because he is repressing thoughts about the particular incident, but because the incident recalls unresolved past issues that he has psychically associated with it.
Some difficulty lies in the inner psychological relationship between the husband and the wife—an inner issue she does not face, and reacts to the issue in physical terms. The issue itself is based partially in her own relationship to both her mother and father. That is, the issue is frightening subconsciously, because of peculiar and individual attitudes caused by her own relationship to her parents. [...]
Now however, give us a few moments to address ourselves to the issue at hand. [...]
[...] So while the body is well equipped to heal itself, and to maintain its own equilibrium, it is also highly responsive to other issues that are of a different nature and beyond the realm of its own functions.
[...] Whatever the issue might be, the conscious world-view is bringing about biological activity. [...]
[...] Is he becomes confused, then let him talk to you about it, rather than hide the issue.
[...] This will help you in your communications with each other, and clear issues as they arise.
Concentrate on the health issue in your exercises for now. [...] They will of their own accord touch upon various issues such as work, finances and so forth. [...]
[...] When you feel you are ready, then the two daily prayer periods should be retained with a change of focus, that will take care of other issues. You need not concentrate them upon one issue or another. [...]
In the normal course of a day your thoughts dwell to some degree on the issues that you have mentioned, and about which you are concerned. [...]
[...] This particular issue is being and has been faced squarely and seen through—a very difficult procedure indeed—but better now than later. Therefore, since the issues have been faced, there should be no such future repercussions.
This is an excellent way for him to handle many issues which in the past have caused problems, such as the financial aspect. [...]
[...] It meant “Don’t be ahead of me sexually,” further meaning “Don’t want sex when we are involved in other issues.” [...]
[...] You yourselves, had you the time and inclination, could trace such issues as they operated in any area through the years. [...]
The actual words you use, again, no matter how spontaneously chosen, have meanings on many levels, and speak of your own intent, Joseph, as much as Ruburt’s. Before, you see, when I brought up such issues, you would become defensive, thinking “Must I watch every word I speak?” or “How can suggestion be that important?” Ruburt would react the same.
Yet, in those areas in which you are so proficient such issues would never arise. [...]
The same issues underlie your own attitudes, the tension between effort and relaxation, discipline and spontaneity has applied, say, in the creative area as far as painting is concerned. [...] In such ways, the species does handle psychological and psychic issues. [...]
[...] The contrast represented his own interpretation of his private reality, of course—yet they also represent the main issues involved right now in your society at large. [...]
If you did, other issues would take care of themselves. [...]
[...] The overly conscientious self tried to call a halt to pleasure until the issue was settled. [...] Both sides brought to bear emotional issues from the past that served to illustrate or strengthen their own position, so that Ruburt was pulled willy-nilly.
You became an unwilling ally of the overly conscientious self in almost every issue faced by you and Ruburt. This affected the spontaneity of our sessions, and serves to explain the intense emotional climate that pervaded concerning both Fell and the issue of going to work. [...]