Results 1 to 20 of 28 for stemmed:extract

TES8 Session 366 September 25, 1967 competitor Searle Bradley John Gleason

There is an extract from alfalfa that will be of benefit in approximately three weeks time, if progress continues. The tips of the plant may be boiled and drunk as a tea, if otherwise the extract is unavailable. Not yet however. This step is not to be taken as yet.

(Neither Jane or I, or John Bradley, who is well informed in matters medical, knew anything about any such extract. None of us had any conscious memory of reading about it, etc.)

TPS5 Deleted Session November 22, 1978 Jones Jonestown suicide temple quickie

[...] Had you been working on “Unknown,” you would have had far less difficulty with your extractions. Your mind would have been on the book, and the extractions considered distractions—annoying and to be put aside.

(I asked that Seth comment on my tooth-extraction hang-ups—involving the attendant soreness and my reactions to the whole affair—as well as the mouth-breathing difficulty. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session June 5, 1982 finger darker powder calindula Hal

(Yesterday we received from Hal Williams of Lancaster, PA, three medications he had promised to send: a baby cream, a calindula flower extract for use on Jane’s decubiti, and a powder—also I believe based on the calindula—for her to take at 12 hour intervals for blue fingers, if any. [...]

[...] Jane wondered if the flower extract had anything to do with the little finger acting up; its color was mildly dark compared to the middle finger’s original dark blue appearance. [...]

TPS5 Session 831 (Deleted Portion) January 15, 1979 teeth January overmuch Neill extracted

[...] On Wednesday Jane had several lower teeth extracted here at the house by Paul O’Neill. [...]

TPS5 Session 832 (Deleted Portion) January 29, 1979 discomfort dentistry noisier knees prognosis

[...] Ironically enough, the first episodes are built around a dentist, and these stemmed from her own recent experiences with extractions, as given in the just-previous deleted sessions. [...]

TES9 Jane’s Notes July 18, 1969 Kendall road Hoover Horseheads newspaperman

[...] [Though not beginning with J and not of foreign extract.]

TPS5 Deleted Session November 8, 1978 taxes complacency contemptuous Edgecomb alike

(A few notes, rather than at the end of the sessions:On Thursday, November 9, I had the two teeth extracted by Paul O’Neill—a difficult time indeed, but after an uncomfortable night and morning, am recovering as expected. [...] No sooner had I returned home Thursday after the extractions, than Jane told me Eleanor Friede wanted to visit this Saturday. [...]

TES8 Rob Pendulum Q&A June 12, 1967 tomato canned corn pendulum margarine

2) Lemons or extracts.

SDPC Epilogue — A Personal Evaluation interior apport flavor provided alertness

In extracting material on dreams from our many sessions, I have, to some extent, ripped it out of its living context. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 28, 1983 diet nightshade recovery knuckle Steve

[...] I rubbed the flower extract Steve Blumenthal had given Jane last night on her knuckles of the right hand; we’ll use that location as a test site. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session May 23, 1982 mcg dozing assurances finger magical

(8:27.) He should have no trouble with the thyroid extract, but should begin to experience some sense of bodily accomplishment. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 6: Session 840, March 12, 1979 Billy viruses smallpox cat disease

[...] Extracts made from it contain the alkaloid atropine (among others), which is used to relieve muscle spasms, and to dilate the pupil of the eye for optical surgery.

It’s interesting to note, also, that in medieval Europe larger amounts of those extracts were used as hallucinogens by witches and the members of various other cults.

TPS6 Deleted Session April 16, 1982 superhuman thyroid crumbled helpless Synthroid

(This information came through because Jane’s doctor, Marsha Kardon, had told her in the hospital that tests showed Jane’s thyroid gland had quit working altogether—with the concomitant fact that Jane would have to take a synthetic thyroid extract—Synthroid—daily for the rest of her life.)

TES7 Session 316 February 1, 1967 mother identification Saratoga sensitivity attack

The clothing sent by his mother has been somewhat dangerous to him because his feelings, given above, automatically extracted from them the negative feelings of his mother toward him, while blocking out the constructive and loving ones.

TES9 Session 493 July 14, 1969 accident Gardner hurt Jesuit kids

[...] And a fairly long last name starting with M, of foreign extract, involved. [...]

TES8 Session 347 June 19, 1967 cues recovery vacation swelling reversal

[...] I am no medical man… Because of the psychological condition he extracted, or he used this in both whole milk and beer, in such a way that it left residues near certain joints, blocking passageways and allowing fluids to accumulate. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session November 5, 1977 firewalker fire bulb flames Framework

(Last Wednesday Jane had the last of her extractions done; she is recovering very well indeed. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session October 22, 1977 Framework dishes stool faith cooking

(Jane is recovering extremely well from her tooth extractions. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 5: Session 625, November 1, 1972 interior sound composed electromagnetic nerves

[...] The following quotes are extracted from some deleted material: “Generally speaking, it is better if book dictation is done alone, or with those with whom you are well acquainted and easy. [...]

TES8 Session 346 June 14, 1967 peanuts overproduction sun symptoms apricot

There is a quality in the oil, an extract from the peanuts, that is immediately dissolved through the skin, that lubricates and eases both the joints and muscles. [...]

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