Results 1 to 20 of 135 for stemmed:excit

TES7 Session 324 March 6, 1967 resentment excitement misdirected Wollheim symptoms

It has been dammed up and directed against the self. There is a need in him for excitement, but because of the maturity of the personality, the excitement now must in some manner be purposeful.

It seeks outlet and must find it, and must find it a manner that satisfies the creative abilities. The excitement need not be physical, though it will find some reflection in physical terms. He has enormous energy at his disposal, a large portion of which has been misdirected in the form of symptoms, and partially out of resentment.

This energy is, of course, related strongly with his work. the relation is far more powerful than any strictly logical connection could ever be. The release of the energy in other directions automatically minimizes the symptoms, and will automatically negate them. They must, therefore, be used in exciting creative ways having to do with his intuitions, intellect, and creative work.

TES7 Session 329 March 25, 1967 chase Pat counterfeit Claire excitement

[...] The excitement of the chase is being substituted for the excitement that is required and demanded by the questioner, and rightly so because of the questioner’s psychological makeup.

You need the excitement vivid in the pursuit, but this excitement will be increased by far when your energy is used to perfect and develop your own personality. [...]

[...] The excitement involved in this chase is something like the excitement you feel speaking to your good students. [...]

TPS1 Session 583 (Deleted Portion) April 21, 1971 excitement feeds preponderance rouse silent

[...] If this is handled correctly the entire project can (underline) incite emotional excitement. [...] The more exciting it can be made the better, for this alone will rouse his enthusiasm.

[...] If (doubly underline) you can manage, it would be good for you to oversee Ruburt’s exercises—or perhaps even do some with him; again, to add to the sense of excitement and support. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 28, 1983 cake Iran Afghanistan exciting elbow

Further improvements are taking place in Ruburt’s body of an exciting nature, and I am delighted with the progress that both of you are making. [...]

I also perceive that your world will be touched by many exciting events in the following year, as many countries change their alliances, and new groups of allies form. [...]

[...] You don’t want to say any more about those exciting developments in Ruburt’s body?”)

TPS5 Deleted Session January 23, 1980 animal platform curled excitement pets

(9:43.) Worrying begets worry, of course—and though it may not appear so, worry provides a certain kind of invented excitement that prevents you from seeking a more constructive excitement the longer it is indulged in. [...]

Your body consciousness is like the consciousness of any animal—alert, above all optimistic, focused in the present, as you understand it, glorifying in motion and in rest, in excitement and in quietude. [...]

Mitzi, running up and down the stairs (as she was doing even now, chasing her wadded-up paper ball), is an example of the love of excitement and activity with which both man and animals are innately endowed. [...]

TES8 Session 349 June 28, 1967 Joanie lettuce Gilbert Bill cigarette

…An excitement of the heart… Dr. Instream will die of an excitement of the heart… 5 2 7 levels… Doctor Brownallen… Brownaline… Allen Brown, the doctor. [...]

NoME Part Four: Chapter 10: Session 873, August 15, 1979 idealist ideals impulses condemning geese

[...] That pursuit automatically gives life its zest and natural sense of excitement and drama. Developing your own abilities, whatever they may be, exploring and expanding your experience of selfhood, gives life a sense of purpose, meaning, and creative excitement — and also adds to the understanding and development of the society and the species.

[...] When you do not take any steps toward an ideal position, then your life does lack excitement. [...] You might become an idealist in reverse, so that you find a certain excitement in contemplating the occurrence of natural disasters, such as earthquakes. [...]

If you do this, your life will automatically be provided with excitement, natural zest and creativity, and those characteristics will be reflected outward into the social, political, economic, and scientific worlds. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 18: Session 666, May 28, 1973 flood Pigs Joseph Cuba Bay

For a short period of time after the water receded, there were excited radio recommendations: Clinics were set up and the populace was told that tetanus injections were imperative.

War has often served as an emotional stimulus, as an escape in terms of drama, excitement and belonging for those who have felt alone, powerless and isolated.

[...] A “perfect” society, idealistically speaking, would provide these qualities by encouraging each individual to use his potentials to the fullest, to revel in his challenges, and to be led on by his great natural excitement as he tries to extend powers of creative potency in his own unique way.

UR2 Section 5: Session 726 December 16, 1974 island spirit volcano desert sand

The second island-spirit says, also to the third: “You are myself, only my excitement, my joy and beauty, are concentrated in the magic of my volcano, and you instead stand for the twittering excitement of diverse species — birds and animals and insects — that flow in far less grandiose fashion across the slopes of your uneasy land.”

[...] Its volcano, it finds, now gives birth to soil and pollen, its excitement roused in a million different ways. [...]

[...] The spirit of Island One realizes that it would find the old conditions quite boring now, and the new alterations fill it with pleasing excitement and challenge. [...]

TES8 Session 342 May 17, 1967 action sparked nonfact event intensity

[...] An exciting conversation, an exciting inner mental activity serves well to divert him. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, August 11, 1970 dazzle roses Kyle crushing turmoil

[...] Peace can be excitement but turmoil can, now, be dull. Do not equate turmoil with excitement and peace with turmoil for these are also conventional habits of thought that do not necessarily apply. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 9: Session 920, October 6, 1980 magical Iran schizophrenia approach debased

“Life as we know it is excitement; highly organized—excitement at all levels, microscopic, macroscopic, psychic. It is the result of the relationship between balance and imbalance, between organization and ‘chaos.’ It is excitement ever in a state of flux, forming psychic and material knots. [...] The psyche itself leapfrogs our beliefs at usual conscious levels, and sees us as a part of all life, excitedly forming all kinds of complexes which then fill themselves to the brim, exploding, escaping the framework only to form another. The emotions themselves can sense this when we let them, and grasping that sense of excitement can show us a glimpse of the even greater freedom of our own psychic existence, which flows into us as individuals and then bursts apart that short-lived form into another, as the excitement of individuation leaps from life to life.”

[...] It’s not contradictory to note that during August and September, following his regular schedule of twice-weekly sessions, Seth methodically presented some very exciting concepts. [...]

[...] Others live in an atmosphere of constant fear of their own condition, while at the same time they are excited, as soldiers might be in combat. [...]

TPS2 Session 653 (Deleted Portion) April 4, 1973 navigate belabor deluged straits Amen

You allowed yourselves to be excited by hope and new beliefs. [...]

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 15 precognitive pamphlet Anna decontamination motorcycle

[...] Then the excitement hits again — of spying out the dreaming self and charting the strange environment in which it has its experience. [...]

With growing excitement, we checked my records. [...]

We went on to read the last portion of the dream and I called out excitedly, “But look! [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session November 8, 1978 taxes complacency contemptuous Edgecomb alike

[...] Frank wanted that excitement. [...] But this time of emotional turmoil takes their minds off the fact that their children are grown, and adds a new challenge—one that convinces them that life is still exciting, that you must be on your toes. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 4: Session 896, January 16, 1980 suffering adults sick deadening pain

[...] Men and women are born with a sense of drama, a need of excitement. Life itself is excitement. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session February 17, 1981 responsibility deleterious overheavy regard unwittingly

[...] Such feelings can then for a while override his natural inclinations and his natural enjoyment and his natural excitement with which he otherwise views our sessions. [...]

[...] They bring you enjoyment, fulfillment, understanding, excitement, discovery. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session August 27, 1973 kiss redecorating hug spontaneity love

[...] Anything you do as partners excites him. Any time you initiate a program to help him he is excited. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 743 April 21, 1975 unknown ufo Atlantis Bermuda entices

[...] That intuitive faculty will then illuminate the intellect so that it learns to question in a broader, more exciting and productive manner than perhaps it did before.

[...] The unknown reality exists as a challenge, an exciting endeavor, as each individual becomes consciously aware of intimate subjective feeling. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session October 2, 1972 Seagull Aerofranz Dick Bach Eleanor

The more interested and excited they are of course, the more their own needs and answers ring out. [...]

The alliance with Seagull, and any ensuing household excitement was highly creative and important. [...]

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