Results 341 to 360 of 1043 for stemmed:energi
As the present life of any individual rises from hidden dimensions beyond those easily accessible in physical terms, and as it draws its energy and power to act from unconscious sources, so does the present physical universe as you know it rise from other dimensions. So does it have its source, and derive its energy from deeper realities.
He saw in his time how so-called mysticism and even dedication, without discipline, could divert energy, distort truths and pervert causes. He was well aware that high energy could be lost through dissipation. [...]
[...] She felt you aloof and disapproving of the waste of energy, watching but not swept along as the other males were. A part of you enjoying the performance but a part, Nebene, critically wondering about the undisciplined use of such energy.
[...] Before, they seemed to have an energy of their own, almost at times not a part of you, and Nebene experienced his own creativity as equally apart from him at times.
This energy comes from the core of BEING (in capital letters), from All That Is (with our usual capitals), and represents the source of never-ending vitality. [...] As such, all of the energy and power of Being is focused and reflected through you in the direction of your three-dimensional existence.
In this existence you are learning to handle the inexhaustible energy that is available to you. [...]
(10:16.) The feeling-tone then is the motion and fiber — the timber — the portion of your energy devoted to your physical experience. [...]
In other terms it represents the expression of yourself in pure energy, from which your individuality rises, the You of you, unmistakably given identity that is never duplicated.
In the meantime, the spirit of the desert island is almost overwhelmed by the teeming life forms on Island Three, so next it visits the volcanic one; and when the volcano becomes frightened of its own energy the spirit of the desert island says: “Peace. [...] You do not need to be so worried for your energy. [...]
[...] Great changes appear, and showers of power — quick bursts of rain, explosive inundations of energy.
So the volcano throws its energy into the formation of still more new species, while the desert spirit sings its calmness through their tissues. [...]
And the spirit of the volcanic island says to the spirit of the first island: “My volcano knows, now, how best to use its energy. [...]
[...] Last week’s poetry served to refresh his creative energies, and in commitment to the book and to our work, and with your prayer activities. [...] Energy given in commitment will rob the symptoms. [...]
A few days earlier, knowing he had progressed, he ceased doing the psycho-cybernetics exercises however, and these are an excellent and enjoyable way of focusing conscious energy in constructive directions. [...]
[...] With our method it is recognized, imaginatively plucked out as being undesirable, and replaced by the thought of peace and constructive energy.
[...] On the other hand you will continue to exist; you will continue to be responsible for the way in which you use energy; you will expand in ways now impossible for you to understand. You will learn to command energy of which you now do not know. [...]
([Ron:] “Within this system of meditation you talked about the creative vitality and the creative energy, that the idea of the end goal is the identity of the source of All That Is ...what is Buddha doing now?”)
([Ron:] “Then not everyone could return to the Godhead if the Godhead is conceived as an energy state.”)
Why could not an energy state also be composed of individual identities? [...]
I will indeed end the session, knowing that the session adds to Ruburt’s reassurance, and that the session alone, on its own, releases certain kinds of highly beneficial energy. [...] With a bit more relaxation, however, you can have as many or as few as you want for a while, for your individual and joint energies are indeed replenished in such fashions. [...]
[...] The approach unfortunately solves no problems, and only compounds them, whether the nation is trying to solve problems of energy, or social problems, or whether an individual is trying to overcome a dilemma.
[...] According to what we got last night and this is just a preliminary, the helper is sort of made up of a surplus of positive energy, the desire to help people and so forth; but the best, plus, parts of your personality. [...]
According to what we got, both the Black Thing and the helper only exist when you have the kind of personality or the kind of abilities or something that draw a lot of energy where you got it to use. [...]
[...] And so the great energy of her being, before taken up by her children, had no outlet.
The individual is made to feel powerless, at the mercy of doctors or nurses who often do not have the time or energy to be personable, or to explain his [or her] condition in terms that he can understand. [...]
[...] Yet the energy that forms you and the environment springs alive in each of you through your intersection with the physical world. [...]
(Long pause at 9:54.) Ideas of using considerable caution have been with him for that matter before the sessions began, when he recognized his own energy, the ease with which he could encounter people. [...] He learned to fear his own energy to some extent—or rather, he believed that he must be very cautious in its use. [...]
If you believe that your own great energy can lead others astray, you are actually saying that others have no power of their own. [...]
The books are different, however, while the poetry carries the more clearly recognizable stamp of his accepted identity, so he was afraid that I would lead people astray unwittingly perhaps, through the energy and power of our communications. [...]
[...] At the death of a cell a reverse process occurs — the death is the escape of that energy from the cell form, its release, the release itself triggering certain stages of acceleration. There is what might be called a residue, or debris energy, “coating” the cell, that stays within this system. [...]
[...] Those disturbances are the result of a slowing down of prior effects of faster-than-light activity, and represent the emergence into your space-time system of energy that can then be effectively used and formed into the cellular pattern.
[...] There are various questions involving the nature of perception that then occur, and these will be discussed somewhat later (but see Note 4). Consciousness is equipped to focus its main energy, in your terms at least, generally within the body, or to stray from it for varying amounts of time. [...]
This also has to do with pulsations of energy in which consciousness as you know it, now, exercises itself, using native abilities that cannot be expressed through physical orientation alone.
There is much concerning the laws of energy which I have not yet explained to you, and so it is inevitable that our sessions are dependent upon his abilities to utilize energy. [...] But for a while yet we are still dependent upon his utilization of energy.
I never want to take too much of his energy, and you are indeed a watchdog in this respect, as is right. Nevertheless, I felt that it was legitimate to take this extra time to speak with you, since there are few occasions when Ruburt’s psychic abilities and energies are sufficiently attuned so that we can work together in this manner.
[...] I must still work within the realm of his energies, and I do not even now believe that you realize how much more effectively he is using those energies, nor what strains our sessions have put upon his ego, which he has managed to triumph over.
[...] Jane said later that the presence of Bill and Peg seemed to give her extra psychic energy somehow; that she felt a greet freedom while giving the session that was most enjoyable. [...]
[...] [I do believe that this kind of thinking is totally unacceptable to most businessmen, as well as generally to the public they serve, the irony here being that neither businessman or scientist can explain what that fantastic nuclear energy—or any energy, for that matter—really is. In the frontmatter, see the first of the four quotations from Seth; the one taken from a private session given just two months ago: “All energy contains consciousness (underlined). … A recognition of that simple statement would indeed change your world. [...]
[...] Nuclear energy was supposed to transform life on our planet—until we began to encounter unexpected challenges with safety, the disposal of radioactive wastes, corrosion, cost, poor workmanship, aging equipment, and many other obstacles. Nuclear energy’s science and technology had always been isolated from most of us. [...] In the case of Three Mile Island, that energy, that consciousness, balanced on the edge of running out of our mundane control.
Enjoying the sounds of life in the mysterious nighttime, I intuitively understood that not only did I want to mention in this Preface the feelings Jane and I have about Three Mile Island as a technological and scientific entity, embodying man’s attempts to extract new forms of energy [and yes, consciousness, in our joint opinion] from the far more basic and profound quality Seth calls All That Is; I also knew that I wanted to indicate how the very idea of nuclear energy, as an attribute of a national focus, compared with the situation in the Middle Eastern country of Iran. [...]
[...] I’d also mentioned the status of Three Mile Island, however, the nuclear energy generating plant located some 130 airline miles south of us, in Pennsylvania. [...]
(At my suggestion Jane has started a notebook in which to record experiences with her “beam of energy,” a concept I personally find most interesting, and with out-of-body trips, and other such adventures. [...]
[...] There are compensating, creative earth patterns occurring in terms of energy, but these do not show.
[...] Your suggestions to Ruburt along psychic lines were excellent—that he do more energy experiments. [...]
[...] This seemingly contradictory state of affairs may be the best evidence of all that Seth is truly what he says he is—“a personality energy essence, no longer focused in physical reality.”)
Ruburt did well in regenerating his energies these past few days. The outlet was excellent for him, and in this case incidentally the energy was far from lost, though it was used. [...]
I am speaking again of quite practical connections here, for as energy forms matter, matter and energy are inseparable and objects obtain their character from their owners, and from the circumstances surrounding them.