16 results for stemmed:embed

SS Part Two: Chapter 14: Session 559, November 9, 1970 evolutionary entranced embedded multidimensional catalogue

I am speaking now, in this chapter, mainly about your own planet and solar system, but the same applies to all aspects of your physical universe. You are aware, then, of only one specific, delicately balanced but unique portion of physical existence. You are not only creatures of corporeal being, forming images of flesh and blood, embedded in a particular kind of space and time; you are also creatures rising out of a particularized dimension of probabilities, born from dimensions of actuality richly suited to your own development, enrichment and growth.

(9:53.) If you have any intuitive understanding as yet concerning the nature of the entity or whole self, you will see that it has placed you in a position in which certain abilities, insights, and experience can be realized, and in which your unique kind of consciousness can be nurtured. Your slightest experience has far more repercussions within this multidimensional environment than the physical brain can conceive. For if you are intensely preoccupied with what may seem to be one infinitesimally minute aspect of reality, and while you seem to be completely embedded within it, only the most “surface” elements of the self are so entranced. I do not like the term “surface” in this regard, though I have used it to suggest the multitudinous portions of the self that are otherwise engaged — some of them as entranced in their reality as you are in yours.

TPS2 Session 664 (Deleted Portion) May 21, 1973 plastoid wheeling impact plastic angles

Far from beliefs being embedded in the so-called unconscious, they are relatively speaking more plastic there. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: January 29, 1984 optimistic impatience favorable catheter Carla

[...] They are embedded in the life of insects, and in fish and fowl. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 13: Session 556, October 26, 1970 anima animus characteristics sex aggressive

[...] The anima and the animus, therefore, are embedded deeply with their necessary complementary but apparently opposed tendencies, and they are highly important in maintaining the very nature of your human consciousness.

TES9 Session 486 June 9, 1969 passageways Pietra guests Ernie drugs

[...] The painter’s intent is embedded in his medium and in his painting.

UR1 Section 3: Session 703 June 12, 1974 blueprints dynamics Section physician frequencies

[...] And there’s more to come on the three classifications of man that Seth gave in that earlier session … And stuff on the lands of the mind, I think, which leads to our ancient civilizations and how they’re embedded in our minds now …”

UR2 Section 5: Session 720 November 13, 1974 shadows hallucinations oak cast camera

[...] Embedded within it were these lines: “Ruburt’s idea did come from me, about your reincarnational episodes involving the Roman officer, and your personal experience illustrates what I am saying in ‘Unknown’ Reality — the individual’s history is written in the psyche, and can indeed be uncovered.” [...]

TES9 Session 482 May 19, 1969 prayer dresser drawer John furniture

Your flesh is embedded in it. [...]

TES8 Session 381 November 24, 1967 table Carl pressure floor Claire

[...] This nail remained embedded in the detached leg. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 727 January 6, 1975 mountain geologist tree future rock

[...] You will seem to view finished reincarnational existences, even as from his present the geologist will discover only inanimate fossils embedded in rock. [...]

TES9 Session 447 November 11, 1968 Dave Estelle Craigs Michael triangle

I am speaking now in terms of probabilities, for the future in your terms is plastic—it is not cement in which you will become embedded.

TSM Chapter Fifteen Pietra probable selves Rob injections

[...] … The painter’s intent is embedded in his medium and in his painting.”

DEaVF1 Essay 8 Sunday, May 23, 1982 quantum Marie rheumatoid arthritis theory

Some day, for our own amusement—but hardly with the idea of convincing others, let alone influential scientists—I’ll ask Seth to comment upon whatever connections may exist between his ideas and those embedded in quantum mechanics. [...]

TSM Chapter Twelve Doris Matt reincarnation Rev Jon

“Your flesh is embedded in it now. [...]

DEaVF1 Essay 3 Friday, April 16, 1982 sinful thyroid superhuman gland hospital

The belief in sin and in the sinful self has been for uncounted centuries embedded in man’s concepts about himself and God. [...]

DEaVF1 Essay 7 Friday, May 7, 1982 reincarnational redemption essay serf magical

[...] While amusing myself I’m simplifying to a great degree: If traces of one’s “successive” lives are genetically embedded, sorting them out would be an enormous task.