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SDPC Part Three: Chapter 20 projection chemical frog awake excess

[...] Unfortunately, my critical sense was fully awakened only toward the end of the experience, though I made several valiant efforts to understand my condition.

[...] The task of trying to maintain specific states of consciousness is enough work and effort to convince anyone having the experience that far more than simple dreaming or imagination is involved.

TES1 Session 23 February 5, 1964 breathes admit camouflage plane Throckmorton

[...] Jane said the sentences making up this message were so long and involved that she made no effort to pay any attention to them while voicing them. [...]

[...] His efforts in the book The Physical World as Idea Construction represented a breakthrough on his part. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 10: Session 638, February 7, 1973 doses lsd illumination enforced assault

[...] Like many young men all through the ages he was on his individual journey, looking for truth, overturning all stones in an effort to find those methods that would help him discover — in capitals — THE WAY.

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 16: Session 659, April 25, 1973 hypnotist doctors witch hypnosis quacks

[...] In many areas of your own life, those in which you are satisfied, you need make no effort. [...]

TES3 Session 142 March 22, 1965 selves outthrust action Trainor self

[...] Also, the end came so quickly that she found herself groping briefly, in an effort to “put herself together again.” [...]

TES4 Session 159 June 2, 1965 cure sufferer illness program unsolved

[...] This, or any such too-intense effort will tend to make additional drains upon needed energy.

TPS6 Deleted Session June 11, 1981 Tam Prentice editors competent taxes

[...] Tonight I explained to Jane after supper that I now believed many of my opinions were taken by her as negative personal opinions about her work and efforts—which meant, I added, that they must have contributed at least substantially to her symptoms over the years. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session November 26, 1979 static Framework tract urinary communication

[...] You think of, say, any event in a book’s production, distribution, translation or whatever, as the kind of multidimensional creative effort and event I have tried to explain. [...]

TES9 Session 457 January 13, 1969 revelationary fiction mission hypocrisy committed

It recognizes the answers given in the sessions as legitimate, and also that these answers involve intellectual as well as intuitional effort. [...]

TES9 Session 462 February 3, 1969 mathematical perception clairvoyant medium pessimistic

(However, my efforts to project, or rather the remembrance of projecting, were again dismal failures. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session October 24, 1977 faith Framework crash intimacy sustained

[...] After all of this person’s planning, hard work and effort, at the last moment everything seems to go wrong. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 17: Session 568, February 22, 1971 Speakers devil evil soul religions

[...] The apropos portion of that session, which was held for friends in an effort to resolve certain problems, is given in the Appendix, with notes. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 19: Session 575, March 24, 1971 projectionist level communication adjacent alternate

[...] I made no effort to record the conversation.)

TSM Chapter Eleven Sally Jon Ann Jim Lindens

[...] (Some reincarnational data is much more recent and can be checked to some extent if the people involved have the time and want to make the effort. [...]

[...] This should not be a wishful-thinking sort of thing, but a definite effort to understand that her form is composed of this energy, and in this way he can help her use it to advantage. [...]

TES6 Session 243 March 21, 1966 receipt handstamp motor bottom March

[...] We haven’t been this faithful but have decided to make stronger efforts here. [...]

[...] Following Seth’s recent suggestions, usually given in unscheduled sessions, I have been making conscious efforts concerning my reactions to my parents. [...]

TES7 Session 320 February 20, 1967 compulsive pamper token denial sweaters

Yes, Ruburt should make an effort, some at least, to go out in the morning, if it only be down the stairs and around the yard. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session January 28, 1978 disapproval garage plunger copout crisis

Since our last session, you both made considerable efforts, so that you momentarily managed to suspend self-disapproval for some periods of time. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Sessions July 9, 1977 Saturday July 10, 1977 fanatic threat fools safety rancor

[...] I am aware of your efforts to put these sessions into practice.

TES9 Session 505 October 13, 1969 landscape ladder thumb units rock

[...] You were also making your own way up the ladder, this indicating your knowledge that your own efforts are involved.

TPS4 Deleted Session June 3, 1978 pendulum recover walk issues specific

[...] Everything that I am saying tonight is an effort to minimize Ruburt’s discomfort, and to quicken the healing. [...]

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