Results 141 to 160 of 257 for stemmed:easier

NotP Chapter 10: Session 793, February 14, 1977 children play imagination games adults

[...] It is sometimes easier to choose an unfamiliar location, however, for then you are not tempted to test yourself as you go along by wondering whether or not the imagined scenes conform to your memory.

NoME Part Two: Chapter 4: Session 826, March 8, 1978 grandmother invisible Framework psychological vaults

[...] Yet, strangely, I can consciously accept that my grandmother passed away more than half a century ago easier than I can the fact that my own father and mother have already been dead for seven and five years, respectively.

TES8 Session 417 June 17, 1968 stream refreshment Cayce emotional prospectus

[...] He is more emotionally attuned than you, in that it is easier for him, when coming out of his private world, to rush toward you with spontaneity. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, March 12, 1968 peace space banter solve sorrowful

[...] This is their last reincarnation, and I tell you it is much easier to solve your problems now than to solve them later, and they are solving theirs now. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Sessions May 3, 1978 Wayne flamboyant discipline housewife shine

[...] He can indeed walk easier and better now —another suggestion that he can begin to use. [...]

NoPR Introduction by Jane Roberts Sumari guide spirit Cyprus Speakers

[...] This is much easier and faster than taping each session, replaying it, and then typing. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 5: Session 623, October 25, 1972 sound assessment Speakers glasses inner

[...] Now for most people it is easier to get glasses.

TES4 Session 192 September 25, 1965 silt lake artifacts cove Bill

Objects hidden then are easier to see. [...]

TES1 Session 1 December 2, 1963 Watts Yes Towson Frank Gratis

[...] However it presents no problem, and is used to make reading easier.

TES1 Session 13 January 6, 1964 enzymes chlorophyll solidified mental wires

[...] Now I use color as an example first because it is easier perhaps to understand how this could be a mental enzyme, than it is to understand the same thing about chlorophyll. [...]

TES8 ESP Class Session February 8, 1968 Lydia Kluft Indian Connie Arc

[...] It is much easier if your theories fit reality, but if they do not, then you do not change reality one iota. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session July 25, 1977 future compliment equated confidence uncreative

[...] It is better to concentrate on the subjective reality involved—that is easier, for if successful you will automatically tune into the future self that “emerged” from your present reality. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, June 15, 1971 Ellen Florence Alpha Joel sedate

[...] The freedom is yours now, as available to you as it is to me, and easier for you to use since you are more familiar with your own body than I am with Ruburt’s. You direct it outward unconsciously as you go about your daily endeavors so easily and so automatically that the miracle of it escapes you. [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 6: Session 527, May 11, 1970 soul perception citadels extrasensory mortal

Now unfortunately, it would be much easier simply to tell you that your individuality continues to exist, and let it go at that. [...]

UR1 Section 3: Session 699 May 22, 1974 photograph dream snapshots waking picture

[...] It might be easier here, perhaps, if you compare a scene from a dream with a scene in a photograph. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 739 February 24, 1975 hill house trees neighborhood fireplace

[...] You will also have another kind of freedom: Your psychic and other creative work will be easier simply because you will not have others so close to contend with in terms of thought patterns.3

TPS4 Deleted Session June 28, 1978 extremist Emir Eleanor screenwriter Townsend

[...] Ruburt knows he stands easier in the bathroom, for example, but did not realize that was significant.

TES3 Session 135 February 24, 1965 electrical distance intensities Callahan Mark

It should be easier now for you to understand this vitality, since we have already spoken in terms of reality existing by means of intensities. [...]

TES5 Session 208 November 15, 1965 primary secondary clock gravity conditions

It was easier for me to make certain realignments and adjustments of a necessary nature. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 3: Session 616, September 20, 1972 protoplasm amoeba conform Willy cat

[...] Remember, there are no divisions, so the terms used are simply to make the discussion easier.

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