Results 21 to 40 of 110 for stemmed:drug
[...] Instead, for example, many of you accept the way of drugs, where such feelings and thoughts are thrust upon you, or forced out of you while you are denied the stabilizing comforts of the conscious mind.
[...] Not only nightmares, as mentioned earlier (in the last session), but many other dreams follow rhythms of a therapeutic nature far more effectively than any that are drug-induced. [...]
[...] As physical creatures you will be partially changed by any chemical or element, or food or drug that becomes part of your living system, but those effects will follow the nature of your beliefs.
The use of certain drugs has been experimented with at various times through the ages, but these provide merely an undisciplined, intriguing glimpse into what is possible; and for some time in your future they will not be either practical or in the main beneficial, for reasons that I shall go into after you take your break.
As far as these drugs are concerned there are a few points I would like to make. [...]
The use of these drugs sweeps the personality off its feet. [...]
[...] (Pause.) And more refined drugs to enable individuals to accept foreign tissue. One will be in the line of birth control involving the male, and the other will involve a drug helpful to the nervous system in regard to memory.
[...] It would help you if you kept very well-informed concerning transplants, for there are advantages and possibilities open here in terms of drugs still to be discovered, within which your company may later become involved.
[...] Drugs will play no small role within the next fifty years, but those who will progress will be daring. [...]
It is the choosing of the right men not only in the organization as salesmen and in public relations, but also in using judgment and intuition as to those men in another field entirely who will come up with new products, new drug inventions, new ideas, and it is here that the company suffers severely, depending on the tried and true.
Now: you can depress the body and the mind through certain drugs, destroying that great natural resiliency. A concentration upon negative thoughts and feelings to the exclusion of all else, will depress the mind and body as surely as any drugs.
[...] Generally drugs impede that resiliency.
Because of the ego’s particular line of development, you have experimented with artificial drugs and chemicals, both in foods and for medicinal purposes, as well as for “religious” enlightenment. Some of the effects of LSD7 and other artificial psychedelic drugs give you a hint of other probable directions your consciousness might have followed, or might still follow. [...] Instead, using methods other than drugs, it could be taught to expand its knowledge far more safely, to organize it in ways that could be most advantageous. [...]
[...] One night he stood at the kitchen window, and quite without drugs saw a rainy puddle below suddenly turn into an alive, beautifully fluid creature who stood up and walked while the rain slid off its liquid sides.
[...] In the drug experience mentioned before (in the last session), startling, enforced symbols and occurrences are suddenly thrust upon the conscious mind; and more, within a context in which time as it knows it has little meaning. [...]
[...] In a strong drug experience you take physical demonstration out of its natural framework, presenting it in such a way that its usual reactions make no sense. [...]
It is always because you do not trust the natural self that you resort to such drug therapy. [...]
(Monday evening’s session concerned the use of hallucinogenic drugs, including LSD, as therapy; no book dictation was involved. [...]
(9:29.) A discussion involving LSD, conscience, the “death and birth of the self,” mental health and spiritual illumination, may not seem applicable to those of you who have not taken drugs. [...]
[...] Often they immediately take a drug to bring the fever down, when the fever was actually meant to burn out certain microbes that were indeed detrimental to the body’s overall excellent condition. [...]
If you believe, however, that such a fever is very detrimental, and you are afraid of it, believing furthermore that only an aspirin or other drug will help relieve you, then it becomes necessary to take advantage of such a medicine—because you do not believe enough in the body’s own defense system. [...]
(When he first appeared John mentioned that he had attended a meeting for medical salesman in Cleveland OH earlier this month; John is a sales representative for Searle Drug. [...]
[...] During break we discussed John’s company, Searle Drug, which is in the throes of financial difficulties compounded by management problems; Seth has discussed this often when John has been present, and to date his statements have been accurate.
(Just before break ended the conversation concerned some of the new drug products Searle has coming on the market. [...]
(John attended a salesmen’s meeting, held by his employer, Searle Drug, in Cleveland OH on January 12-14,1966. [...]
Seth said that no changes would occur in the organization with which John is now connected, Searle Drug, until next February at the earliest. [...]
(Seth also told John that the data given on Searle Drug, its financial and personal entanglements, plus John’s own promising prospects if he remained with the firm through its present crises, still applied. [...]
(Thursday evening, September 10, John Bradley visited us while on a selling trip to Elmira for his company, Searle Drug. [...]
[...] An experimental treatment that’s just been announced, involving injections into certain eye muscles of a drug derived from the toxin of botulism, may ultimately benefit her; the procedure, which apparently has no side effects, can eliminate the need for surgery by encouraging the realignment of the eyes. Jane is still very much against drugs and surgery, though—even while she’s well aware of the contradictions in her beliefs as she continues to take daily the synthetic thyroid hormone and the liquid salicylate medication prescribed by Dr. Mandali. [...]
This isolation would be unfortunate enough without the application of drugs meant to help, but often given without understanding. [...]
[...] Drugs can only hamper this.
Certain kinds of medications can indeed help, but those given in your hospitals simply drug the consciousness out of its own understanding, and inhibit the body mechanisms that make for an easy transition. [...]
[...] No important correlations have been made between the subjective experiences of the old, particularly in “senile” conditions, with those of other ages involved in expansion of consciousness, whether natural or drug induced.