Results 21 to 40 of 41 for stemmed:dose

NoME Part Three: Chapter 8: Session 859, June 6, 1979 impulses Heroics Freudian overweight murderous

[...] He suggested X-rays, however, “just to be on the safe side,” and so her body was treated to a basically unnecessary dose of radiation in the name of preventative medicine.

TPS6 Deleted Session May 10, 1982 Dr thyroid dozing Cummins gland

[...] We do think Jane may be a little better off with the reduced Synthroid dose, although this may be hard to prove. [...]

TES7 Session 318 February 8, 1967 Muriel Zeh poetic clairvoyant subconscious

[...] The cod-liver oil should not be renewed, although he was told it is a protection against arthritis; the word itself operates with each dose in a negative way.

TES8 Session 388 December 20, 1967 daughter John wife Peg crippled

[...] In this John acquiesced, to learn patience and forbearing, to take what he considered his medicine in one dose, so to speak.

TES7 Session 313 January 18, 1967 John company caucus m.j Chicago

[...] Two grams would be a large dose, John said, of any drug.

NoME Part Three: Chapter 6: Session 846, April 4, 1979 Jonestown cult fallout reactor Island

[...] There’s much debate already about the “cancer deaths” that may show up in the local populace, since no one really knows yet just what a “safe” dose of radiation could be in such a situation. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session June 1, 1981 Werner Jim Adams muscular difficulties

Ruburt’s body has been given an enlarged dose of stress lately, for the reasons mentioned here. [...]

TES9 Session 456 January 8, 1969 approach restricts portrait potato technique

[...] This is your artistic prescription, and half doses will not do a full job.

TES8 Session 362 September 11, 1967 Bernard mirage stocky Sarah John

[...] Therefore a rather large dose of vitamin D is recommended daily, in any acceptable form.

TPS6 Deleted Session April 28, 1982 Wrigley thyroid Mr chair commending

[...] This would save a trip to St. Joseph’s Hospital next Monday, and perhaps speed things up a bit, for I felt that Jane could now use a boost in thyroid activity through a stronger dose of supplement, Synthroid. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 10: Session 640, February 14, 1973 therapeutic therapy illumination grace chemicals

[...] The heavy doses of chemicals introduced from the outside, however, give you an entirely different kind of situation and add new stresses. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 3: Session 889, December 17, 1979 units waves cu particles operate

3. Earlier this evening I’d wondered to Jane why we keep dosing ourselves with the endless barrage of bad news the TV networks offer us as we eat supper each day. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session July 4, 1977 waking sleeping rational prime Dialogues

Alienation in small doses can be a stimulus for achievement, but overdone it is of no help at all. [...]

TSM Author’s Introduction paranormal God students Carol advice

[...] A surviving soul seemed part and parcel of the adults’ nonsense I’d thought I’d escaped, thanks to a college education, a quick mind, and a fine dose of native rebelliousness. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 10: Session 933, August 7, 1981 Bahais pleasure tribe dreamers Shiite

[...] Since 1925 scientists have been steadily reducing their estimates of what a “safe” dose for human beings really is, however, and many now believe that there’s no such thing as a completely harmless amount of even low-level radiation. [...]

NoME Part One: Chapter 1: Session 804, May 9, 1977 senility biological alien defense social

[...] At biological levels the body often produces its own “preventative medicine,” or “inoculations,” by seeking out, for example, new or foreign substances in its environment [that are] due to nature, science or technology; it assimilates such properties in small doses, coming down with an “illness” which, left alone, would soon vanish as the body utilized what it could [of it], or socialized “a seeming invader.”

TPS6 Deleted Session July 17, 1981 publicity enjoyment radio responsibility Prentice

[...] Small doses of such attitudes can be handled, of course: people do not have to be entirely satisfied with their own performances in order to be reasonably happy and healthy. [...]

DEaVF1 Essay 1 Thursday, April 1, 1982 hospital Mandali backside thyroid arthritis

—wiped away the results of the three strong doses of prune juice I’d been given. [...]

TES1 Session 19 January 27, 1964 camouflage fuel instruments plane brain

[...] I am not a doctor but I am certainly giving you a dose.

TSM Chapter Eleven Sally Jon Ann Jim Lindens

[...] In this, Jon subconsciously acquiesced, to learn patience and forbearing—to take what he considered his medicine all in one dose, so to speak.”

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