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Quality-depth is therefore a sort of perspective having to do with value fulfillment. I can perhaps give you an analogy. Quality-depth is the sort of perspective, the only perspective, in which an idea can expand. It could be said to take the place of both your space and time, though this is somewhat simplifying matters.
It is the perspective in which psychic motion occurs. In hypnosis for example a trance is said to be light or deep. This corresponds somewhat to the kind of depth that is involved here. Unfortunately, when you think of depth you think in terms of a movement at once inward and outward.
This is an instance of true traveling, or psychic motion. Now this quality that could be said to be a substitute for your space and time, this quality-depth, represents the perspective in which this sort of psychic traveling or psychic motion, or any psychic action, occurs; and its depth can be understood not in terms of downward action, but perhaps you can comprehend it if you think of a deep trance, for example, as definitely having motion, though the body may be motionless.
But in a trance depth, as in quality-depth, the motion has a direction that cannot be thought of in terms of up or down, north or south, east or west. The motion is action through quality or value dimension. I have been meaning to speak about this. It could easily be called the inner extension of your psychological time, so you will see its importance.
Depths are contained within this system that are not depths in terms of space, but rather definite depths and dimensions in terms of varying intensities. [...]
There is, again, depth which is a depth of intensity; and yet within this depth of intensity there exists distances in terms of action, which is a fairly new idea in these sessions.
[...] Now indeed this electrical field in which thoughts and emotions and dreams have an independent actuality, this field contains depths and dimensions of a sort most difficult to explain.
The distance occurs within the intensity of an action within the electrical field, as to say, you could fall into depths of intensity. [...]
The depth of this reality cannot be plunged into in the same manner that one plunges into a river or a stream. The depth of this reality can, again, be compared to the depth of a sleep or a trance, or the depth of any common psychological experience.
[...] The elements of the painting would expand in the same way that I have told you the universe expands, in a way that has nothing to do with space but of value fulfillment, which has its own kind of depth and perspective, and which exists not only behind but within the construction of matter.
Ruburt I believe once wrote a poem in which he stated, much more poetically indeed, that pain was deeper than a lake or a river; and this type of depth is that to which I refer here. [...]
I have spoken in the past of depths that have nothing to do with space as you conceive space to be; and I will now add to this the idea of psychological solidities, that have nothing to do with space as you conceive it.
(See the 59th session, page 134; in which Seth deals with quality-depth, value fulfillment, etc.)
Each consciousness, besides the material structure or material form, also possesses a psychological structure that exists in a depth and solidity in another perspective which the outer senses do no perceive. [...]
[...] They become physically apparent to some degree in the emotions, which do have definite form, certain mass, depth, and solidity in the realm of psychological perspective which you do not physically perceive.
At certain depths of sleep, however, the soul’s perception operates relatively unhampered. [...] You communicate with the depths of your own being, and the source of your creativity. [...] Dreams, however, may later the same evening be formed from the information gained during what I will call the “depth experience.” [...]
Life, however, is far too profound and multitudinous, and requires great depths of emotional response and action that could never be satisfied adequately by any given set of circumstances, however favorable.
[...] Most such persons are quite peaceful rather than violent, and their emotional experience may indeed cover nuances and depths unknown to normal persons.
(Pause.) The material just given also helps to explain, you see, the dark emotional depths he traveled, for he followed this very far, spiritually to the depths, and then began his way out. [...]
[...] You had your own time of it, partially for the same reason, but he had to face the depths of his own terror, and rise and walk away from it, if he were ever to help others do the same.
[...] I didn’t realize how much depended on the depth of my trance and on my willingness to give him freedom—I had to learn not to “block” information that came through. [...]
[...] He varied the depth of my trances during tests so I could get the feel of various stages of consciousness, and also showed me how to let him use my own personal associations in order to get certain data. [...]
As Seth varied the trance depths, I became aware of two lines of consciousness, his and my own, and to understand at least to some degree when my own personal associations were an aid and when they were a detriment. [...]
[...] Sound, then, can be felt as well as heard, although you might say in such cases that the sound is heard in the depths of the tissues. [...]
[...] When we return to the inner senses again, we will be able to discuss them in further depth because of the material that we have covered in the meantime.
They will be given with great emotional rapport, and I hope of my own depth of compassion and understanding for the human condition. [...]
[...] As it is you have no real conscious conception in any meaningful way of what I will tell you; and yet you are using intuitional and emotional depths that you have not allowed yourself to use before, and I will tell you, when you are finished, the reasons.