Results 1 to 20 of 469 for stemmed:contact
(The session, Jane said, verged often on the unpleasant, as if Blanche had to go through her own last memories first in order to make contact, and we wondered whether a survival personality would want to do this very often. As I continued speaking, trying to help Jane get an emotional feeling of making contact without being engulfed by any strong or unpleasant emotion that Blanche might be reexperiencing, Jane began to whimper in a subdued way. I thought this reinforced the fact of contact, yet at the same time reassured Jane, by name, that she could do very well, and that Seth and I were with her as protectors.
(Jane’s head did not remain still however, but began to tip to one side at times; then she would right it again while seemingly making efforts to speak. She said the left hand movements were weird to her, and felt subjectively “like a dead hand.” As though it were necessary almost for Blanche to go through the experience of being ill once again in order to make contact through Jane, and to even approach the death experience itself. At no time, Jane said, did she “see” Blanche, or feel disembodied herself; yet she felt at the same time that contact had been made. If play acting was involved, Jane said later, it was on a completely subconscious level where she would possess no egotistical knowledge that such was transpiring.
(This session is a summary of proceedings, from notes made immediately after. As Seth mentioned in the last session, Jane decided this evening to try to contact a survival personality as a medium would ordinarily for interested observers or relatives.
(In a dimly lit atmosphere we sat at the living room table by the windows. Jane asked Seth for signs of his presence; Seth had talked about giving such signs, soon, in the last session. The session began at about 9PM and lasted until the regular time of 10:30. Jane spoke to Seth in a quiet voice for some little time, but no results were obtained; nothing out of the ordinary was noticed by either of us. Jane then suggested that I speak to Seth, since I was used to doing so; her hope being that by going into trance on her own she might contact a survival personality—namely, Blanche Price.
[...] Seth told Rob again that contact could be facilitated by the Psychological Time exercises. (These will be explained in the chapter dealing with the development of psychic abilities.) Rob did these exercises several times that week without making any contact with Dr. Pietra as far as he knew. On June 16 Seth surprised us by saying that near contact had been made twice.
The thought of such contact is highly intriguing, and we cannot help but wonder what effect it would have, not only on Rob and Dr. Pietra, but on their separate systems of reality. Only Seth’s assurances that contact is possible under certain conditions leads us to even consider it; the chances against such contact seem so high. [...]
[...] We haven’t been able to make any conscious contact with Dr. Pietra. As I write this now, we are approaching the autumn months when Seth said contact would again be possible.
Seth told us quite a bit about this “man” that night, and described some of the methods he was using in an attempt to contact this reality. [...]
[...] The physical brain is cushioned against shock because in this case consciousness travels at such a fast pace that ordinarily contact between it and the body would be severed.
[...] Any contacts on your part will probably include internal visual data. [...] (Jane dictates:) In either case, naturally, contact is not possible at all times. [...]
(“Will our abilities grow as we practice contacting you?”)
(“Why is Jane rather reserved about our contacts with you? [...]
(“Could either one of us, using the board alone, contact you?”)
[...] This might not be unusual, though the words in this context are a bit out of the ordinary; and Jane and I wonder whether these, repeated twice among what seems to be gibberish and other unrelated words, might not be the first groping attempts of Frank Watts to make contact with us.
Contact for u.
(“Who or what would we contact?”)
(“Do you mean we can or should try to contact every spirit?”)
[...] We will discuss the interrelationship that exists between all systems of reality, including certain points of contact that include them all. These various points can be mathematically deduced, and will, in some future of yours, serve as contact points, taking the place of space travel in some cases.”
[...] That you can even contact me is a most remarkable development. Yet had you not been able to contact me, I would not be what I am.”
“There exists what could almost be compared to a psychological and psychic warp in dimensions, and that corner of Ruburt’s personality is an apex point at which communication and contact can take place.”
He is himself trying to make contact after finally discovering where you were. [...] He may make contact with you in his now during this visit, but this may not be known by you or experienced by you until some time in your future.
I will let you know very shortly what is happening if you are not aware yourself of contact. Conceivably he could make contact with you in the past, and you would have forgotten, but this is not the case. [...]
[...] That you can even contact me (pause), is a most remarkable development. Yet had you not been able to contact me I would not be what I am.
You have always been then in contact with me, but you were only able to see a portion of me. [...]
In one way, in the most important way, and in the only basic way, I am Seth, dispensing with certain (pause) characteristics which are mine (leaning forward) which I used to contact you.
(In here, Jane again felt the surge of energy.) There are points of contact having nothing to do with time as you know it, that are extremely significant to all personalities, origins of new energy that are sometimes suddenly brought into existence because of the strong, latent psychic capacities within individual selves.
[...] Most people, as I mentioned, experience their contacts with the world through many prepared structures—that of church, community, clubs, professional organizations, family affiliations, academic affiliations—and these frameworks serve automatically to cushion such contact, and in a way, while permitting contact with the world, also blunting it to some extent. [...]
[...] As contacts with the world are lessened, however, there is little feedback, so that the “dangers” of the world can easily become exaggerated—and little experience is gained in dealing with the far more mundane aspects of such contact.
[...] A lingering feeling allows those who have left your system to keep in contact with it if they so desire. [...]
[...] The stubborn spirit, usually impelled by still strong unfulfilled wishes, refuses to break contact.
It is far easier to learn and to make contacts now, for this is training that will be invaluable. [...]
Our contacts now are not just contacts with Robert F. Butts and Jane Roberts, and that is why I have always used your entity names. The contact is also with your other reincarnated selves that you do not presently recall. [...]
[...] You do not have to contact it nor its other spirals, in that you already belong to it.
[...] Now, I am part of another triangle still, that is within this circle, and through my contacts with this other triangle there are abilities, perceptions, insights, talents available to you that you have barely begun to tap.
Despite all your own tendencies to avoid such contact, you are bringing it about through our sessions, and the importance of the material—the inner self placing you in a position where such contact will come about. [...]
[...] (Pause.) You are not to avoid contact, and to do us full justice this would be impossible. [...]
There is nothing any more strange in such contact than there is in my contact with you. But because you are so involved with camouflage apparent reality, contact with such intelligence will be a startling discovery. The contact made will be from one male to another, although the alien male, from another camouflage galaxy, will be more involved than you consider possible.
The actual telepathy contact with this alien intelligence will occur, your time I believe, not too far distant, perhaps by the year 2001. [...] The intelligence that you contact will no longer inhabit that same universe by the time that the contact is made.
By then you will have discovered that your present theory of the expanding universe is in error; and this error will, nevertheless, affect your calculations as to the exact location in your space, of the intelligence that is contacted. The contact will be made, I believe, in Australia.
[...] However at 8:55 Jane got flashes from Seth that perhaps Seth was educating other personalities on midplanes to contact personalities on our plane.
[...] We are aware of a change in this contact, that makes our conditions more advantageous.
[...] Ruburt, under such circumstances, cannot travel symbolically from his own atmosphere, though the contacts at our end may be clear. [...]
[...] We are keeping it up so that you will realize we are still in contact.
In your contact physically with others these tendencies also apply. Ruburt will allow himself to be taken advantage of, for example, more easily than you in personal contacts. [...]
As mentioned, the far contact point is somewhat more manageable for you than for Ruburt, but affects you nevertheless. [...]
[...] This is in keeping you see with the fact that you felt more threatened than Ruburt at those boundary-near-contact points. [...]
When you closed off and retreated to compensate, you came closer to the people with whom you work, enjoying their safer emotional contact. [...]
[...] You came in contact with him at various times. His wife Geneva—that is not Geneva the city, G-e-n-e-v-e-v-a (spelled out)—came to Ruburt to contact a dead brother. [...]
(“Is it possible for us to contact our own entities?”
[...] From the information you have been given before, and from the above paragraph, you should know that you are in contact with your own entities, in that the mind is a portion of the entity to begin with. [...]
In your visions you are in contact with your entity. [...]
(I do not know whether I finished or not; I have the feeling George Marshall promised to contact me. [It will be remembered that Seth had instructed Jane and me to ask this of whomever we managed to contact during psychological time.]
(“Why was it so easy, Tom Roberts, for you to contact us tonight?”)
(“Does Seth know you are contacting us now?”)
(“Have you contacted others like us yet?”)