Results 441 to 460 of 492 for stemmed:color

TPS6 Deleted Session July 20, 1981 handicap Tom symptoms insight aggravated

[...] You also wanted a bridge and protective coloration. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session December 13, 1972 move resentment dwelling money tenants

[...] Because you have no family you do respond with and to your environment strongly, and that response colors your health and your work.

TES1 Session 26 February 18, 1964 John Philip Bradley human evolution

[...] Yet if two people see, in your terms see, the same apparition, then instantly we must speak in terms of the weight of the apparition seen, the color of the eyes. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 21: Session 674, July 2, 1973 Christ Gospels affirmation love Matthew

[...] One of the photographs accompanying the piece was a double-page, full color aerial view of the entire city in its desert setting; Jane and I found this so evocative that I mounted it for easy study. [...]

TES2 Session 65 June 28, 1964 land acre purchase house intimacy

The large room is healthy, the white color good. [...]

TES3 Session 108 November 18, 1964 inwardness fruit Sonja November universe

[...] in fall colors. [...]

TES9 Session 466 March 10, 1969 Tom Virginia Milligans banking merger

There is still considerable coloration, but this is to be expected, and you will work through it. [...]

TSM Chapter Fifteen Pietra probable selves Rob injections

[...] The drug may have the effect of coloring his image, so do not be surprised at a yellow or purplish tinge. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session April 16, 1979 taxes Joyce Bill Gallagher conventional

[...] To some extent (underlined) those views, colored by a different era, were those of your own father, concerning at least the world of commerce, business, and so forth. [...]

TES1 Session 29 February 26, 1964 plane Callahan Miss Watts camouflage

[...] His dream was a mixture of telepathy, and this legitimate telepathic message was colored by the other elements that made up the dream, and this was subconscious fantasy. [...]

UR1 Section 2: Session 688 March 6, 1974 cu dolphins holes cell neurological

[...] The ghostly qualities in that event fit in with what I was trying to do in the painting: By leaving the thick gray and white underpainting of my “portrait” of “Jane” without color, I realized, I could express not only a probable interpretation of her, but the colorless qualities of the Saratoga experience itself. [...]

SDPC Part One: Chapter 1 constructions Cunningham idea entity amoeba

[...] It represents the emotional coloration of the individual’s ideas and constructions at any given “time.”

SS Part Two: Chapter 22: Session 588, August 2, 1971 pope bells Rome donkeys occupations

[...] The number of bells, their particular pitch, even the colors, all had meaning. [...]

TES2 Session 47 April 24, 1964 Roarck Jim esthetic a.s.p.r office

[...] Somewhere nearby is the color red, perhaps in a linoleum. [...]

UR2 Section 5: Session 719 November 11, 1974 snapshots photograph milk camera picture

[...] I was very thin beneath the blanket, which I believe was an ivory color.

SDPC Part Two: Chapter 6 tree bark Malba Rob midplane

[...] You must remember what I said earlier about mental enzymes and my remark that color can sometimes be heard … The tree recognizes a human being, though it does not see the human being in your terms. [...]

TES3 Session 100 October 26, 1964 Jimmy j.j Marian thermostat Jeep

[...] The second time, I again saw the apples in sections, but this time in full color. [...]

TMA Session Two August 11, 1980 Brenner rational deer Floyd magical

“In vivid color: I lived in my parents’ house at 704 North Wilbur Avenue, in Sayre, Pennsylvania. [...]

TPS2 Session 604 January 12, 1972 Sumarians Sumerian carving Baalbek instrument

[...] Time is like color. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 21: Session 586, July 24, 1971 Christ Paul historical Saul zealot

[...] It will not be oriented in terms of one sex, one color, or one race.

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