Results 1 to 20 of 180 for stemmed:clue

TPS4 Deleted Session November 19, 1977 hired coincidences clues Beloff detectives

Your world is full, however, of hints and clues that are relatively invisible simply because you do not look for them, since they do not fit the overall view of reality that currently rules the civilization.

Before that meeting, while consciously doing what they thought should be done—hiring detectives, searching down clues—they each followed inner directions without knowing it, because you are not taught to think of such things.

In Framework 2 Ruburt’s normal walking is coming about in the same fashion, only you have far more clues to which still to some extent you close your eyes, as our hypothetical friends did when they lived on the same street without knowing it.

(11:03.) You are at times ignoring the significant clues, and seeing them instead as insignificant, in the light of the completed normal picture. Now that causes an additional tension, and impediments in Framework 1 that slow down the process to whatever degree, which is exactly what you want to avoid.

TPS5 Jane’s Dream August 21, Tuesday moats castle cliffs spy adventure

(Long involved adventure type dream, spy adventure I think; I climb cliffs, castle moats etc, seeking clues and am very effective. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session June 8, 1981 Cec Curt cheesecake Ellspeth Saturday

[...] You have, again, perceived some small clues as to such inner behavior. These clues are seemingly oddly assorted ones involving such issues as cheesecake, the repair of an old chair, old photographs and a photography shop, and the meeting of an old acquaintance after some period of time. [...]

[...] These encounters in their own ways are meant to show you that other people do indeed mean well, that they send good wishes in your directions (long pause), and the small clues mentioned earlier are meant, again, to remind you of the inner unity and correspondences beneath events. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 15, 1984 Rita mopped heparin styles freer

[...] With creative people, however, there are always intrusions, hints or clues from ways of thinking that certainly appear foreign, and creative people use those hints and clues to construct an art, a musical composition or whatever. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 19: Session 669, June 11, 1973 imagination twenty simultaneous current solution

[...] In miniature form each day contains, in its own way, clues to all of your own simultaneous existences. [...]

Vague yearnings toward certain accomplishments may be clues that the necessary characteristics are inherent but untrained in the self that you know. [...]

[...] There will even be clear clues as to the proper direction for you to take — these will already be within your experience, but unrecognized because you are concentrating so upon the problem.

Because you now distrust the imagination so, you do not understand the great clues it gives you, both in terms of problem solving and of creative expression. [...]

ECS4 Jane’s Exercise in Class August 31, 1971 pyramid flash gladly Return freedom

[...] The feelings themselves can be clues, so that when you feel them again they’re familiar. [...]

[...] Let it bring you clues as to the nature of reality. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, June 29, 1971 Joel beyond flesh kinda sand

I do bid you a fond good evening and I suggest that you pay particular attention not only to your dream periods but to your ordinary waking experience this week for clues as to your own reincarnational... [...] and for clues also as to the nature of the experiment which is still continuing and whose nature you do not as yet completely understand. [...]

TES3 Session 120 January 11, 1965 fields chemicals mankind bravo excess

[...] He tries, therefore, to construct a model of the universe with only a handful of available clues.

The clues which he does not look for would lead toward not mere dry generalized facts, but facts that are at the basis of the universe as he knows it. [...]

[...] Yet this inner self, this inner vitality, is one of the main clues which man refuses to recognize, calling it an unreasonable assumption, but not willing to examine it for those characteristics which show it to be the most reasonable and logical of phenomena.

DEaVF2 Chapter 9: Session 932, August 4, 1981 Polly bedroom Peter events unnoticed

Those inner processes, however, also give many clues as to some native abilities that you have used “in the past” as a species. [...]

[...] Now the visit and Ruburt’s earlier feelings and thoughts were part of the same event, except that his subjective experience gave him clues as to the inner processes by which all events take place. [...]

In the next chapter I hope to show you the importance of value fulfillment in your own life, and give you clues that will allow you to take better advantage of your own subjective and objective opportunities for such development.

SS Part Two: Chapter 19: Session 576, March 29, 1971 fluctuations blank waking memory normal

[...] These various stages all represent different attributes and directions inherent within your own soul; clues and hints of them, shadows and reflections appear even in the consciousness that you know. [...] It is only because you usually use your waking consciousness in limited ways that you do not encounter these clues with any regularity.

[...] A single image may suddenly open up into an entire mental landscape, but you will know none of this if you do not acknowledge the first clues that are just beneath present awareness, and almost transparent if you are only willing to look.

UR1 Section 2: Session 693 April 29, 1974 Markle estate Joseph house Sayre

New paragraph: Even in your private lives, however, there are clues as to other kinds of sequences in which events can occur — and do. [...] In your idea of reality such clues appear insignificant. [...]

[...] Believing such clues to be meaningless, the conscious mind does not perceive them, or calls them coincidences. Such clues in your intimate daily life, however, looked at in a different way, can tell you much about the potentials of the species, and give you glimpses of other systems of reality in which human consciousness can respond. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, August 11, 1970 dazzle roses Kyle crushing turmoil

[...] Now, if you really learn to keep track of your dreams and record them over a period of time, you may get a clue as to what these activities are. There are other ways of obtaining clues in psychological time, for example, but if I were you, I would be much more curious about what I do in my dreams for you can utilize these abilities in the waking state. [...]

TES9 Session 468 March 17, 1969 Roy imposed pyramid robe checkpoints

[...] The kind of symptom and its observability is often a clue as to the problem and to the individual’s attitude toward it. [...]

[...] Intuitively you also provided clues that he needed this evening, but he was also ready to put them together.

SS Part Two: Chapter 16: Session 566, February 15, 1971 probable violin selves bleed event

[...] These can often offer clues of various kinds. [...]

[...] Watch out for events that appear to make no sense, for they are often clues to larger invisible events.

NotP Chapter 11: Session 800, April 4, 1977 downtrodden nourishment psyche stance chords

[...] You will not “glimpse eternal life” by attempting to deny the life that you have now — for that life is your own unique path, and provides its own clues for you to follow.

No one from any psychological threshold, however vast, can write a book that defines the psyche, but only present hints and clues, words and symbols. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session December 1, 1981 re ll asleep conflict delays

[...] Every delay or missed session is a clue, for you never offer to make them up, nor have you for a long time now said let’s have a spontaneous session. [...]

(“So if the next few sessions don’t give some clues as to what’s going on,” I said, “it may mean the end of the sessions.... [...]

[...] I told her I thought we’d had plenty of clues as to her true resistance to them ever since the inception of Mass Events and the numerous delays involving that work. [...]

SS Appendix: Session 592, August 23, 1971 Essenes Sue records falsified Qumran

There were other clues also, certain other signs to be taken in conjunction with these, that appeared within the texts.

[...] The signs mentioned were but some of the clues used. [...]

[...] There were even certain ways of handling a preceding word, so that the word would be a clue that the next word was false. [...]

TES3 Session 121 January 13, 1965 telepathy intangible study elementary telepathic

[...] Such evidences of other actualities could serve as important clues, which if followed could then begin to unravel the secrets which are secrets merely because of man’s refusal to pursue them.

These clues could lead to proper understanding, so that it would be known that the physical body does exist in many fields of actuality, and through the study of various portions of the body many glimmerings could be received concerning the various fields of actuality themselves.

TPS7 Deleted Session January 3, 1983 tray Sonsire sling swaddled Ken

(“Let me know when you get clues as what part is speaking,” I said. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 11: Session 937, November 19, 1981 Floyd raccoon chimney genetic coon

[...] There is a kind of larger spontaneous order of which the seemingly unpredictable elements of your world provide their own clues.

[...] It everywhere provides hints and clues as to its own actuality [...]

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