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ECS1 ESP Class Session, February 20, 1968 shall demonstrations somber am gentleman

We are now embarking upon a new point in your classes and if my friend Ruburt will allow me you shall have at times another teacher for I shall step in now and then to provide my own demonstrations. [...] Any words of mine will always be spoken to quicken your own education for as I have said often, I am an educator and that is my main purpose and my purpose in this class. [...]

[...] I am here and I have been here often in your classes. [...]


UR2 Section 6: Session 734 January 29, 1975 Sumari Barbara family wind Irish

[...] I’ll simply note, then, that 24 of the 37 students in Jane’s class were born in the first half of the year. [...] Obviously they’d change within limits from class to class, depending not only on which members were in attendance, but on which ones are Sumari. Seth hasn’t pointed out every Sumari in class; some have strong feelings about belonging to that family of consciousness, but others don’t.

3. In view of Seth’s statement that “Many of the Sumari choose to be born in the springtime,” I decided to poll the members of Jane’s class for their months of birth. [...] Here’s the month-birth breakdown of the 37 people present for that particular class (including Jane and me):

(See Appendix 26 for some of the family-of-consciousness material that Jane delivered for Seth in ESP class yesterday evening.

UR2 Appendix 23: (For Session 724) Warren histories elite primitive gurus

(A group of us — Alex, Warren,2 and others — had come over to Jane and Rob’s for a casual get-together, and also to talk about that week’s class, which seemed to be one of the “milestone” classes that happen occasionally.3 During the conversation, Alex said that the rise of literacy in the world would spread Seth’s ideas on a scale that had never previously been possible. [...]

[...] Some of those present were members of Jane’s ESP class; all had heard Seth speak at one time or another.

(Fortunately, class member Sue Watkins managed to tape all but the first few paragraphs of the session, but even the sense of those was taken down in longhand by another student while Sue got our recorder going. [...]

Now, the session in the last class (see Note 3) was a combination of the most sophisticated and the most primitive, for the English words, in your terms, are understood by the proud intellect that rises above the shoulders so securely. [...]

TPS2 Session 601 December 22, 1971 chants Sumari songs language ancient

[...] Afterward Jane, Shirley Bickford—one of Jane’s ESP class members - and I listened to the tape of ESP class, made last night. The tape contained some of the Sumari chants Jane has been giving in class recently. [...]

Ruburt never would have been free enough in the past for such a development to occur, and it was of course, again, no coincidence that you attended class the night the chanting began in earnest.

TES7 Session 330 March 27, 1967 Pat sitter Norelli lbj sweaters

(During that session Jane achieved outstanding voice effects, a very deep trance, and a projection to the Boston classroom of Pat’s special high-school class. Through her Seth delivered an excellent lecture to Pat’s class. [...]

There seems to be someone in that class, or connected with our teacher, whose initials are LBJ, or who has the name of a president. [...]

TES9 Session 483 May 21, 1969 Reverend Crosson Berkshires cybernetics psycho

(Yesterday was ESP class night, so the Reverend attended class; a session was held during class, which was recorded; when received a copy will be added to these records. [...]

[...] Attached is a transcript of the ESP class session held last evening, May 20, 1969, for Reverend Crosson and wife. [...]

TES8 Session 345 June 12, 1967 job foods overexpectations money thorn

[...] He felt guilty at turning down the yoga classes, yet he felt that to match your performance he was expected to work five afternoons. [...]

[...] There was, in the family history, always a struggle to work for oneself, this being a matter of class pride and independence.

(Last Saturday morning, June 10, 1 offered to take Jane to the 20th reunion of her high school class in Saratoga. [...]

A large percentage of this improvement is based upon the fact that Ruburt is anticipating a future joyfully again, in the contemplation of classes, privately given. [...]

TPS6 Jane’s Notes March 16, 1981 Mafia gangster nightmarish Burnett kid

[...] The affair reminded me of an incident when I was a kid, in science class, as a freshman in high school. [...] This was the same class in which I took the church’s stand against evolution to my teacher’s disgust.... [...]

UR2 Appendix 18: (For Session 711) appendix Jung excerpts animus particles

[...] Then during a class in November 1971, she first gave voice to her trance language, Sumari; so besides the other class material she had several more stages of consciousness — if very dependable ones — to deal with in Adventures. [...] But overall, Jane discovered that she was frustrated in dealing with class experiments and records for Adventures while she still had so much to learn about her own connections with Seth. [...]

25. Jane held her first ESP class on the evening of September 12, 1967, although she didn’t let Seth come through within that format until the following December, so cautious was she in taking that psychic step. [...] Classes were quite small for some time, although they’d grown considerably by the end of 1969. After The Seth Material was published in 1970, class became well known enough to start attracting visitors from various parts of the country. [...]

(Class offers an extremely rich learning environment, for Jane as well as her students. Since in this appendix the focus is primarily upon the relationship involving Jane-Ruburt-Seth, however, I can only write here that many other developments of great interest to us [Jane’s Sumari songs and poetry, for instance], had their origins within the class framework.

(In July 1971 Jane began a book to be called Adventures in Consciousness, based on the experiences of her students in ESP class. [...] Class was now providing a wealth of material on reincarnation, various states of consciousness, and out-of-body travel. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, May 18, 1971 Gert dandy Ron Richelieu Janice

[...] A personality that you have set up for yourself, but the fact that you are coming to classes and using the intuitional abilities opens up a slight window in that artificial personality that you have adapted, for in your mind you think—  and if you will forgive me, I will speak for you, but you may make a rebuttal. [...]

[...] You have only to recognize it, and you have only to be aware of the classes that you do all attend when you sleep. [...]

[...] Here Ron reads an excerpt from class session 4/27/71 and asks to whom it referred.)

[...] This is a relationship mentioned already in class of which you spoke. [...]

SS Appendix: ESP Class Session: Tuesday, January 5, 1971 nonintervals Janice spices nonmoments pulses

(This session followed a class discussion on reincarnation and probabilities. Seth’s comments and the students’ questions show the give-and-take characteristic of class sessions, and demonstrates their scope.)

In our own sessions I have explained something that I haven’t mentioned in class, and it is this: For every moment of time that you seem to exist in this universe, you do not exist in it. [...]

[...] This is the first hint I have given, either in our private sessions or in class, of some rather important material. [...]


ECS2 ESP Class Session, August 11, 1970 dazzle roses Kyle crushing turmoil

Now, I have treated you all very gently in class, and I have used simple language, and I have explained things easily and coddled you, Now, 1 want you to study the material that you have. [...]

[...] One word here and it is something that I have said rather recently in another class. [...]

[...] And I want to thank you for the questions that you asked in class and that Ruburt used in the book for those sessions will help others more than you know, and the questions that you ask will be asked by others, and they will be looking for answers, so in your way you have done your thing and the doubts and questions that you have, have helped others. [...]


ECS4 ESP Class Session, May 25, 1971 Ron Brady evil pope Theodore

(To group.) And all of you attend the classes of which you frequently remember your experiences, and I expect even more frequent memory on your part as time goes by. A particularly important class will be held later this evening. [...]

[...] It is good for you and good for the class and very good for this one over here (Florence), because you ask questions that she is already thinking of, and for some reason she has suddenly grown timid about her questions. [...]

(During hreak, discussion of what class had done during the week.)


TMA Foreword by Robert F. Butts Laurel publishing Amber Allen Library

[...] Jane’s and my dear friend, Debbie Harris, began making copies of all of the Seth sessions, plus the transcripts of Jane’s ESP classes, for the “collection” of Jane’s and my work in the archives of Yale University Library. [...]

[...] Richard had been a member of Jane’s ESP class in the 1970s. [...]

[...] She’s married to Rick Stack, a writer, publisher, and lecturer involving things psychic; he too was a member of ESP class. [...]

Sue Watkins, who described Jane’s ESP class so well in her two-volume Conversations with Seth, recently began doing research for Conversations with Jane Roberts: A Multidimensional Memoir.

ECS4 ESP Class Session, September 21, 1971 pyramid Martin Whatever autumn myths

[...] Your dream classes, therefore, will become more clear. [...] So I expect you will have a busy week and I also expect that we will have a busy class next week. [...]

[...] A Seth break and a class break. [...]


TES8 Session 366 September 25, 1967 competitor Searle Bradley John Gleason

[...] As I told him, the classes will work out well. (Jane’s parapsychology classes.) Thursday evening is a good time. In any case, the classes are in a period of transition. [...]

TPS3 Session 755 (Deleted Portion) September 8, 1975 recovery wisdom subsidiary craftsmanship gradually

[...] I also suggest, only, class twice a month—a small one, in which you should find some most interesting developments involving experiences of your own. You also relate to class members, and that relationship accelerates your inner experience. That inner relationship triggered your reincarnational experiences, for you meet in class with others at other levels, where on a more ordinary level there may be a seemingly opaque relationship.

ECS4 ESP Class Session, June 29, 1971 Joel beyond flesh kinda sand

(Following a discussion of last week’s class.)

[...] There should be an important class meeting at another level of reality and hopefully you will remember it. [...]


ECS3 ESP Class Session, February 16, 1971 Kyle Bobby Joel blessings saintly

[...] First of all, I mentioned in our last class session that you are not tied to a neurosis from a past life, or because you set certain challenges for yourself in this life this does not mean that you cannot conquer them. [...]

Now I will let you all take a break and I give my welcome to the new people who have come to class this evening. [...]

I did not call a class break. [...]

[...] Beyond this, however, as I believe I mentioned in a few classes, it is not out of the inner sense of my invisible heart but out of the depths of your own psychology that you make me into the image of a wise old man and project upon me authority images that lurk in your own mind. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, October 6, 1970 ps Rachel Mathilda gateways premium

[...] Some of you are ready, and this has nothing to do with the amount of time you have spent in class. [...]

(After break, Seth:) Now, the time has come for some of you, and I have said this before, to go beyond kindergarten class so that we can sneak in a third-grade lesson now and then and that is what we have been doing. [...]

[...] Now in our class sessions there are many things with which I want to deal and when each of you are ready for personal material you will get it. [...]

All of our regular students attend classes, whether you know it or not. [...]

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