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TPS5 Deleted Session November 21, 1979 account rewards savings bank Framework

Those feelings must be changed, for they will otherwise apply even if you changed publishers. You must change over that account now. You do this in the same manner that I have just given for Ruburt’s condition. You mentally change your account with Prentice from Framework 1 trial-and-error, a framework which has brought you some good rewards, but not as good interest as you would like. You do not concentrate upon the old, comparatively lesser returns, but you consider the account turned over, where for the same amount of effort your rewards will be far more than doubled.

(9:15.) The changing-over of your accounts physically means that you, Joseph, in particular came to an important constructive change of mind. You were changing from old attitudes to ones that would allow you to enjoy financial abundance, without feeling guilty on the one hand, or resentful on the other; to a concentration upon abundance rather that what money the government might take away from you.

(I haven’t had a chance to talk it over with Jane yet—not until I get this session typed—but I’d like Seth to talk about the part others play when we, for example, do change over our accounts. That is, I need information on how our changeovers will affect others, perhaps leading them to alter habitual patterns of thought and operation so that we get what we want. But what about what they want or are used to? I want to know about resistances that may operate, and refusals to cooperate, even on subconscious levels. I don’t see simply Jane’s and my wishes having the power to change the behavior of other groups of people to that degree, I guess—unless our change of thought shifts all else into another probability.)

NoPR Part One: Chapter 4: Session 622, October 18, 1972 beliefs unworthy change examine suddenly

[...] You may meet with some misunderstanding when you suddenly decide to change your reality by changing your beliefs — according to the circumstances, you may be going in a completely different direction than the group to which you belong. [...] When you abruptly change your beliefs, then in the group you no longer have the same position — you are not playing that game any longer.

New paragraph: Because beliefs form reality — the structure of experience — any change in beliefs altering that structure initiates change to some extent, of course. [...] Because your private beliefs are shared with others, because there is interaction, then any determined change of direction on your part is felt by others, and they will react in their own fashion.

In your daily physical life you are usually concerned simply with changing your beliefs about yourself, and then changing the beliefs others hold about you. [...]

TSM Appendix: Session 506, October 27, 1969 polarity units poles intensity aligns

The shifting of polarity occurs in rhythm with changing emotional intensities, or emotional energies, if you prefer. The “initial” originating emotional energy that sets any given unit into motion, and forms it, then causes the unit to become a highly charged electromagnetic field with those characteristics of changing polarities just mentioned. The changing polarities are also caused by attraction and repulsion from other like units which may be attached or detached. There is a rhythm that underlies all of this changing polarity and changing intensities that occur constantly. [...]

The behavior of these units changes in the following manner. [...] The polarities change in each case, within the units. The unit will alter its polarities within itself, adapting the polarity-design of the unit to which it is being attracted; and it will change its polarity away from that design on breaking contact.

It is almost impossible to detect an individual unit, for in its dance of activity it constantly becomes a part of other such units, expanding and contracting, pulsating and changing in intensity, in force, and changing polarity. [...]

TES8 Session 402 April 1, 1968 John chess grab promotion bag

[...] It will soon change. A reaction on your part would be wasted, for the situation will soon change. [...] Its contents will change.

The situation will change further. You have correctly interpreted the change in values. But there will be further changes in the organization and personnel.

The changes of which you know are initial ones, that will not affect you as directly, or rather as beneficially as you might suppose, but will initiate changes that will affect you beneficially.

TES9 Session 506 October 27, 1969 units polarity poles intensity ee

The changing polarities are also caused by attraction and repulsion from other like units, which may be attached or detached. There is a rhythm that underlies all of this changing polarity and changing intensities that occur constantly. [...]

It is almost impossible to detect an individual unit, for in its dance of activity it constantly becomes a part of other such units, expanding and contracting, pulsating and changing in intensity, in force, and changing polarity. [...]

(Pause, one of many.) With Ruburt’s limited vocabulary, this is rather difficult to explain, but it would be as if the positions of your north and south poles changed constantly while maintaining the same relative distance from each other, and by their change in polarity upsetting the stability (pause) of the planet—except that because of the greater comparative strength (pause) at the poles of the units (gestures, attempts to draw diagrams in the air), a newer stability is almost immediately achieved after each shifting. [...]

TPS7 Letter to Doctor Henry N. Williams June 7, 1982 ulcer finger dressing calindula Silvadene

2. At the same time, I began using the calindula medication on the ulcer twice a day when I would change the dressing. [...] Yet when I changed the dressing the ulcer itself looked okay, although perhaps a bit redder in color. [...] Jane slept well last night, and this morning I noted that there hadn’t been any discharge from the ulcer overnight when I changed the dressing as usual. [...]

[...] The day after she’d taken the second dose—in the morning, Saturday —Jane’s little finger on her left hand began to change color toward blue, from the middle joint down. This is the same hand on which her middle finger changed color a couple of weeks ago. [...]

[...] Jane said one of them was that she felt the changes in the finger take place as she lay on her left side while I changed the dressing, on her ulcer that afternoon. [...]

TES8 Session 335 April 17, 1967 ionization lightning climate automobile circumstances

[...] Change your beliefs and you change your material circumstances. [...]

Your expectations alone will change your material circumstances. [...]

[...] The belief will cause attractions, in which physical circumstances will change. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, July 21, 1970 negative Brad vinegar cruddy thoughts

[...] None of you are helpless to change events, to change your health or your reality at this moment. [...] Now, you may have built up poor habits of thought, but you can recognize this and change them. Every time you say, I am helpless, and I am slipping into chaos, whether you get laughs or not, or whether you say it humorously or not, you are indeed pushing yourself further into the chaos you are creating with every breath you take because you make no effort to change the nature of your thoughts and this is what you must do, exert your own control. [...]

[...] Thought patterns and emotional patterns, left alone, would change one into the other as stormy weather changes into sunny. [...] I am not telling you to be so frightened of a negative thought that you want to run into a corner or hide under the bed or say “Oh, this is a negative thought, I must change it at once” and half-terrify yourselves to death. I am telling you that when you indulge in such thoughts for a period of time so that they become habitual then you must change them and no one can do this but yourself. [...]

Now the change can be miraculous when you change your conscious thought patterns. You can watch the changes happen. [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 2: Session 514, February 9, 1970 Sean environment altered form blend

My environment, as I told you, changes constantly, but then, so does your own. [...] For example, if a room suddenly appears small and cramped to you, you take it for granted that this change of dimension is imaginative, and that the room has not changed regardless of your feelings.

You can learn to change your physical environment, therefore, by learning to change and manipulate your dream environment. You can also suggest specific dreams in which a desired change is seen, and under certain conditions these will then appear in your physical reality. [...]

You are constantly changing the form, the shape, the contour, and the meaning of your physical body and most intimate environment, although you do your best to ignore these constant alterations. On the other hand, we allow them full rein, knowing that we are motivated by an inner stability that can well afford spontaneity and creation, and realizing that spiritual and psychological identity are dependent upon creative change.

ECS1 ESP Class Session, January 21, 1969 violence curse justification honor Presbyterian

In the past, with few exceptions, attempts have been made to change the external situation. I have told you that if you look around you and do not like the world that you see, then it is yourselves individually and en masse that you must change. For this is the only way that change will be effected. And if your generation or any generation would ever effect a change—this is the only way change will be effected. [...]

[...] It may occur, but those who indulge in violence are themselves changed, and the purity of their purpose adulterated. [...]

[...] This energy, en masse, could change the world in the twinkling of an eye if it were directed constructively. [...]

TSM Chapter Sixteen action professor identity students dilemma

“The connections, therefore, can be changed, and such changes are far from uncommon. [...] The past is being constantly re-created by each individual as attitudes and associations change. [...] The child is indeed still within the man, but he is not the child that ‘was.’ For even the child within the man constantly changes.

[...] Even the ego as we think of it changes constantly. For example, the Jane Roberts of now is different from the Jane Roberts of ten years ago, though “I” have not been conscious of any particular change of identity.

[...] Action, having of itself and because of its nature formed identity, now also because of its nature would seem to destroy identity, since action must involve change, and any change seems to threaten identity.

TES5 Session 224 January 17, 1966 Birch owner trailer past card

[...] The past itself is being continually recreated by every individual, as attitudes and associations change. [...] For even the child within the man continually changes, and again I am not speaking of symbolic change.

[...] A change of attitude, a new association, any of innumerable other actions, will automatically set up new electromagnetic connections, and break others. Now part of this we shall explain later, for these changes obviously affect both the future and the past. But the past, again, is continually changed by you, and by every individual. [...]

The connections therefore can be changed at any time, and such changes are far from uncommon. [...]

TPS4 Session 815 (Deleted Portion) December 17, 1977 skiing imagery imprinted images lain

[...] When you change details of any kind in your life, to some extent you change your mental images. When you change your routine however slightly, you do the same thing. When you change the furniture in the room the same applies. You can use such knowledge often, so that such changes stand for their symbolic inner alterations.

[...] For reasons I will not go into now, and speaking simply, you are coming into a fertile period, each of you—in part because of changed beliefs, so that your relationship with Framework 2 is more intimate, practically speaking, now—and I would like you to take advantage of that.

TPS3 Session 792 (Deleted Portion) January 24, 1977 pithy curtains disagreed january acquiesced

[...] Otherwise I am not saying anything else, for certain events will occur as a result of those recommendations—even as you have begun to sense changes with the altered morning hours. When these other changes occur, (amused) I will have further suggestions, and pithy comments.

Your changes in the house represent other breakthroughs, and a certain centering that is important and beneficial to both of you. [...]

[...] I suggested long ago that it be changed over, but no one listened.

ECS1 ESP Class Session, August 20, 1968 classes sic choosy sailing withdraw

[...] And when you pluck a finger into the air, then you disturb and change and alter other realities that you cannot see nor touch, and other realities in which a finger, as a finger, does not exist. One thought sends out ripples that change and alter. One of your own dreams rising out from you as its center, it touches and changes these other realities. [...] That does not reach out and change and grow and alter worlds of which you have no knowledge. [...]

[...] As you go out and speak to others now, and change them, so on other levels do you do the same, and so indeed are you also changed and affected. [...]

[...] They will in turn inhabit other forms, and even the most minute consciousness that resides within the smallest portion of matter, even that consciousness can grow and mature and change, for there is no limitation set upon consciousness. Even then, the smallest consciousness within its own terms of value fulfillment can emerge, can change, can alter, can develop. [...]

TSM Appendix: Session 505, October 13, 1969 units rock emanations tones scientists

[...] The units are sent out by the rock, informing the rock as to the nature of its changing environment: the angle of the sun and temperature changes, for example, as night falls; and even in the case of a rock, they change as the rock’s loosely called emotional tone changes. As the units change, they alter the air about them which is the result of their own activity.

These units then obviously change constantly. If we must speak in terms of size, then they change in size constantly as they expand and contract. [...]

TES8 Session 350 July 6, 1967 jealousy Catherine temperas oils lingering

Simple alterations in the objects can therefore result in a quite real change of pattern, psychic pattern, to disrupt the association. Painting is a wholesale change, for example. [...] A complete (underlined) house cleaning, a change of details within the environment, these are all practically beneficial, and of great benefit in relieving lingering symptoms.

[...] As your attitude changed these symptoms began to vanish. And as your attitude has further changed he has begun to eat more. [...]

[...] I would (underlined) suggest a change in the kitchen if any were remotely possible. If no major rearrangement is possible, minor changes should be made.

UR1 Appendix 8: (For Session 690) ocean climate plunge camouflage likened

As temperatures in various depths of ocean change, and as even the color of the water and of the flora and fauna change, so too in our value climate there are quality changes, and senses equipped to project and perceive the changes. [...] The inner senses inhabit directly the atmosphere of our value climate; they see through the ever-varying camouflage (physical) patterns, and the flux and flow of apparent change. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 15: Session 656, April 16, 1973 loneliness robbers age convictions unhealthy

[...] When you try to change your convictions in order to change your experience, you also have to first stop the momentum that you have already built up, so to speak. You are changing the messages while the body is used to reacting smoothly, unquestioningly, to a certain set of beliefs.

[...] Change now quite practically alters both the past and the future. For you, because of your neurological organization, the present is obviously the only point from which past and future can be changed, or when action becomes effected.

Exterior conditions can always be changed if you understand the principles of which I am speaking. [...] Your physical circumstances change automatically as your beliefs do. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session January 3, 1979 conscientious perfectionist gloried virtuous inferior

I do not care, for example, what you change. Change your hours—but think in terms of change—and now for change’s sake—to show that you can operate quite well without rigid patterns of behavior.

You need the idea of change—an idea that Ruburt once used to find exciting. Change your living room furniture, your bedroom, your kitchen or whatever you can—simply to symbolically and slowly break you in to the idea of change, and to break up the invisible bulk of mental patterns that are connected with your present state.

[...] The release of psychic energy involved, regardless of me, was literally a new birth, bringing forth an impetus for change and creative activity. [...]

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