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ECS1 ESP Class Session, February 29, 1968 Lillian dependent disintegrate joy taught

[...] Don’t be afraid of change, for you are change, and you change as you sit before me. All action consists of change, for otherwise there would be a static universe, and indeed death would then be the end. [...] Change joyfully. [...]

[...] Therefore, to change your world you change that which you project. [...]

[...] My material will indeed change your lives. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, October 20, 1970 Nassair houseboys Vanessa Dennis disbelief

[...] You must use them as our friend here did, not only for your own benefit and edification, but so that you can change the world in which you live for no one will change it for you. Even I cannot change it for you. No God can change it for you for He has given you the creative energy to form your own world, and you can change it through joy and not through dignity. You can change it through active love and not through sobriety. You can change it by letting yourselves go gladly into the nature of creativity and not by holding back. You can change it, therefore, by being yourselves. Not what you have been told you are, but what you discover that you are, and in the discovery you already change and your abilities begin to expand and the limited person that you knew is already a myth. [...]

TPS5 Sessions 921 & 922 (Deleted Portions) October 8 & 13, 1980 October undergoing pillows sessions Jane

(From Session 921 for October 8:) Tell Ruburt to relax, and to encourage and trust his body when it is undergoing so many changes, for the changes are all for the better. [...]

(From Session 922 for October 13:) Tell Ruburt to change his pillows more frequently. [...]

TES9 Session 439 September 30, 1968 triangle company John messenger Philip

There is a change of territory involved here, but more than this a change of method. The change of method involves argument over basic philosophies. [...]

You will end up in a position of dominance in the company if you persist, but this is not today or tomorrow, and the company will have changed. Its methods will have changed.

Power and control and direction over the organization, which is a symbol for something else; and you will not accept it unless you can change it, and indeed in changing it you will make it better.

TPS5 Session 832 (Deleted Portion) January 29, 1979 discomfort dentistry noisier knees prognosis

[...] True, Jane’s knees have been changing quite a bit lately. Some of the changes have resulted in very painful moments for her, as today; at other times she does well. [...]

[...] The first very important change has been occurring; for he has progressed to a point where the knees’ positions have altered. [...]

[...] It has the unfortunate effect, of course, of making Jane hesitate to try getting on her feet each time, whether to change chairs, go to the john, or whatever—an effect she tries hard to counter each time. [...]

TES2 Session 60 June 8, 1964 matter permanent properties deterioration growth

[...] Change in a particular physical object is not change as you conceive it. [...] This appearance appears, that is, this physical object appears to change and to age, but the material does neither. [...]

[...] What you perceive as change or growth in a living physical structure is not change or growth as you conceive it. [...]

Again, no particular material object exists long enough, as an indivisible or rigid or identical thing, to change or age. [...] Each re-creation after a certain point becomes from your standpoint, less perfect; and after many such complete re-creations, that have been completely unperceived by you, then you notice a difference and assume that a change in one object has occurred.

TPS2 Session 600 (Deleted Portion) December 13, 1971 cordella Alphabets language shambalina impressionism

[...] Alphabets do not change, or you would consider them relatively useless. Cordellas, as I told you, do change. [...] One very small aspect of a cordella is sized upon and (in quotes) “frozen,” so to speak, its ordinary motion and the rhythm of its changes therefore unrecognized. [...]

[...] (Pause.) By changing the names of objects you automatically look at them in a new fashion, yet certainly all objects will not be given names, for this would defeat our purpose. [...]

[...] The emphasis will be on an object’s “placement,” (in quotes) in title and space as you think of it, and on the ever-changing pattern of force that constantly alter relationships of any kind.

TPS5 Deleted Session July 12, 1979 science Greg Carson Colorado fiction

You do not have the responsibility to change the world for the better. That is, changing the world for the better is not your personal responsibility. You have a natural need to impress your world—to act through it, with it, and upon it, to illuminate it with your own vision, in which case you automatically change it for the better. [...]

If you think that it is your personal responsibility alone to change the world, then you are always bound to feel a burdening sense of failure. The world is being changed through our work—but because that work is primarily a creative endeavor in the fullest, deepest meaning, now, of the word creative. [...]

[...] It also made him think, however, that he was not changing the world in any way that mattered in any important degree—that those in authority did not even read them, and that even my latest work (Mass Reality) would make no inroads. [...]

TES7 Session 307 December 7, 1966 drugs chemical psychedelic drugless nuts

[...] In trance states, consciousness itself brings about the chemical changes within it as it, consciousness, travels. Changes do occur within the body. [...]

The chemical changes brought about by such outside agents as drugs to some degree rob the inner self of its usual directive abilities, for the changes occur before the inner self has gathered itself together. [...]

[...] The value fulfillment system would be changed. [...]

TES1 Session 30 February 27, 1964 refrigerator kitchen iceboxes sanitary chiropractic

[...] Emotional and psychic changes sometimes sweep her willy-nilly, with the changes from winter to spring having to do with chemical rather than glandular adjustments. [...]

[...] However I know that the change will be beneficial to a rather important degree. [...]

Far from any constant suggestions on my part as to changes, I am trying to the contrary to set you up in the most beneficial ways possible so that these constant readjustments will not be necessary.

NoME Part Three: Chapter 7: Session 850, May 2, 1979 idealists idealism kill shalt Thou

If you want to change the world for the better, then you are an idealist. If you want to change the world for the better, but you believe it cannot be changed one whit, then you are a pessimist, and your idealism will only haunt you. If you want to change the world for the better, but you believe that it will grow worse, despite everyone’s efforts, then you are a truly despondent, perhaps misguided idealist. If you want to change the world for the better, and if you are determined to do so, no matter at what cost to yourself or others, no matter what the risk, and if you believe that those ends justify any means at your disposal, then you are a fanatic.

[...] They want to change the world. [...] One young lady wanted to quit her job, stay at home, and immerse herself in “psychic work,” hoping that her part in changing the world could be accomplished in that manner. [...]

2. Here Seth probably referred to material that Jane and I recently came across concerning the views of a “radical” philosophy of change: Violence is permissible in order to bring about a revolution which, in turn, would lead to a new age. [...] We speculated about the inevitable contradictions that would emerge should man ever manage to achieve such an “ideal” state, or society — for, given, his always restless and creative nature, he’d immediately start changing his supposed utopia. [...]

TES4 Session 175 August 4, 1965 Oswego paperweight enlargement quiet indecision

I have spoken often concerning the importance of changing focus, altering the direction of consciousness. This does not involve a change in consciousness itself, merely a change in the direction in which consciousness is focused. [...] Usually however this involves a rather surface change of focus, as your attentions are directed first upon specific physical areas, and then switched to other specific physical areas.

This does not involve however a change of focus in depth. A change to a different level entirely occurs when the individual switches focus from physical reality to other realities. In the dream state obviously we have an example of such change. [...]

There are several ways that will allow you to change the focus of your own awareness when you choose. I am speaking now of a change regarding depth and levels.

TPS2 Deleted Session December 13, 1972 move resentment dwelling money tenants

[...] Now you do not understand how both of your attitudes were affected, as the house itself changed and as it changed hands.

[...] The change, the added space, for a while did help, you see. [...]

[...] It is simply not that much of a problem to move—to act, to make a change—it is not all that dangerous.

TES3 Session 141 March 17, 1965 perception patterns action Piper minor

[...] The ego, through its own nature and characteristics, attempts to limit such change, but it succeeds only in limiting itself by limiting its perceptions. It still must change, as is obvious. But it changes along certain lines, moving within certain patterns of perception which are characteristic of it.

[...] Any action changes itself. [...]

[...] The ego attempts to attain stability and dominance, and resents change. [...]

TES3 Session 142 March 22, 1965 selves outthrust action Trainor self

[...] It, the ego, will not admit the change, but its refusal to admit change in no way stops change.

Once again I make the point, a seeming paradox: The self constantly changes. The self at any given moment is not the self that it was, yet it is that which it was, since it is that which changed.

[...] The inner self also changes, but it is also that which changes itself. [...]

TES7 Seth’s Lecture to Pat’s Boston High School Class March 25, 1967 classroom hell kill chromosomes Pat

You can change it in physical terms if you will. But no real change will be effected, for it will spring up again in new form. [...] You must change ideas if you would change the world. If you would end war, you must change yourself. [...]

Those of you who would change your world, then I tell you, listen: for if you would change your world you must listen to the voice within yourself. [...]

[...] Change these expectations now if need be.

TPS3 Deleted Session August 20, 1977 materialistic spray jaw glasses forecast

[...] As the posture changed, the eyes had to change. Those changes were bound to involve alterations in vision.

[...] And she’s had many signs of rather profound changes initiating themselves throughout her body—all good things for which we’re very grateful. [...]

(Yet several times today, again, Jane experienced brief period where she could read much better without her glasses than with them—quite phenomenal changes, in fact.)

TPS4 Deleted Session November 12, 1977 Framework modern sales animal manlike

[...] She wanted to have it, though, especially to get more information re Framework 2. Her entire right side, especially in the head-neck area, has been undergoing profound changes, today and during previous days. Things are much looser in certain parts, so much so that at times she feels disoriented because of the unaccustomed changes in posture, etc. [...] These notes don’t really do justice to the extent of her bodily changes, improvements, that she’s been undergoing. Her subjective changes in feeling have been especially deep. She has periods when her eyes coordinate well; she has learned now that the eye difficulties are deeply involved with the other muscular changes taking place.

[...] In a way, as Ruburt mentally changes his significances, so does the body. [...] Vast inner changes have occurred this week, that will make the actual normal locomotion possible. [...]

Again, this process automatically brings about powerful beneficial changes. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 14: Session 654, April 9, 1973 reprogram past neuronal present biologists

[...] You may say, “I was born in a house on a certain street in a certain town, and no present belief to the contrary will change that fact.” If, in the present, one past event can be altered within your neuronal structure, however, then basically no event is safe from such change.

A new belief in the present, however, can cause changes in the past on a neuronal level. [...]

Learning is not simply passed on from living tissue to living tissue — this your biologists have discovered — but it is also passed on through the body’s present corporeal reality, sometimes entirely changing the messages to past cells, that in your terms no longer exist.

TES4 Session 158 May 30, 1965 Trainor voice features badger indeed

(In trying to be objective, I can say that perhaps the change I became aware of was partly observed, partly subjective. [...] Whereas I had not observed any changes in the first half of the session, I now thought her features lost some of their feminine characteristics and became more angular and drawn, as though a masculine presence was making itself seen deliberately. [...] I was, actually, more concerned with trying to decipher what change I was observing, than wondering if there was a change to be seen.

Now, involving the performance on Ruburt’s part this evening, we have here once more another example of the nature in which action is changed by itself. For indeed, as it was possible for Ruburt to some slight degree to allow her friend to speak, nevertheless the action involved in the whole situation nevertheless changed not only Ruburt, but also necessarily changed her Father Trainor, in that any action of its own nature can never remain the same.

[...] I had not observed any change in Jane’s features, the few times I had managed to take a look. Bill however remarked that he thought he had detected a change; he thought Jane’s lower jaw line had become more rounded, losing a little of its angularity. [...] Peggy also thought she noticed some change.

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