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TES1 Session 38 March 25, 1964 sixth sense fifth tissue sensation

[...] You make your own camouflage universe as I have told you. The growth of a disability, say the appearance of an ulcer, is the introduction of another camouflage reality to the physical body. [...]

[...] Without this sixth sense, and without its constant use by the inner self-conscious ego, you could not even construct the physical camouflage universe of your own plane. This sense, again, is used constantly beneath the outer ego’s awareness, and forms the basis for camouflage constructions on every plane.

[...] I intend to tie this in for you later with a clearer explanation as to how you on your plane form your own camouflage universe, and to elucidate on the fact that form is not rigid, though it appears to be in many cases on your own plane.

TES1 Session 39 March 30, 1964 Willy purring award portrait capsules

I had planned to go into some material concerning this particular portrait, as a camouflage construction, but here for now I will merely mention this in passing and go into it at our next session.

[...] And I am speaking now of course of the data that is given to the organism in its affiliation with camouflage environment. [...]

TES1 Session 40 April 1, 1964 spider capsule plane desk web

[...] To some inhabitants of other planes that have access to your plane, all that can be seen of you is this tissue capsule, since such inhabitants have had no experience in your particular type of camouflage construction. Therefore your camouflage patterns are invisible to them, but the tissue capsules are not.

[...] It is not completely at the mercy of a completed camouflage. [...] A camouflage plane, merely by being what it is, makes it impossible for the whole self to find expression. [...]

Funny because you think of them as vehicles traveling through your own camouflage space. Any vehicles would travel through their own camouflage space, and in some instances are doing so, even now, in the so-called space taken up by your earthly universe.

TES1 Session 41 April 6, 1964 spacious camouflage plane Willy quantitative

As a rule when we have talked of camouflage in general, we have been concerned with physical camouflage structures. An example being the spider’s web, and the table of a past discussion which is actually a conglomeration of atoms and molecules, loosely held together but experienced by your outer senses as a solid camouflage structure which can be used and manipulated in your camouflage existence.

These idea camouflage patterns represent important if nonmaterial structures, and we will refer to them as idea camouflage structures from now on, since they are basic frameworks that control the actual physical camouflage patterns, and even supervise for you the extent to which such physical patterns can be constructed.

There are many other similar idea camouflage structures upon which you have based your camouflage universe. The theory that all or any other intelligent life exists on the same horizontal plane as your own, and that it necessarily exists in your own known camouflage universe, is another.

TES1 Session 42 April 8, 1964 plane camouflage expanding universe inexperienced

[...] You are merely allowing yourself a momentary release from the limitations of camouflage ideas, and release of these ideas brings a corresponding release from the physical camouflage patterns themselves. [...] Now this breaking through is a release of the inner self from the camouflage, and the resulting camouflage laws of any particular plane. [...]

[...] The camouflage effect surrounding a plane, and apparent in your universe, can be measured. But it must be recognized first as a camouflage distortion, and then translations of the camouflage measurements must be made.

[...] Your camouflage idea of time is no help, and until you realize that time as you think of it does not exist in any real terms, then you will not be able to understand the true nature of your universe.

TES2 Session 43 April 13, 1964 camouflage transportation space disentanglement expansion

Even for example, levitation is involved with camouflage to a large degree, in that the camouflage physical body itself rises, but we are still here using the camouflage physical form. Traveling without the camouflage physical form is a giant step, of course, but a possible one according to your development. Here you are traveling however through camouflage space. It is very difficult on your level to do without any camouflage, and yet it can be done; and here again the use of psychological time is extremely important, since when psychological time is utilized to its fullest extent, then camouflage becomes lessened to an almost astounding degree.

[...] He was concerned with a camouflage idea, that of time, and clock time at that, the clock itself being a camouflage. Clairvoyantly he merely disentangled himself enough to ignore some camouflage in order to perceive camouflage that lay behind it, and this is a necessary first step.

[...] Your own development and your own rate of assimilation will be the rule, as far as the movement of camouflage objects through camouflage space is concerned. Again, you are dealing with camouflage. You move camouflage objects through the use of your inner senses constantly without your own conscious knowledge. [...]

TES2 Session 44 April 15, 1964 laws space camouflage universe durability

Now the so-called laws of your camouflage universe do not apply to the inner universe. They do not even apply to other camouflage planes. However, the laws of the inner universe apply to all camouflage universes, and all consciousnesses on any plane must follow the basic laws of the inner universe. Some of these basic laws have counterparts known and accepted on various camouflage planes. [...]

The basic inner universe beneath all camouflage does not have an existence in space at all, as you envision it. Space as you envision it, that is as an emptiness to be filled, is a camouflage.

The brain is a camouflage pattern. [...] Your camouflage universe, on the other hand, takes up space and has an existence in time, but it is not the real and basic universe, any more than the brain is the mind.

TES2 Session 45 April 20, 1964 camouflage Callahan cube hypnotism Miss

[...] Your camouflage patterns can be likened to the patterns cast by sun and shadow upon the ever-moving waves. [...] Your camouflage and your world is created by conscious focusing and unconscious concentration. [...] By plunging into our ocean of value climate you can dive beneath your camouflage system and look up to see it, relatively foundationless, floating above you, moved, formed and directed by the shifting illusions caused by the wind of will, and the force of subconscious concentration and demand.

[...] The trouble is that when you are dealing with, say, the transmission of a picture, you are still dealing with camouflage. [...] Focusing upon a camouflage objective will give you a camouflage result.

[...] The inner senses inhabit directly the atmosphere of our value climate; and they see through the evervarying camouflage patterns, and the flux and flow of apparent change. In our sessions to some small degree you plunge into this ocean of value climate, and to the extent that you are able to divest yourselves of the clothes of camouflage, to that extent can you truly be aware of this climate.

TES2 Session 47 April 24, 1964 Roarck Jim esthetic a.s.p.r office

The barriers are yours. The barriers are camouflage. It is ridiculous to develop camouflage vehicles to deal with camouflage space, when all that is necessary is that you realize that camouflage is camouflage. [...]

[...] If I did not take advantage of your own camouflage system, then you would not be able to understand the material at this time.

[...] This material is more valid than any material possible on your plane, but it is nevertheless to some degree conditioned by the camouflage attributes of the plane.

TES2 Session 48 April 27, 1964 essence location girl swimming circumferences

In some instances the physical body stays in its original location, and the personality-essence moves through camouflage space and time. That is, the personality-essence, realizing that space and time are merely camouflages, is therefore free to behave accordingly.

[...] Another method is somewhat more complicated and involves a diffusion of energies, a partially-visible secondary camouflage body appearing in a new location, while the original body remains in its original position.

The reason that these things are done so infrequently is because the personality-essence finds itself so unable to give up belief in camouflage time and space. [...]

TES2 Session 49 April 29, 1964 Jim Tennant Inquisition Ruth Lundgren

When it is understood that space and time are both camouflages, and that your cause and effect theory is a result of a continuity theory that no longer makes sense, then your scientists will recognize the impossibility of trying to decipher basic reality with camouflage instruments, and vehicles, that of themselves produce distortive theories, and only serve to probe further into a camouflage pattern.

[...] In the light trance state, the inner self is free from the camouflage nature of your plane, and the truly humorous aspect is this: Only by freeing yourself from your own camouflage universe can you see it clearly, understand it for what it is, and actually learn to use it for mankind’s best advantage.

Your scientists’ instruments are themselves distortive, and will only allow you to probe further into camouflage. What you need are tools and instruments that are free from camouflage. [...]

TES2 Session 50 May 4, 1964 condensed molecules creation combination diffusion

Your personal egotistical awareness has to do with your own camouflage universe, and with manipulation within it. [...]

TES2 Session 51 May 6, 1964 cooperation molecules atoms siren condensed

The fact is, that even in your own universe all of your camouflage forms are not perceived by any one species, your own included. At best your scientists will only discover more of these camouflage patterns, but the entire system will simply not be perceived by any one species, and you will never perceive camouflage patterns outside of your own patterns. [...]

Now, although your space vehicles are not as apparently connected to the ground, they are indeed connected to the ground of your camouflage patterns in a most meaningful manner, since they are themselves camouflage. [...]

[...] Your outer senses are equipped to perceive your own camouflage patterns. They are not equipped to deal with other camouflage patterns.

TES2 Session 54 May 18, 1964 entities forest extral chicken durability

In their materialization upon your plane, and as seen from your own camouflage perspective, you seem to be aware of new entities, but this is because of your own limited viewpoint. [...]

[...] In order for this material to come through, you must have already reached an element of inner freedom, and a certain ability to realize your own existence behind the camouflage patterns with which you are usually concerned.

I have also mentioned that as your outer senses can perceive the camouflage universe, and as they act within its laws, so also the inner senses are equipped to perceive the inner basic universe, and they directly are familiar with its laws.

TES2 Session 57 May 27, 1964 notself skin self secondary constructions

[...] Theoretically the influence of a particular given self is endless, and not only in so far as your own physical camouflage time universe is concerned. [...]

TES2 Session 58 June 1, 1964 outer ego plane passionate shrink

The outer ego, under such advantageous circumstances, is more nearly able also to communicate its experience in the physical world to the inner self, and hereby to actually help enlarge the inner self, which then directly experiences stimulation and manipulations in a camouflage pattern which is otherwise denied to it.

The inner self obviously needs the outer ego with its outer senses, in order to permit its own materialization in various camouflage forms. [...]

Each existence in any of many camouflage patterns trains and fulfills the inner self to develop the greatest possible fulfillment of its own qualities and characteristics. [...]

TES2 Session 64 June 24, 1964 bug construction hose cat insect

[...] These bug constructions, by various means which we shall discuss, tallied in your camouflage space to an amazingly approximate degree.

Your bug, Joseph, differed in actual physical construction also from Ruburt’s. It was better detailed and more precisely drawn, smaller in size from either Ruburt’s or the cat’s, existed less in your camouflage time, and took up a measurably less amount of your space.

TES2 Session 78 August 10, 1964 immersion system props outer closed

[...] Any appearance of enclosure is the result of camouflage distortions, quite necessary within a given system so that the organisms within it can focus their main attentions to the problems within a particular system.

Since the outer senses or their equivalent are the main perceptors of camouflage constructions, then the outer senses and the physical apparatus or its equivalent will habitually perceive its particular system as a closed one.

TES3 Session 86 September 9, 1964 enclosure copper tube September incense

[...] However for all practical purposes a closed mental system is one which allows the least amount of camouflage data to come through. It is not closed entirely but nevertheless it could be said to approximate in psychic terms the enclosure within which your so-called mediums work; that is, with a minimum of camouflage communication at hand.

TES3 Session 87 September 14, 1964 enclosure cancer comprehension capsule gates

[...] These are in some respects a different sort of camouflage, a self-formed, artificial and only partial enclosure, a beneficial psychic device within which the inner self momentarily and temporarily gathers and holds and collects as much psychic energy about it as it is capable of receiving, utilizing, and also withstanding. [...]

This capsule comprehension I call capsule comprehension, since innate comprehension of itself and its workings is part of what you may think of as the fiber or makeup of all energy, regardless of any given particular form that it might take, or regardless of the camouflage it might form of itself.

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