Results 1301 to 1320 of 1935 for stemmed:but
[...] Dr. Roy is from India but has been teaching in the United States for some years.
(I made some notes during the session but they are incomplete because of Seth’s fast pace, the exchange of questions and data, etc. [...]
[...] It took him some time to accept the fact of the sessions, and when he did so nothing would do but that he overdo, and accept them as a task rather than a joyful creative endeavor.
[...] He knew he was free to take time off at any time, but he was afraid that if he did so he might be deprived of the sessions entirely, and such is not the case.
[...] But in terms of your world the units of consciousness, acting both as forces and as psychological entities of massive power, planted the seeds of your world in a dimension of imaginative power that gave birth to physical form. In your terms those entities are your ancestors—and yet [they are] not yours alone, but the ancestors of all the consciousnesses that make up your world.
[...] It was indeed a dreamlike world, but a highly charming and vital one, in which dreaming imaginations played rambunctiously with all the probabilities entailed in this new venture: imagining the various forms of language and communication possible, spinning great dream tales of future civilizations replete with their own built-in histories—building, because they were now allied with time, mental edifices that automatically created pasts as well as futures.
[...] Each individual of whatever species, and each consciousness, whatever its degree, automatically seeks to enhance the quality of life itself—not only for itself but for all of reality as well.
[...] Your beliefs often tell you that life is hard, however, that living is difficult, that the universe, again, is unsafe, and that you must use all of your resources—not to meet [life] with anything like joyful abandon, of course, but to protect yourself against its implied threats; threats that you have been taught to expect.
The knees are releasing, returning to normal size, but one cannot straighten out all the way before the other is ready. [...]
[...] They will continue with different sets of muscles and ligaments—but first the initial groups had to stabilize while other portions learned to accept the new balance.
The hands are regaining strength, as are the feet and the knees, but this is not yet apparent, because all of the tendons and muscles are not at the same state. [...]
(Added the next day, as I type these notes: The discomfort returned at times, but not to the extent of yesterday. [...] But she reports that there’s no doubt the knees are more flexible—and noisier—than before. [...]
He felt this today in certain positions, but that period is just about over, of discomfort.
[...] I thought she may have yelled at the cats—but in the kitchen I saw that she was sitting at the table with shards of glass littering the rug at her feet. [...]
[...] In some strange quirk of speed and physics, this knife-edged piece had not only been blown into the kitchen, but had managed to turn nearly a right angle, missing Jane, in order to come to rest opposite her legs against the table’s leg. [...]
[...] But then he worried that perhaps he might not get all of the material tomorrow, so it is a matter of learning to trust yourself (with some gentle humor). [...]
[...] The body is releasing itself—but trust its methods.
Ruburt not only had his intents, but your own in mind. [...]
[...] Your help, again, with the suggestions is invaluable in terms of your loving active aid—but also because you are convincing yourself that you live in a safe universe, so that Ruburt does not feel that he must battle for himself and for you. [...]
[...] They are still strong and vital, but they are being released gently, in a certain order. [...]
[...] Her voice was stronger than usual, but not loud.)
[...] I would have intruded despite the fact that I was not welcome, but then I feared that to do so would confuse the issue for you.
[...] But the medium through which Ruburt traveled was the electrical and electromagnetic medium sent out by the girl’s highly-charged emotional condition.
The earlier drinks of course let down his guard, but it was the caffeine in the coffee that allowed the system to alert and direct the inner abilities on this particular evening. [...]
[...] The inner ego is quite familiar with the existence of the physically-oriented ego, but the physically-oriented ego is not usually familiar with its inner counterpart.
Later you may be able to follow this inner self even while the physical ego operates in its normal manner, but this is much more difficult if overall personality balance is to be maintained. [...]
[...] But the self who faces the tree one moment is not the self that faces it the next moment, and the operator of the wheel is never in evidence, you see.
[...] It’s neither the most inconsequential item on our list, or the most spectacular — but recently we learned through a close relative of the Steffans (I’ll call them), the couple from whom we bought the hill house, that at a small social gathering over two years ago Jane had spontaneously given something of a psychic “reading” for Mrs. Steffans. Moreover, this event had taken place in the apartment house we lived in on Water Street; not in our own quarters there, however, but in the apartment of another tenant whom we’ve known for a number of years.
[...] Jane has met Alan Koch but twice physically, yet feels allied with him. [...] And Jane has seen her fourth counterpart, “the young man from Pennsylvania …” but once since class stopped meeting.
In your terms I see not only greater chunks of time than you do, but I can to some considerable extent view the probable actualizations of events and times.
[...] So we have been working on a probable “Unknown” Reality — in fact, on many probable “Unknown” Realities. Not mere versions, but variations.
[...] She had me dig out her notes for this idea yesterday —I believe before the mail, but am not sure. [...]
[...] “It’s not all that great,” she said, “but that Ellspeth seems able to tune in on us.”)
[...] Ideally, infants “bond” with their parents, particularly with the mother but with the father also—and then they “bond” with the general ideas of their society. [...]
The point at which such a situation happens is of course internal, and it may or may not have anything to do with the quality of material, but with its nature. [...]
[...] Christ knew them, but they were thrown away by his followers. The Hebrews knew but distorted the information. The Lumanians knew, but tried to override the body.
[...] Through these, childlike wisdom will indeed show itself, but a wisdom that has been tried, that is aware of its own integrity through the seasons.
[...] You knew you were preparing yourself, but the time of preparation was extended beyond what it need have been. [...]
[...] Then imagine the colors as appearing from within, not applied from without but shining through. [...]
It will indeed translate the data into terms that it can understand, but without such translation the normal waking consciousness might have no record of it at all. [...] There is a point where the ego will be left behind but each time it will go further.
What you must understand is that the psychedelic experience represents but a glimmering of the constant state of the inner self: not constant in terms of something static, however. [...]
[...] All of this is very improbable, but it is possible and under drugs such experiences could result.
[...] There would be development within that system, but you would be lost to your own system.
There are, again, no limitations to the self, but those that you create. [...] You become more aware, but there is always more to become aware of.
It goes without saying that the part that watches also belongs to the self, but it does not belong to the self as the self is thought of in usual psychological terms. [...]
[...] The thought is a psychological reality, a psychological and psychic identity but not a structured personalized identity. [...]
[...] (Pause.) I do not know if it refers to Ruburt’s father, but it is to the south of you, and there are papers involved. [...]
[...] Jane spoke for Seth while facing Frederick Fell across his desk, but her eyes remained closed. [...]
I am very pleased that we did not appear on the TV program, but I knew, you see, that we would not do so.
[...] I thought F. Fell would be too busy to continue with a session much longer, but called for a break in case Seth had a few parting words.
[...] He does not have a beard but his face is prickly and dark. [...] His trousers are somehow strange, and he wears white shoes or not shoes, but his feet appear lighter, you see. [...]
Now, all of you in this room know but a small portion of your whole inner self. [...]
A strange fruit they see, it resembles a coconut but it is not one. [...]
[...] She “saw” some of the surroundings, but had no real projection.
(The temperature was only 5 above when I got up at 6:30 this morning, but was up to 25 degrees when I left for 330.
[...] In the dream I was drawing foot-high oval letters in black ink, but was worried about doing a good job because my hand was shaky. [...]
[...] Marie was bedridden, but Jane was perfectly healthy, and had come to forgive her mother, or make up with her. [...]
[...] Jane began reading yesterday’s session, which I think is an excellent one, but she didn’t do well at all. [...]
[...] You have it but you do not realize the knowledge that you have. The person that you seek is here, but he is with you, and has never parted from you, and even though he continues his existence in another dimension you are not divided nor separated; and you will gain from his added development, for he will telepathically let you understand matters that you did not understand before.
(I did not get the first few sentences down, but most of the following is verbatim.)
[...] You have it, but you do not realize the knowledge that you have. The person that you seek is here, but he is with you, and has never parted from you, and even though he continues his existence in another dimension you are not divided nor separated; and you will gain from his added development, for he will telepathically let you understand matters that you did not understand before. [...]
(I did not get the first few sentences down, but most of the following is verbatim.)