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UR2 Section 6: Session 744 April 23, 1975 11/57 (19%) strands Steffans counterparts Unknown library
– The "Unknown" Reality: Volume Two
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Section 6: Reincarnation and Counterparts: The “Past” Seen Through the Mosaics of Consciousness
– Session 744: This Book and Probable Ones. Seth’s Reality
– Session 744 April 23, 1975 9:33 P.M. Wednesday

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

Now: In a way, it is quite difficult to tell you what I have been doing with my time (humorously emphatic) while I have been involved in the production of “Unknown” Reality — and therefore, to some extent at least, inclined toward your time.2

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Now: An artist does the same thing in different terms, when he or she imagines the probable versions that a painting, or a book or a sculpture, for example, might take. (Pause.) The artist does not usually understand, however, that those probable art productions do literally exist; he perceives only the final, physically chosen work. Speaking simply, some of us are able to hold intact the nature of our own identities while following patterns of probable realities in which we also play a part.

In your reality, the “Unknown” Reality we have just finished is the only version of that manuscript. Instead it is, of course, the only version you recognize. When we are working on such a project here (in your reality), we are working on probable books also, and those are as real as your official one. In ways too difficult to explain now, your probabilities are connected by certain themes, intents, purposes. Some of these appear as subsidiary interests in your own lives, for example. Others may well be recognized by you as prime concerns, and still others may be so latent that you are unaware of them. So we have been working on a probable “Unknown” Reality — in fact, on many probable “Unknown” Realities. Not mere versions, but variations.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now that is what I have been doing as far as your reality is concerned — that is, in my relationship with you. It is a multidimensional version of what Ruburt does in simple terms when he writes a book of his own.3

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now that is a sensible arrangement. He is the one who has to deal primarily with the practical aspects of our relationship, and in the business of translating my reality into your world.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(Pause at 10:05. Now Seth took off into some areas involving Jane that were more personal; at the same time he gave material on the third and then the first of the questions I’d listed during break for the last session. I thought I’d include a few quotations from him on both issues, while eliminating portions of the session that deal with other matters entirely. I think the information on Jane is quite relevant to both her work and her life in general.)

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Long pause at 10:23, eyes closed.) I make recommendations now and then, and now and then you see fit to follow them … 10 Considering Ruburt’s challenges, he has done extremely well as he cleared away the debris that literally surrounds the lives of most people … In a way his progress has been dependent upon the state of his learning, so that he has been trying to stretch the abilities of normal consciousness by drawing in other “strands.”11 Yet because he was the one so involved, he had to test each strand; and in the meantime he still had his “old” consciousness, with its habits, to contend with.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

(11:01 P.M. And so Volume 2 of “Unknown” Reality is finished. Now I want to briefly summarize for the reader two subjects — “house connections” and ESP class — that have been mentioned often in the sessions for Section 6. See notes 13 and 14.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

To Seth’s remarks in that early session I’d now like to add what he said a decade later in our time. From the 514th session for Chapter 2 of Seth Speaks: “Consciousness is not dependent upon form, as I have said, and yet it always seeks to create form. We do not exist in any time framework as you know it. Minutes, hours, or years have lost both their meaning and their fascination. We are quite aware of the time situations within other systems, however, and we must take them into account in our communications. Otherwise what we say would not be understood.”

[... 11 paragraphs ...]

13. During the 10:36 break for Session 740, which was held a couple of months ago, I wrote that the list of house connections associated with our move to the hill house had grown to over 40 items, “and continues to grow.” Jane and I have now accumulated more than 60 such interrelationships, and they range all the way from color and architectural similarities among the various houses we’ve either lived in, or felt strong emotional and psychic attachments for, to human connections like the following one. It’s neither the most inconsequential item on our list, or the most spectacular — but recently we learned through a close relative of the Steffans (I’ll call them), the couple from whom we bought the hill house, that at a small social gathering over two years ago Jane had spontaneously given something of a psychic “reading” for Mrs. Steffans. Moreover, this event had taken place in the apartment house we lived in on Water Street; not in our own quarters there, however, but in the apartment of another tenant whom we’ve known for a number of years.

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

Of my three class counterparts other than Jane, then, it developed that Norma Pryor and Jack Pierce soon embarked upon their own paths, which hardly ever cross mine even though we don’t live that far apart. Peter Smith and I still see each other often. On Jane’s part, one of her counterparts, Zelda, has traveled far away, although maintaining a tenuous, infrequent contact by mail. Jane has met Alan Koch but twice physically, yet feels allied with him. Sue Watkins remains close (to both of us, by the way), even though she now lives in a small community that’s well over an hour’s travel north of Elmira. And Jane has seen her fourth counterpart, “the young man from Pennsylvania …” but once since class stopped meeting.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

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