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UR2 Appendix 27: (For Session 739) Grunaargh Gutenberg movable beefy Sue

“It all gives me this feeling of great hilarity that I often have about these ideas. And the thought of families of consciousness merging for different reasons — even while I accept that all of this is put in very limited terms — seems to have such perfect inner logic and delightful playfulness about it that I launch into the mergings notion with all kinds of questions, and impressions exploding outward.

“When Seth listed the families of consciousness last January,3 but didn’t include the Grunaargh, Rob asked him about it in the 738th session. In Jane’s final class, Rob read Seth’s explanation having to do with family ‘mergings.’ Right away, right there in class, I knew what was behind the feeling I’d had about this family: Members of the Grunaargh, and I personally, were involved in the invention of movable type. I write ‘were’ out of habit, because I have this delightful feeling that my printing, writing, and newspaper interests now are what led me to be drawn to the same things back then, even as my work there caused me to be interested in the same things now — an exchange across the board.

“It seems so hilariously logical that the Sumari, who are creators, would want to ‘merge’ with a family more prone to organization,4 to come up with what they would need to spread ideas: movable type. Otherwise, how would they ever get up the gumption to sit around and carve out all those damn little characters? Too exasperating!

UR2 Section 6: Session 739 February 24, 1975 hill house trees neighborhood fireplace

[...] The mixture of families of consciousness allows you also to take a close look at the ways in which these tendencies merge to form communities. [...]