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UR2 Section 6: Session 739 February 24, 1975 3/40 (8%) hill house trees neighborhood fireplace
– The "Unknown" Reality: Volume Two
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Section 6: Reincarnation and Counterparts: The “Past” Seen Through the Mosaics of Consciousness
– Session 739: Neighborhoods and Probabilities. The Healing Aspects of Fireplaces
– Session 739 February 24, 1975 9:25 P.M. Monday

[... 18 paragraphs ...]

The proximity of so many trees also has considerable health value, and to those doing psychic or other creative work the effects are particularly conducive to a peaceful state of mind. Trees are great users and yet conservators of energy, and they automatically provide much vitality to areas in which they are plentiful. This is physically obvious in scientific terms. Besides that, however, the consciousnesses of trees are remarkably kind and enduring.5

Now you think of dogs as friends of man, and you personify gods in human terms. You think of them sometimes as guardians. In those terms, now, trees are also guardians. They are attached to the people they know. You cannot put a leash on them and walk them around the block, yet trees form a protective barrier about, say, a home or a neighborhood. They are actively concerned. They have personalities — certainly to the same extent that dogs do, yet of an entirely different nature. They respond to you. The trees in that (hill house) neighborhood then are particularly friendly, strong, and protective, and they will help renew your energies.

[... 15 paragraphs ...]

4. Seth’s material here reminded me of a remark he made in the 504th session, which is presented in the Appendix of The Seth Material; he was discussing the perceptions of the fetus as mediated by electromagnetic energy (EE) units: “Cells are not just responsive to light because this is the order of things, but because an emotional desire to perceive light is present.”

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

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