1 result for (book:ur2 AND session:737 AND stemmed:rous)

UR2 Section 6: Session 737 February 17, 1975 2/119 (2%) house family Foster Borledim Sayre
– The "Unknown" Reality: Volume Two
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Section 6: Reincarnation and Counterparts: The “Past” Seen Through the Mosaics of Consciousness
– Session 737: A Further Discussion of the Families of Consciousness. House Hunting and Probabilities
– Session 737 February 17, 1975 9:26 P.M. Monday

[... 44 paragraphs ...]

(11:25.) Now: When you make any important decision you automatically rouse all portions of your psyche. You set probabilities into motion. The kind of decision to some extent organizes the patterns. This should be obvious. But when you decide to move you are putting yourself in league with others who also make the same decision. Someone who moves will leave a house or an apartment vacant for someone else to move into. Unconsciously, then, the movers are in league with each other. There are sympathetic probabilities set up.

[... 14 paragraphs ...]

Give us a moment … Because there are such inner connections as mentioned (at 11:25), your intents are going outward, to be picked up by others. (With emphasis:) It would take a book to probe into the probabilities alone being roused at this time, for example, by all of those interested in either of those two houses.

[... 58 paragraphs ...]

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