1 result for (book:ur2 AND session:736 AND stemmed:live)

UR2 Section 6: Session 736 February 5, 1975 1/51 (2%) Milumet Zuli Sumari Foster family
– The "Unknown" Reality: Volume Two
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Section 6: Reincarnation and Counterparts: The “Past” Seen Through the Mosaics of Consciousness
– Session 736: Characteristics of the Various Families of Consciousness
– Session 736 February 5, 1975 9:24 P.M. Wednesday

[... 12 paragraphs ...]

Various kinds of seemingly contradictory characteristics may appear, then. One Sumari may have many deeply rewarding personal relationships. Another might find friends a distraction. One Sumari might enjoy performing in front of an audience, while another might not even be able to bear the thought. Since each person is unique, the various Sumari characteristics will then appear quite differently. Some live in cities, basking in the emotional nearness of others, content with a few flowerpots for a reminder of nature’s beauty. Another might have a farm. In most cases, however, the slant of consciousness is primarily creative. Period.

[... 37 paragraphs ...]

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