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UR2 Section 4: Session 715 October 28, 1974 9/72 (12%) library models Politics Unknown Roman
– The "Unknown" Reality: Volume Two
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Section 4: Explorations. A Study of the Psyche As It Is Related to Private Life and the Experience of the Species. Probable Realities As a Course of Personal Experience. Personal Experience As It Is Related to “Past” and “Future” Civilizations of Man
– Session 715: The Functions of the Intellect, the Importance of Individual Vision, and Alterations of Consciousness
– Session 715 October 28, 1974 9:25 P.M. Monday

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(In the opening notes for last Wednesday’s session I described how Jane had started her new book, Psychic Politics, that same day while she had been immersed in a state of high creativity; I added that at the same time she’d become aware of a slightly different Jane in a psychic library from which, it seemed, she was to get much of the material for Politics. Jane visited her library several times on Thursday, without actually transcribing anything from it. Then on Friday morning she received another, shorter passage of library material. I quote in part: “There are ever-changing models for physical reality, transforming themselves constantly in line with new equations instantly set up with each new stabilization…. We tune in to these models, and our intersections with them alter them at any given point, causing new dimensions of actuality that then reach out from that new focus.”2

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(At noontime that Friday, then, Jane told me that she was going into another altered or enhanced state of consciousness. We were eating lunch. She compared her feelings with those heightened perceptions she’d enjoyed so much yesterday and Wednesday in connection with the birth of Politics. Even though her state of awareness was still growing, Jane decided that she wanted to ride downtown with me after we’d finished eating; I planned to pick up one of our typewriters at a repair shop, then buy some groceries. Already she was so “loose” that she noticed an unsteadiness in her walking. “It’s as though the floor’s rising up beneath my feet, supporting my weight, but in a way that I’m not used to,” she said. She was enchanted.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(We searched the glove compartment of the car for paper and a pencil or pen, so that Jane could make notes about some of her perceptual changes — but to my amazement we could find nothing to use in spite of our efforts to keep writing tools in that very place. Among other papers I finally turned up half a sheet of blank paper, and gave Jane the pen I usually used to cross out items on the grocery list. We were parked in front of a drugstore; I hurried in there to buy pens and a notepad for her. So, while I busied myself in the familiar market next door, she sat in the car writing — looking quite ordinary, a small black-haired woman with her head bent forward…. When I’d finished shopping perhaps 30 minutes later she was still writing. She had covered half a dozen pages.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(Jane was still deeply within her great experience during our ride back to the apartment house. “Wow,” she exclaimed, “I wouldn’t touch acid [LSD] for anything after this. Who needs to?” I laughed: “How to go on your own free trip, huh?” She does not use hallucinogenic drugs of any kind.

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I said at our last session that the evening was momentous for Ruburt, and that is true for many reasons. This book6 deals with the unknown reality, and Ruburt began a different excursion into other dimensions last week.

[... 33 paragraphs ...]

For myself, I think of reincarnational selves as having their roots in the physical reality we know (whether in simultaneous or linear terms of time), but of probable selves as having much wider and more complicated ranges of existence: I believe that even though we create them on an individual basis, our probable selves can reach into a multitude of other realities, both physical and nonphysical. I don’t remember Seth discussing such “probable” possibilities in just that way, especially, and they would be much too involved to go into here, but I’ve often felt that some of our probable selves move into realms of being that are literally incomprehensible to us, so different — alien — are they and their environments from our usual conceptions of “solid” physical existence.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

But although for Politics Jane drew upon the same transcendent experience I described in the opening notes for the 715th session, she did so in her own subjective way; in “Unknown” Reality I present my version of the event from an observer’s viewpoint. The interested reader might compare the two accounts. I think they’re both well worth having on record, since Jane’s experience was a profound one — and, in my opinion, very revealing for what it tells us about how we ordinarily view our mundane physical reality, and about the much more powerful versions, or “models,” for that reality that exist behind it.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

At least to some degree, Jane’s exploration last Friday afternoon of those super-real models for our world represented her use of the sixth inner sense — the same one, she wrote in Chapter 19 of The Seth Material, that “… also shows itself in inspirations, and episodes of spontaneous ‘knowing.’ Surely this sense was partially responsible for my Idea Construction manuscript.” In Volume 1, see Note 7 for Session 679.

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In the 4th session, for December 8, 1963, Seth announced his presence to Jane and me through the Ouija board. In the 6th session he told Jane, in connection with our questions: “Begin training.” In the 12th session, for January 2, 1964, he informed us that we were his “first lesson class,” then added: “At one time or another all of us on my plane give such lessons, but psychic bonds between teacher and pupils are necessary. This means that we must wait until personalities in your reality have progressed sufficiently for lessons to begin … although reason is extremely important, and I do not mean to minimize its value, nevertheless what you call emotion or feeling is the connective between us, and it is the connective that most clearly represents the life force on any plane and under any circumstances.”

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

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