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UR2 Appendix 18: (For Session 711) 2/227 (1%) appendix Jung excerpts animus particles
– The "Unknown" Reality: Volume Two
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Appendix 18: Seth on His Own Reality; on His Past, Present, and Future Relationship With Jane and Rob; and on the Inner Mechanisms of the Sessions
– (For Session 711)

[... 67 paragraphs ...]

(From the 398th session for March 11, 1968:) Personalities are not static things. Entities are eternal. They are not as nicely nor as neatly packaged out, one to a body, as your psychologists believe. They constantly change. They grow. They make decisions. They use the physical body fully, or they partially depart according to their own inner needs and development.

[... 142 paragraphs ...]

32. In Volume 1, see Session 679 (with its Note 4, among others) for material on Jane’s early years with her mother. I often remind myself that from her earliest years Jane lived in an atmosphere permeated by the fact of illness, while by contrast my background in that respect was much more ordinary. Growing up, she was “frightened most of the time,” Jane told me as I prepared this note: She often lived alone with her bedridden mother, such periods being punctuated by a succession of itinerant housekeepers appointed by the welfare department. She soon became strongly imprinted by human frailty and vulnerability.

[... 15 paragraphs ...]

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