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UR2 Appendix 18: (For Session 711) 2/227 (1%) appendix Jung excerpts animus particles
– The "Unknown" Reality: Volume Two
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Appendix 18: Seth on His Own Reality; on His Past, Present, and Future Relationship With Jane and Rob; and on the Inner Mechanisms of the Sessions
– (For Session 711)

[... 138 paragraphs ...]

8. Even 11 years later, I’m certainly far away from experiencing the concept-essence of any given session, as Seth suggests may be possible. I’m expressing contradictory beliefs, obviously, but it seems unlikely that I can use my abilities in such a fashion, even though I tell myself I’d like to.

[... 60 paragraphs ...]

26. Although in that 1971 class Seth stressed his experiences with the human condition through reincarnation, in 1964 he’d had this to say: “To me this [reincarnational and family material] is all so obvious that I almost hesitate to mention it, but this is because I tend to forget what human experience on your plane actually involves.” (See the excerpts from the 27th session in this appendix.) In that early session Seth spoke to me alone; in class he faced a large group. I’d say that from his position or focus as an “energy personality essence” both attitudes are true, rather than contradictory — and that one or the other predominated according to the circumstances and subject matter of the session involved. I don’t think the time gap between the two sessions — seven years — was a factor.

[... 26 paragraphs ...]

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