2 results for (book:ur1 AND session:680 AND stemmed:probabl)

UR1 Section 1: Session 680 February 6, 1974 Linden selves inventor birth hysterectomy

(I told Jane now that had my mother received any additional energy during her 50’s, she might have expressed its benefits through the habitual mores of our society, in terms of changes rather than of probabilities, say “My life changed for the better at that point, when I made that decision.” I added that perhaps the important thing for us now was to observe our unfolding lives with Seth’s ideas of the larger, or whole self, in mind, and so achieve insights we could interpret in terms of probabilities. So we decided not to ask Seth to backtrack and give us material about the son my mother’s probable self had had in her reality, even though that son was a probable self of mine.

Now: When I speak of probable selves, of course I am not speaking of some symbolic portion of the personality structure, or using the idea of probabilities as an analogy.

In those terms the identity at birth is composed of a variety of such “selves,” with their nuclei, and from that bank the physical personality has full freedom to draw. Ruburt’s mystical nature was such a strong portion of the entire identity that in his present reality, and in the probable reality chosen — as mentioned when I discussed this picture (of Jane) — the mystic impulses and expressions were given play. Intersections with probable realities occur when one psychic grouping intensifies to a certain point, so that fulfillment as a self results.

UR1 Appendix 2: (For Session 680) sportsman sports limber unpredictable chose

(In mentioning my “sportsman self,” Seth referred to information he’d given about three of my probable selves in a private session on January 30, 1974 — just a few days before starting “Unknown Reality. [...] But even without Seth’s help, interesting results can flow from an awareness of the probable-self concept: The reader can begin to intuitively consider his or her own probable selves, or those of others who may be closely related psychically or physically. I’m not writing here about rationalizing the existence of one or more probable selves to account for personal shortcomings in this reality, however, but of simply using the idea to enlarge our basic notions of the human potential. [...]

[...] These can exist whether or not the course itself seems advantageous, and can even overshadow the benefits [that] a successful course might have given, in those terms … Though it would seem, then, that you have made errors, the errors in themselves are creative, and have brought about unforeseen probabilities that now enrich — and also change — your original course.

[...] Your deepest natures called it out of the probable sequence into your joint reality — for a reason, because each of you knew that it could best help you to develop all of your respective abilities to their fullest, and also help others.