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TPS1 Session 490 (Deleted) June 25, 1969 28/85 (33%) controls symptoms Saratoga restraints issue
– The Personal Sessions: Book 1 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2016 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 490 (Deleted) June 25, 1969 9:08 PM Wednesday

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Now. There are no karmic influences that necessitate the particular physical condition (in Jane).

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

Now give me a moment here.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Give us time here. I will at your request, at any time, give you the details of these lives. This evening I am answering the question I believe most important, and details will follow. I will not put you off on this. Now. In this life until very recently the personality has been involved with highly charged, volatile emotional personalities. He worked up a proportional degree of energy to ward off their influence. It was necessary that he learn how to do this. Do you follow me?

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Now we are going to give you a short break, but we will leave our friend in abeyance. Half in and half out. (Humorously.)

(9:34. Jane’s delivery had been fast and emphatic, her eyes open often. Now she came partially out of trance easily, her eyes still darker than usual and somewhat glazed. At first she said nothing, but eventually we carried on a brief conversation, without any emphasis.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Now. When these were released, when he left the initial environment, he ran willy-nilly, he felt. He tended to be ruled more than he would prefer by emotionalism. (Pause.) At this point he began to rely upon you somewhat as a controlling factor, since he felt you were more given to reason and control. When you became ill, he realized that no other human being could be used in such a way.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Once the development occurred however the personality knew it would now have to face the main issue: how to handle its own creativity, and find a comfortable balance between spontaneity and discipline. It could have been clear sailing from there in.

Unfortunately several episodes frightened him enough so that he felt again the need for controls. Now here is one nice little point. Ruburt’s mother, as mentioned earlier, had often told him that if he kept on as he was going he would lose his mind; and contacts with psychologists, when he feels they are testing him, brings up this old issue.

Now I could not tell you, for the personality had set up its own guards in the realm of personal material. The old Instream data enters into this. Now Ruburt’s mother was not there to serve as a restraining element. You would no longer act in that role. Moreover, Ruburt did not feel it proper to project that role upon you any longer.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Now I was not able to give you any information, particularly at that time, but this did have something to do with my rather vehement recording, which I hoped would have the effect of discouraging Dr. Instream. I could not however shield Ruburt in all of his activities in any case. He would have to face the problem, and if it was circumvented in one way it could have returned at a later date.

You have I believe the reason for the symptoms now as clearly as it can be given. Give us time.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

Now. We are going to keep on with this to get all the important points out while conditions are good.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

He also felt it would help him understand to some extent his mother’s actions, and rid him of the hatred he had of her. Now give us time. The problem as he set it in the framework he made for it, was quite literally huge. He also wanted to understand the effect of mind on matter. He did not really believe, intellectually, what I told him, that you form your own reality, and he felt that the symptoms would also help. He did not get his symptoms to test my theories, understand. Do you follow me?

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

This realization then threw him into panic, reinforcing the symptoms. Now give us time. Your father’s condition frightened him because of the mother’s old suggestions of losing the mind, and of course the nursing home environment that represents to him the mother’s environment.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

What you have now is a residue in the body of conflict representing mental conflict, when at the same time the muscles are being given signals to let go completely, and also signals to tense, signals of control. They work against themselves then. Give us time. (Pause.)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now, this also causes a lack at times of lubricating fluid in the female organs, which is why Ruburt will turn away, as you mentioned.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

One evening dancing, he tried consciously too hard, so that he tensed the muscles as he was trying to use them, and there was a physical result then. Now, the point is, he no longer needs the controls. (Pause.) Understand that the whole situation, on a very deep basis, was protective as it tried to reproduce to some extent, though to a far lesser extent, those early conditions that allowed for the controlled and disciplined growth of strong creative abilities. He chose a mock version of those early restraints. Now. The controls are no longer necessary. The reasons as given in this evening’s session should make him realize that. The physical symptoms now remaining are a direct result of these contradictory messages being given—one relax let go, the other wait, now, not so fast, slow up.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Give us time. He has been letting the symptoms go, as he has become aware of emotional stabilities. He has let them go slowly: “Now how will you behave if I give you this much more freedom? And a little more?” You see. Give us time. (One minute pause.)

For him now the idea of a long trip is a daring adventure: does he really have the freedom to go so far?

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

The depressions are also caused when he overemphasizes control and smothers spontaneity. Now the writing schedule provides two needs, both control and spontaneity, and is therefore comfortable. A circle is set up: an overemphasis on control leads him to a depression, which interferes with his writing schedule. This bringing on symptoms which further impede the schedule.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(“Yes. Now about our going to Saratoga this weekend?”)

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Now the difficulty in the morning follows those days when he feels he has not put in his writing time, and he does not realize this. He projects that day of relative failure into the next day, and experiences symptoms and feelings of hopelessness upon awakening.

Now, some practical suggestions: one I mentioned earlier. Remember that many symptoms have vanished. He should be on the alert for restrictive statements, vocal or mental—I can’t, for example; I’d better go slowly; or mental pictures of that nature. Such thoughts automatically tense the muscles. If he is consciously adding instructions to relax on top of this he worsens the situation, for the muscles cannot relax and contract at once.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

His conscious mind, when he is not writing, should be anchored on something. There is too much unrecognized free brooding, when he sits doing nothing consciously, waiting perhaps for inspiration but not in a positive way. He will know to what periods I am referring, now that I have pointed it out. He should have a painting in progress as a hobby, or several for such times, or do household activities. His mind, his conscious mind, is the type that should be anchored in such a way, for it is overactive, otherwise, and when he is not at his best it will leap to brooding. He lets this go by.

Now. The Saratoga issue is clear. If you drive past his old house he should tell himself that he no longer needs it or what it stands for, that he can retain good memories of it. (Long pause.) It will be very easy for him to think of the town as the place where his grandfather lived, and this will bring about the beneficial aspects. It reassures him however to know that the town is still there, that he is free to go to the town and free to leave it. Symbolically this is important.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

It is also good for him to see that it has changed, that it exists in the present, along with his own adulthood, and you can remind him of this. Even his mother you see has left the town. Now do you have questions?

[... 1 paragraph ...]

We will then close the session, and my best wishes to your fingers. The information should prove quite valuable. Ruburt did not feel he was mature enough to handle his abilities. Tell him that I am saying that he is. He can quite literally relax with them now and with himself. He can quite literally let down. And a hearty good evening.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(11:18. The trip to Saratoga was a great success, and Jane did experience many of the ideas, realizations, feelings, etc., detailed above by Seth. Both of us enjoyed seeing the town again immensely, and Jane without doubt has now put Saratoga in proper perspective, both as to her past, present and future. She met some schoolmates, saw her old house, etc., and thoroughly enjoyed herself.)

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