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TES4 Session 195 October 4, 1965 18/84 (21%) Lorraine Asheville dreamer Marleno breakage
– The Early Sessions: Book 4 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 195 October 4, 1965 9 PM Monday as Scheduled

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(This afternoon Jane called her publisher, Frederick Fell, and was pleased to learn that he liked her ESP book very much. The decks are now cleared for publication next April. Jane was also curious to hear Mr. Fell’s voice, to see what impressions she might pick up.

(I planned no envelope test for this session. Not because of the poor results of the last test in the 194th session, but to vary the steady test diet. I thought Jane might come to feel under pressure without a break occasionally. I expected the data on Dr. Instream to come through as usual, however.

(Lorraine Shafer was a witness for the session. She had witnessed the 193rd session also. The session was held in our front room, and was not interrupted. Jane spoke while sitting down and with her eyes closed. Her voice was quiet for the most part. She began rather slowly, then picked up some speed.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(The last sessions in which Seth dealt with Jane’s ESP book were the 178th and the 180th. In both of these sessions, as well as many others, he stated the book would be a success, financially and otherwise. All of his statements concerning Jane’s writing sales have proved out so far. Seth first mentioned the sale of the ESP book by name in the 92nd session. See Volume 3.)

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Jane smiled as she spoke. By the Jesuit and the cat lover Seth meant of course Bill and Peggy Gallagher, who have witnessed quite a few sessions. Jane and I soon noticed that Seth did not refer to Lorraine very often, even when she was a witness, and have speculated about the reasons for this. By contrast we have obtained a good deal more information about the Gallaghers, and Jane has been aware of better “contacts” somehow in relation to them. Our thought has been that if Lorraine kept coming to sessions, sooner or later Seth would speak to her.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(Jane had been speaking rather quietly if rapidly, with her eyes closed. Lorraine, who was also taking shorthand notes, sat close by. Now Jane, her eyes still closed, leaned rather quickly toward Lorraine and her voice boomed out briefly. I confess that I jumped. I didn’t have time to observe Lorraine’s reaction.)

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(Break at 9:22. Jane was dissociated as usual for a first delivery. Her voice had been mostly even, her pace rather fast toward the end. A trace of her peculiar brogue had been apparent also, and usually when the brogue revealed itself the voice grew a bit in strength.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(One of the questions Lorraine had at break, in relation to Seth’s statement about helping her, was whether Seth would help through Jane, or through Lorraine herself directly.

(Jane’s voice was a bit deeper and stronger when she began speaking again. Again her eyes were closed, her pace fast, her brogue more often apparent. Resume at 9:35.)

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

(Break at 9:55. Jane had been dissociated as usual. Her eyes had remained closed, her pace had been good. I had indeed been watching the volume of her voice, for several times during this delivery I thought I noticed a tendency to escalate in volume. A couple of times I was on the verge of asking Seth to be careful, but the voice quieted each time by itself.

(Jane’s voice had been pitched quite a bit lower than usual, even when quiet, and this was a bit unusual in that the deeper voice usually grows stronger also. See the 191st session for Seth’s explanation of why the voice grows so much stronger at times.

(I might also add that we recently learned of other people hearing Seth’s strong voice during the unscheduled 190th session. This was the session witnessed by John Bradley. It will be remembered that a young couple from next door heard Seth, and came over to see if anything was wrong. A couple of days ago Jane and I learned that other people in our apartment house heard the voice, and were quite curious.

(Jane’s pace was somewhat slower when she began speaking again. Her eyes were closed, her voice quieter, and she used pauses. She sat with her head down, a hand to her brow. Resume at 10:05.)

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(Jane now took a long pause at 10:09.)

[... 17 paragraphs ...]

(Break at 10:24. Jane said that Seth had her “really out” during the delivery. Her eyes had remained closed, her voice stronger at times, her pace good.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Jane said that although Seth did not say so, she felt the data on Lorraine was set in the South. Lorraine agreed, saying that if it concerned an incident she was beginning to recall, it would have taken place in Asheville, NC. Jane also picked up leaf images in connection with a porch on the first floor.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Jane had but a vague memory of what she had said. She said Seth had not been pushing to obtain the information, and Lorraine agreed. Jane resumed, again with her eyes closed, at a rather fast pace and in an average voice, at 10:35.)

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

(End at 10:43. Jane was again well dissociated, as she had been during the previous delivery. Her eyes had remained closed, her pace had been good, her voice average.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

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