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TES4 Session 162 June 14, 1965 25/112 (22%) Lorraine electrical witnesses delivery brogue
– The Early Sessions: Book 4 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 162 June 14, 1965 9 PM Monday as Scheduled

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(For the session we had three witnesses: Lorraine Shafer, who witnessed the 144th session, and Bill and Peg Gallagher, who have witnessed the 158th and the last session. The last time Jane spoke before three witnesses was during the 89th session. Since then we have had two witnesses at a time often, however.

(The session was held in our living room again, and traffic noise was not a problem, nor were there any interruptions. The five of us sat in a circle, with Jane in her favorite Kennedy rocker. Jane said she preferred the circle arrangement, rather than having us scattered about the room. As it turned out her idea was a good one.

(Lorraine is an expert at shorthand, whereas Peg and I use an abbreviated longhand. The session was an extremely fast one, and I finally had to ask Jane to slow down her delivery. She began her delivery with her eyes closed, but she spoke in a rather strong voice and in a very active manner. Much of the time she leaned forward in the rocker, her elbows on her knees, her hands clasped. She used many gestures and few pauses.)

[... 18 paragraphs ...]

(Break at 9:20. Jane was much more dissociated than usual for a first delivery. She thought this was because of the presence of witnesses. She came out of the trance quickly however.

(Lorraine’s neck felt much better, she said, and Bill’s ulcer had quieted down. The conversation turned to the meaning of dreams during break. Jane’s delivery was again fast and her eyes were still closed, although her voice was quieter, when she resumed at 9:34.)

[... 11 paragraphs ...]

(Jane’s eyes opened briefly, for emphasis. Her voice was fairly loud and strong, with an edge in it, her delivery very active. For the most part she was still leaning forward in her rocker, her elbows resting upon her knees, her head tilted down somewhat as she spoke.)

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(Break at 9:55. Jane was again well dissociated. She said she felt as though the Seth voice was pulling her along. Her trance was deep, she felt very free, she said. She remarked that the feeling was similar to the two Father Trainor episodes, of February 11,1965 and May 30,1965; I too had had the thought that there was a similarity here, and thought I detected a hint of a brogue in Jane’s delivery at times. She had exhibited a rather marked brogue during the Father Trainor episodes.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Jane’s delivery had been fast, almost too fast for comfort, although Lorraine had no trouble keeping up with her shorthand. I asked my wife to slow down a bit. Her eyes had been closed for most of the delivery, and they were closed during a good part of the next one. She resumed at a fast pace and in a strong voice at 10:05.)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Jane’s voice now became most amused and full of mock fear.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(If anything, Jane was now speaking at an even faster rate. Already it was the fastest session I could recall.)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Jane’s eyes opened, then closed. In particular, see the 66th session of the series on the creation of matter. In that session also, Seth stated the above statement can be verified mathematically. Volume 2.)

[... 18 paragraphs ...]

(Break at 10:25. Jane was well dissociated. She ended the delivery on a humorous note. Her eyes had been mostly closed. She again had no idea that she had been speaking so rapidly; even Lorraine wondered if Seth was trying to find out just how fast she could take shorthand. I would say that Jane’s delivery was faster than ever before, her voice loud.

(During this next delivery Jane spoke at a somewhat slower rate, at my request. Her eyes were closed for the most part. Here again, as noted on page 89, I would say that Jane spoke in quite a brogue for part of the delivery. This was more pronounced than before, and more than a little reminiscent of the two Father Trainor episodes.

(Jane grew up in an Irish neighborhood in Saratoga Springs, NY, and Father Trainor was an Irish priest of the old school. He exerted considerable influence on Jane in her formative years. His girth was extensive, and he read poetry to Jane and her mother, Marie, every Sunday after dinner, with a booming voice and a dramatic flourish. Jane herself is one-quarter Irish, although as she has often said, she grew up thinking she was Irish, period.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(Jane’s speed of delivery was picking up again.)

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(Jane’s voice, already loud, acquired more strength and volume. Her delivery was now very emphatic, but her eyes remained closed.)

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(Although Jane was speaking at a rapid rate.)

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

(End at 11:00. Jane was well dissociated. It took her a little while to open her eyes. Her delivery had been very active, her eyes opened briefly occasionally, and her voice had been fairly strong. Both Bill Gallagher and I remarked on the pronounced brogue she had used. Bill said his ulcer had not bothered him, and Lorraine said that her neck felt much better.

(Lorraine and the Gallaghers left soon after the session. Jane, I noticed, seemed to be still wound up and did not immediately retire as she usually does after a session. We talked about the high peak of psychic activity she had reached recently, and she said she felt that Seth was “still around.”

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Finally, we sat in the living room and Jane once more began to speak for Seth. I had put my notebook away and did not get it. Jane sat on the couch and I leaned back in a comfortable chair. Her eyes were closed, her voice quiet. The short session was somewhat like a conversation between Seth and me, although I did not ask too many questions. What follows is a summary, made up from memory immediately after the session ended. Resume at 11:45 PM.)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Speaking for Seth, Jane began by saying that we could forego Wednesday’s session if we chose to, in view of the extra work involved recently in the longer sessions. Jane was indeed at a peak of psychic activity now, her highest to date; he liked to take advantage of such periods when he could.

(Seth repeated several times that we wouldn’t regret this burst of psychic energy, or the time involved, because it meant an increase in Jane’s ability to focus energy. The witnesses tonight had been extremely valuable; for different reasons [which he did not go into]. Seth stated that such gatherings increased Jane’s ability to utilize energy on different levels. This ability is still increasing. Seth uses witnesses as “practice” for Jane. Her ability to draw upon others would be very valuable in the “near future.” I believe he implied here that Jane would be speaking before larger groups, perhaps soon, and that possibly many in such groups would be strangers.

(Seth took care to see that Jane did not overdo it. He understood my concerns along these lines, and I had nothing to worry about. Any time we wanted to, we could obtain information from him. There would also be times when Jane’s energies would be at a lower ebb. There is much about energy and cycles and Jane’s abilities that he hasn’t explained to us yet. He is fond of us, and we have learned much.

(Seth answered my question by saying it was a good idea for Jane and me to attend the hypnosis symposium at Oswego next month, and to meet Dr. Instream, the director. The visit would have far-reaching effects, for us and for the material. I had rapport with Dr. Instream from reading his books. This is why I wrote to him in the first place. Jane and I would feel this rapport when we met him, also.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(End at 11:59 PM. Jane’s eyes opened slowly. She said she felt relaxed, that Seth was gone now and the session was over.)

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