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TES4 Session 162 June 14, 1965 6/112 (5%) Lorraine electrical witnesses delivery brogue
– The Early Sessions: Book 4 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 162 June 14, 1965 9 PM Monday as Scheduled

[... 16 paragraphs ...]

I have also discussed the electrical components that make up each thought. These thoughts, then, are automatically translated into physical matter by certain areas of the subconscious. If certain long-standing distorted concepts are held, therefore, then they must be faced and struck out. For otherwise there is an automatic flow of this energy into a false disruptive pattern.

The inner self does indeed have an overall conception of the goals and strengths of the personality. It is then this inner self that must be searched for the answers. I mentioned earlier in another session that the very attempt to seek for an answer to the basic problem will indeed automatically release some of that energy for a constructive purpose.

You will begin to starve the ulcer of its energy. The manner in which the subconscious translates energy into construction of physical matter, again, has been covered in our sessions previously. However it is imperative that the idea be understood thoroughly, for here we have no vague and nebulous theory indeed, but a most practical and definite explanation of the manner in which you yourselves construct not only your own physical image, but indeed your own physical environment.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

You construct the dream universe, again, on a subconscious basis. The dream universe is as permanent in its way as the physical universe. You construct dreams whether you wake or you sleep. You are only familiar with your dreams when you sleep, for then your perception and your energy is focused in that direction.

[... 78 paragraphs ...]

(Seth repeated several times that we wouldn’t regret this burst of psychic energy, or the time involved, because it meant an increase in Jane’s ability to focus energy. The witnesses tonight had been extremely valuable; for different reasons [which he did not go into]. Seth stated that such gatherings increased Jane’s ability to utilize energy on different levels. This ability is still increasing. Seth uses witnesses as “practice” for Jane. Her ability to draw upon others would be very valuable in the “near future.” I believe he implied here that Jane would be speaking before larger groups, perhaps soon, and that possibly many in such groups would be strangers.

(Seth took care to see that Jane did not overdo it. He understood my concerns along these lines, and I had nothing to worry about. Any time we wanted to, we could obtain information from him. There would also be times when Jane’s energies would be at a lower ebb. There is much about energy and cycles and Jane’s abilities that he hasn’t explained to us yet. He is fond of us, and we have learned much.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

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