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TES3 Session 129 February 7, 1965 10/52 (19%) Lee Judy Wright forefinger debts
– The Early Sessions: Book 3 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 129 February 7, 1965 Approx. 11:15-12:00 PM Sunday Unscheduled

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(In the beginning the four of us sat on the floor, grouped around our coffee table and holding hands as suggested by Seth in the 125th session, and as we had done before. Jane spoke for some little time in a repetitious voice, as a way of inducing a relaxed state within us, but no phenomena of any kind appeared. Dim lights were on. We had been using our recorder earlier but were not recording these monotonous inductions, and as will be seen this was a mistake on my part.

(We became cramped physically. Jane’s voice also tired, so to relieve her I began to speak. Now Jane, Judy and Lee were prone upon the floor by the divan. Our idea was that our receptive state might make it possible for one of us to speak for another personality should one be present, or for another level of the self. I did not try to bring Seth into the experiment. I had been speaking for perhaps ten minutes, however, when Jane abruptly began to speak for Seth from her prone position. She lay flat on her back but soon sat up.

(This of course startled our guests, but they listened without interruption. Jane’s voice was quite loud and somewhat deeper than usual. Indeed, she displayed much more animation than she has for any of our regular sessions since she began to deliver the material from a sitting position. Her eyes remained closed now however, but she spoke much more rapidly and gestured often.

(The recorder was not on, and I was not taking notes. I thought the session might be short and decided to rely upon my memory for a reconstruction. I soon regretted this, for Jane talked rapidly, in high good humor, and at some length. She took a break eventually, and I then set up the recorder. What follows then is a brief summary of the first half of the session, based upon our memory, and a verbatim transcription of the second half.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Seth expressed much pleasure at being able to speak in a natural manner, without dealing with the usual philosophical and complicated subjects that make up most of the sessions. My own thought, as soon as he began to speak, was that I had made a mistake in method, since his appearance was a complete surprise to our guests. Seth reinforced this by saying that in the future I should be careful if I did not want it to happen again. Jane and I now like to prepare witnesses beforehand, since the material has become so lengthy and complicated that it is increasingly difficult to explain briefly.

(Seth repeated several times that he felt in fine form, and Jane’s voice and manner so indicated. I asked some questions designed to keep the material on the level of reincarnational data, since our guests had done some reading on the subject. Seth said I had not known Lee Wright before, but that I had been “involved” with Judy in a past life. It was indeed in my Denmark existence, he said, “the life of which you are now so ashamed.” In that life Judy had been a man, and a sailor. This reminded me that Seth had given similar data for our friend Bill Macdonnel; he too had been a sailor in a Denmark contemporary existence, but as I recall I did not ask Seth whether Judy and Bill had known each other in that life. As it happens, Bill had been a guest also earlier tonight, leaving just before the session.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Our material has been excellent, but I have missed the emotional contact. Ruburt, because of the change in our practice, has been somewhat uneasy, and for this reason the more friendly atmosphere that he had enjoyed earlier had deserted us. The state which he has achieved this evening, with your help Joseph, allowed us to achieve that informality to some small degree.

[... 21 paragraphs ...]

I will close now our brief session, giving you all my best regards, and I will see you tomorrow evening.

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

(February 1, Monday, 11:30 AM: I heard voices but forgot most of them. I remember the word “chlorine.” I saw a pinup lamp on an adjacent wall, where we have no wall. I saw a road with white guardposts and possible red lanterns. I saw this road as though I was traveling on it, heading straight ahead. It was a gray day. The sensation of forward movement was most definite, up and down low hills. I saw houses on both sides of the road in the distance, like our nearby village of Chemung.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(February 7, Sunday, 10:45 PM approx.: While trying our seance with Lee and Judy Wright, I had a quick impression that a man stood to one side of me. He wore I believe a dark suit of some kind. It was not Rob or Lee, and Judy sat opposite me on the divan. When I turned quickly to look there was no one there. No one else saw it, upon my questioning.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

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