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TES3 Session 121 January 13, 1965 6/36 (17%) telepathy intangible study elementary telepathic
– The Early Sessions: Book 3 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 121 January 13, 1965 9 PM Wednesday as Scheduled

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

I wanted to add here that evidences for those other fields of actuality can be found even within the body itself; that is, within the physical body. But these evidences are not recognized for what they are, attempts being made to the contrary to fit these into the framework of conventional knowledge, where indeed they fit but poorly.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

These clues could lead to proper understanding, so that it would be known that the physical body does exist in many fields of actuality, and through the study of various portions of the body many glimmerings could be received concerning the various fields of actuality themselves.

To study the human body from only the physical standpoint, or to consider it as exclusively a physical phenomenon, is to severely limit your perception of it, and of reality as a whole. To study psychology exclusively in terms of the brain’s effect upon the physical body is likewise hampering and limiting, for the brain is merely that portion of, that very small portion, of the mind which is apparent within matter. As such within your physical field the brain is subject to the laws of your field. The mind, having its existence within the scope of the physical field but independent of it, is a much more fruitful subject for study; and not of course study through means of physical instruments or of operations performed. In any case the mind cannot be found by such procedures.

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

I have until this point said very little about the so-called astral body. For one thing I dislike the term. For another, I did not want to discuss such points until I had first prepared you for not only their existence, but their purpose and logic.

(Many sessions ago Seth stated he did not like the term, astral body, but said nothing else about it. See the 40th session, [in Volume 1].)

You can perhaps now see where this so-called astral body has its origin and purpose. It is actually the intangible but actual framework formed by inner energy, about whose lines or, actually, reference points, the physical framework is constructed. Now. This sort of elementary telepathy has existed as a necessity since the first formation of inner energy into matter. Some of our past sessions, particularly those explaining the initial appearance of matter, will set you clear, and you will see that the explanations I gave you then would have to involve such elementary telepathic communication between cells.

[... 14 paragraphs ...]

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