1 result for (book:tes3 AND session:118 AND stemmed:univers AND stemmed:conscious)
[... 11 paragraphs ...]
We have left many loose ends since our last session. I have told you that it is possible to tune in on the dream universe. You know this is done during sleep. It can also be done in the so-called waking state.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
A few of them did involve a tuning into the dream universe. There are many stations, so to speak, to tune into, and at present you touch the dials rather indiscriminately. Planes of actuality of one sort or another everywhere exist. I mean that literally. The apparent emptiness of outer space is far from empty, but these are not necessarily worlds that you could visit with the most advanced imaginable spaceship.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
You would not be able to perceive a sufficient amount of data to make any deductions. This is not to say that such planes or fields of actuality cannot in some manner be perceived, but they will escape physical perception or exploration. In dreams, when the self is somewhat free from camouflage, perhaps it is possible for the self then to travel spontaneously into such fields of actuality; but since they are as bizarre to the self as is the dream world itself, then there is no way, usually, for the sleeper to distinguish between the universe of dreams or other actualities.
These fields or planes are more various than you can imagine, and they are formed in the same manner, basically, as your own universe was formed, and many of those inhabitants tune in on your universe spontaneously and quite accidentally. But the inhabitants of most such planes are no more aware of your actual existence than you are of their existence.
[... 10 paragraphs ...]
We must also clear up some points on other topics. We will shortly be concerned more directly with discussions of individual dreams. It is necessary that a firm ground be prepared for such discussion. There are various doorways into the dream universe: chemical doorways, electronic doorways, and psychological doorways. All three must be opened at once, that is simultaneously, but any one door will automatically open the others.
They open infrequently in the waking state. When they are clicked open, usually but not always chemically through a momentary imbalance, the physical organism itself is connected to the dream universe, as well as to your physical universe; and to some degree the physical organism can be affected through this connection.
[... 5 paragraphs ...]
The physical organism itself then, even as you know it, exists and moves and reacts and influences, and is influenced by, many fields or planes of actuality; and its existence as you know it in your universe is determined by and dependent upon its existence within other fields, of which man is still intellectually ignorant.
[... 7 paragraphs ...]
The inner self, which has been called the soul, has connections through the entire physical organism, and is not concentrated in any one portion. More adjustments are made by the physical organism than you know, and when I say that it exists in many fields, I mean that it actually not only appears within them, but is a part of them in an intimate manner, that the physical organism as it is materialized within your universe is actually a coming together and merging that has its existence, and is a blending of data from many planes, that would be considered foreign by the intellect.
[... 5 paragraphs ...]
(End at 10:36. Once again Jane was well dissociated. And again she was not conscious of light or dark, or images. She was aware of her voice speaking however.)