1 result for (book:tes3 AND session:110 AND stemmed:contact)
[... 136 paragraphs ...]
(Jane had recently had some more levitation dreams. The nameless personality said the group had assisted in these dreams, and that Jane had done better psychically, with them, than she had so far done physically. It also developed that Jane had begun to develop her psychic abilities as a child, as a means of protection and escape from a very unhappy family situation. I named some people, now dead, with whom Jane had been closely involved in her maturing years. The spokesman said these personalities were on “other” planes, and that he could not contact them.
(In a most amused way the personality said he and the others did not think much of our fumblings around with various tests this evening. The group was not with us when we tried moving the ring; it was with us when we concentrated upon the rocker. “A corridor had been open” then. I did not ask for predictions and none were volunteered. Future contact was a possibility. The group was “interested” in watching our progress with Seth. They thought Seth was “all right” as a teacher. We could not be told now why they must remain anonymous. Although some instruction was given to personalities on this plane through dreams, it was difficult because of the ever-guarding ego. They were able to accomplish more in the way of education after personalities had left this plane.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
(Jane remembered parts of what had been said. Her mood was now normal. As far as I recall, the personality I spoke with had nothing to say about any reasons for her excellent mood earlier in the evening. Nothing about this being Jane’s way of trying to establish contact with the group, for instance. Jane did not speak at all like Seth, either in manner or inflection. At times her voice sounded so dry it had a rasp.
[... 5 paragraphs ...]
(November 28, Saturday: During the late afternoon and evening I felt strangely excited, almost exultant. This evening, trying some experiments with Rob, I got the “group” contact. See pages 167-68.
[... 10 paragraphs ...]