1 result for (book:tes2 AND session:44 AND stemmed:our)
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
I am pleased that you are so pleased with our last session. I was in fact going to speak about dream locations, in that you definitely experience these locations in your dreams, which take up no room in your space.
On one level they could be said not to exist, and yet they do exist. While in your dream, you are able to see and touch and move about in these locations. It is only when you awake that they escape you. This should be considered along with our material on the expanding universe, since dream locations represent, certainly, a reality, even a framework that has no existence in your space; and measured purely along the lines used to measure your space, you would receive no hint at all of their existence or reality. Measured purely in terms of your camouflage conceptions, many things which you know to exist would seem not to exist.
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
Since I have also said that basically the universe has no more to do with space in your terms than does the dream world, you may deduce a similarity between the medium in which both the basic universe and the dream world may be found. You must understand here that your idea of space is something quite different from the reality of our fifth dimensional space. I want to make this plain again before we continue.
[... 18 paragraphs ...]
Growth in your camouflage universe often involves the taking up of more space. Actually in our inner universe of reality growth exists in terms of the value or quality expansion of which I have spoken, and does not, I repeat, does not imply any sort of space expansion. Nor does it imply, as growth does in your camouflage universe, a sort of projection into time.
[... 11 paragraphs ...]
You may see what we are getting into here. Our third law is spontaneity, and despite all appearances of beginning and end, despite all appearances of death and decay, all consciousness exists in the spacious present, in a spontaneous manner, in simultaneous harmony, and yet within the spacious present there is also durability.
Durability is our fourth law. Durability within the framework of the spacious present would not exist were it not for the laws of value fulfillment and energy transformation. These make duration within the spacious present not only possible but necessary.
[... 13 paragraphs ...]
Remember however our universe that fulfills itself yet takes up no space, and our imaginary painting in which distance appears ever further in the background, while never touching the back of the painting, and this may give you some intuitive understanding of our spacious present that has duration, and yet takes up no space.
[... 15 paragraphs ...]
I bid you a most fond good evening, and as usual look forward to our next meeting. I would not be surprised if your friend Philip attended. Ta ta, tootsies.
[... 5 paragraphs ...]