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TES1 Session 42 April 8, 1964 17/78 (22%) plane camouflage expanding universe inexperienced
– The Early Sessions: Book 1 of The Seth Material
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 42 April 8, 1964 9 PM Wednesday as Instructed

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Last night was the official opening of the Chemung County Artists’ Show at the Arnot Art Gallery, where Jane is employed part time. We attended because I had won the portrait award, and had to have my picture taken there, with the other award winners. After supper Jane lay down for a nap, rather early, because she wanted to be able to take her time getting ready. I was painting in the room next to the bedroom.

(Jane fell asleep. Upon awakening, while still in a drowsy state with her eyes closed, she wondered what time it was. She then experienced a “veil” of light within, and in the veil she saw my studio clock and the time, 6:50 PM, very distinctly. She lay dozing for a few minutes, then asked me what time it was. I said it was 7:00 PM. We were due at the gallery at 8:00.

(Jane did not mention her experience to me then; upon rousing herself she forgot it, she said, until tonight when she had a similar experience. This time, napping before the session, she awoke wondering about the time; she saw the veil of light again, but not the clock and could not determine the time.

(Just before the session tonight we discussed the article under Science in Time for April 10, 1964; it dealt with the discovery of the most distant galaxy to date, one traveling away from us at a speed of 76,000 miles per second.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

Ruburt’s experience last night was along these lines. For a brief moment he “saw” (in quotes) as clearly without opening his eyes as he would ordinarily see by using them. But in this instance the vision was much better, you must admit, than it is with ordinary eyesight, since the clock that Ruburt saw well enough to tell the time was not even in the same room.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

So in the instance of direct experience without the use of the external senses, the same sort of procedure is beneficial. Last night Ruburt was drowsy but not asleep. He desired to know the time because he had preparations to make before going out. Unknowingly he requested the desired information, that is the time, from his own subconscious, and free from impediments the subconscious delivered.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Tonight Ruburt also desired to know the time, but he was sleeping. The information was delivered to him tonight in exactly the same manner that it was delivered last night. However he was asleep at the time, was not aware except for a glimmering of what had happened; and nevertheless he awoke because of the information that he had received. The inner sense that aided him in this instance is one that we have not yet discussed.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(Break at 9:30. Jane was dissociated as usual. And as also seemed to be usual lately, we were both somewhat tired. The new schedule was still taking its toll in lost sleep; though we had felt good at the beginning of the session, already we were let down. In some way we do not yet understand, much energy is taken from us while Jane is dictating; I sometimes feel that I too am in a trance state when she is speaking. Tonight at times I had to fight to keep my eyes open while writing.

(During break I mentioned that the sessions were getting shorter both in length and in time. I felt somewhat unhappy about this. Jane resumed dictating at 9:34.)

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

I did want to answer Ruburt’s question as to the expanding universe, though we will not go into all the details now. Your camouflage idea of time is no help, and until you realize that time as you think of it does not exist in any real terms, then you will not be able to understand the true nature of your universe.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Their time measurements, based on camouflage to begin with, are almost riotously inadequate and bound to give distortive data, since the universe simply cannot be measured in these terms. The universe was not created at any particular time, but neither is it expanding into nowhere like an inflated balloon that grows forever larger, at least not along the lines now being considered. The expansion is an illusion, based among other things upon inadequate time measurements, upon the limited cause and effect theories; and yet in some manners the universe could be said to be expanding, but with entirely different connotations than are usually used.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Therefore the expanding universe implies a universe expanding in a more or less empty space, and this is not true. The phenomena that are given as evidence of this kind of expanding universe are the result of camouflage instruments, distortive ideas of time, and the resulting cause and effect theory.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

I wanted, then, to make another point about Ruburt’s experience last night in connection with the inner senses. Ruburt was quite capable as far as ability was concerned, to know what time it was without the addition of the vision of the clock. This was secondary. It seems that on your plane there is almost always the temptation to translate inner data in terms that the ego can understand and interpret.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

If many of the inner senses behave as if your conception of time and space do not exist, then the obvious reason is of course that they do not. You are merely allowing yourself a momentary release from the limitations of camouflage ideas, and release of these ideas brings a corresponding release from the physical camouflage patterns themselves. There is a breaking through. Now this breaking through is a release of the inner self from the camouflage, and the resulting camouflage laws of any particular plane. The barriers to such experiences are mainly those set up by the ego. The sort of experience Ruburt had last night is one of the simplest along these lines.

[... 18 paragraphs ...]

We will also all improve so that you should actually find your energies refreshed at the end of a session, though we have not reached that level at this time. The mere fact that the sessions continue, and have continued despite ordinary fluctuations of daily life, is proof of the validity of the sessions.

Whenever you desire, Joseph, for the sake of variety you are welcome to ask me questions at any time. I also, being still myself, have fluctuations of interest. That is, at times I am rather obsessed with getting hard facts through your heads, and at other times I am in a more humorous mood. I still have emotions.

The material will probably reflect such fluctuations, but as a whole it will gain and not suffer. There is a balance to be maintained here. I do not want to drive you too hard. On the other hand I have no intention of letting you grow lazy. We will still probably run over our usual time on some occasions, while during certain periods we may run somewhat less. This is of no consequence. I may have more to say on your expanding universe next time, and there is still material on our next inner senses to be covered. I usually end up getting sidetracked in one way or another.

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

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