1 result for (book:tes1 AND heading:"februari 17 1964" AND stemmed:studio)
[... 1 paragraph ...]
(My back was beginning to bother me this morning, at around 11:00, so I sat in my chair, in the studio, and closing my eyes began to use the induction technique that Jane had used on me in our previous sessions. It appeared to work, and while I rather easily put myself into some kind of trance state I at the same time gave my beneficial suggestions, etc., aiming principally at relaxation, to reduce the back tension I could feel building up.
(It was rather quiet in the studio, though I could hear Jane’s typewriter, but through the closed doors the sound was muffled and rather steady, and the rest of the house was quiet. I used the fractional technique, starting with my feet and working up to my head, then back down the body to my feet again. I kept my eyes closed from the start, but midway in the session felt that I could not have opened them, at least very easily [re Jane’s suggestions when she is putting me under].
[... 8 paragraphs ...]
(As the hour for the session came and went, Jane began to get “nibbles” from Seth. At the same time I felt worse. I had not been helping Jane and felt guilty about it, and angry at the relatives. Finally, when Jane was talking to me in the studio at about 10:45, I had such a severe attack of cramps in the back I could not stand.
[... 7 paragraphs ...]