1 result for (book:ss AND session:578 AND stemmed:person)
[... 10 paragraphs ...]
(“Okay. Here’s question number one: You said you’d tell us about the third Christ. Also, do we need to know more about the other two personalities belonging to the Christ entity: Christ Himself, and John the Baptist?”)
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
(Pause at 9:35. Jane’s pace was quite slow.) The Christ entity was one. The Buddha was another. These Speakers are as active when they are nonphysical as when they are physical. The Christ entity had many reincarnations before the emergence of the Christ “personality” as known; as did the Buddha.
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
M-A-U-B-U-N-D-U, in Africa, 14 B.C. The Speakers, more than most, are highly active through all aspects of existence, whether physical or nonphysical, waking or sleeping, between lives or at other levels of reality. As certain physical data are carried along in the gene structure, so this inner information is codified within whatever psychological structures the Speakers may inhabit; but far more readily available than it is to other personalities. It needs, often, trigger points to release it, however. These can take place in either the waking or dream state, and they serve to open up the reservoirs of knowledge and make past training available.
[... 32 paragraphs ...]
They are indeed. The inner information must be consciously recognized. In your terms, by the time an individual is in his last physical life (pause), all portions of the personality are then familiar with it at the time of death. The personality is not swept willy-nilly back to another earthly existence, as might be the case otherwise.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
I perceive people in a room in a far different manner than they perceive themselves; their various past and future reincarnated personalities, but not their probable selves, are perceivable to me.
I “see” the reincarnated aspects, the various manifestations taken in that regard. In your terms it would be as if you saw a series of quickly moving pictures, all representing various poses of one personality. I must remember, in all communications with those in the room, to limit my remarks and focus to the specific reincarnated “present self.”
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
(11:00.) Some of the events that I see connected very clearly with these persons in the future may not, in your physical system, occur. They exist as probabilities, as potentials, actualized in thoughts but not turned into definite physical form. I told you that no events were predetermined. I would have to tune into a future date, in your terms, and probe it with all of its ramifications in order to ascertain which of the probable actions I saw in your earlier would be actualized in your later.
To a large extent the methods of communication may vary. A personality based within physical reality, between lives for example, would find entry in many ways easier. The information he would be able to give, however, would also be limited because of his experience. I do have a memory of physical existence however, and this automatically helps me in translating your mental data into physical form. I do perceive objects, for example. Using Ruburt’s mechanism is of great help here also. At times I see the room and the people as he, or rather his perceptive mechanisms, do.
[... 21 paragraphs ...]