1 result for (book:sdpc AND heading:"part three chapter 13" AND stemmed:was)
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
You do create your own dreams. Nevertheless, you do not create them during a specific point in time. The beginnings of dreams reach back into ‘past’ lives of which you are not aware and beyond even this; the origins are part of a heritage that was before your planet existed.
[... 13 paragraphs ...]
I mentioned the Crucifixion once, saying that it was an actuality and a reality, although it did not take place in your time. It took place where time is not as you know it… in the same sort of time in which a dream takes place. Its reality was felt by generations and was reacted to. Not being a physical reality, it influenced the world of physical matter in a way that no purely physical reality ever could.
The Crucifixion was one of the gigantic realities that transformed and enriched both the universe of dreams and the universe of matter, and it originated in the world of dreams. It was a main contribution of that field to your own and could be compared physically to an emergence of a new planet within the physical universe. …
The Ascension of Christ is … also a contribution of the world of dreams to your own universe, representing knowledge within the dream system that man was independent of physical matter. …
[... 48 paragraphs ...]
Using these methods, the dreams of the mentally ill could also be studied if the affliction was not too severe. The dreams of children could be investigated in this way and compared with those of adults. Children dream vividly and more often. They return more frequently, however, to periods of near wakefulness in order to check their physical environment, since they are not as sure of it as adults are. In deep periods of sleep, children range further away, as far as dream activities are concerned.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
While Seth was delivering this material we had embarked upon our own dream experiments. Later, in 1967, I started my ESP classes, and my students began their own work in dream recall and experimentation. As you will see, these led to dream manipulation and, in many instances to projection of consciousness from the dream state.
[... 12 paragraphs ...]
My dreaming self
Had eyes like keys
That glinted in the dark.
There was no closet
Within my bones
They could not unlock.
My dreaming self
Walked through
The framework of my soul.
He switched lights on as he passed.
Outside the night
Was dark and cold.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
I saw myself stretched out among the stars.
My skin, an open mesh,
Was hung with seeds and moons and fish.
Birds flew through my flesh
Which rose in continental mass
From seas of space. One arm,
A universe, was flung
Akimbo. My third left fingernail
Was earth, pearl tipped and turning
With the measured motion of my wrist.
[... 6 paragraphs ...]