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DEaVF2 Chapter 8: Session 917, May 21, 1980 4/21 (19%) imagination eccentricity disorders insane stockpile
– Dreams, "Evolution", and Value Fulfillment: Volume Two
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Chapter 8: When You Are Who You Are. The Worlds of Imagination and Reason, and the Implied Universe
– Session 917, May 21, 1980 8:49 P.M. Wednesday

(No session was held Monday night so we could rest. Jane had also been doing very well on God of Jane, and chose not to be distracted by working on anything else—even Seth material. However, this evening she thought of having a short session.

At noon she’d received another upsetting letter. I was most interested tonight as Seth discussed the implications of the letter, along with two thoughts Jane had picked up from him a week ago Monday, on the day she held the 915th session: “Alone, reason finally becomes unreasonable. Alone, imagination becomes less imaginative over time.” I wrote in the closing note for the session that I was disappointed because Seth hadn’t brought up those two points in the session itself.)

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

In recent times the trend has been in the opposite direction, so that the abilities of the imagination were considered highly suspect, while exterior events were considered the only aspects of reality. You ended up with a true-or-false kind of world, in which it seemed that the answers to the deepest questions about life could be answered quite correctly and adequately by some multiple-choice test. Man’s imagination seemed then to be allied with falsehood, unless its products could be turned to advantage in the materialistic existence. In that context, the imagination was tolerated at all only because it sometimes offered new technological inventions.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Ruburt (Jane) today received a letter from a man who would certainly be labeled a schizophrenic. Ruburt was distressed—not only by the individual’s situation, but by the philosophic implications. Why on earth, he thought, should someone form such a reality?

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

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