Results 521 to 540 of 1262 for stemmed:bodi
[...] This is not unusual, for the inner self frequently leaves the body when the body sleeps.
[...] You perceive but the lowest point of its reality, so I will tell you now that the various stars and planets and heavenly bodies that you observe in your universe do indeed exist as such, but only within your system.
[...] However, these heavenly bodies appear as something entirely different, you see, within other systems.
[...] To do this you must understand, again, that man must move beyond the concepts of one god, one self, one body, one world, as these ideas are currently understood.5 You are now poised, in your terms, upon a threshold from which the race can go many ways. [...] There are potentials within the body’s mechanisms, in your terms, not as yet used. [...]
The physical body is formed about its electrical counterpart, yet they are both intertwined in completely different dimensions. [...] The matter of the physical body will simply be used in other gestalts, in the manner that I have explained in earlier sessions.
The idea image of the physical body is of course retained by the individual. [...]
[...] You were deeply involved in overall healing processes of your own, in which certain comprehensions on your part were conveyed to the various organs of your body, so that your body came into a far better overall relationship. [...]
Ruburt’s sense of disorientation is also partially the result of healing processes within his own body, and altering relationships—again, at intimate microscopic levels—which send their new “healing tremors” upward through the various formations of matter, so tell him to enjoy it.
[...] Suddenly my consciousness left my body, and my mind was barraged by ideas that were astonishing and new to me at the time. On return to my body, I discovered that my hands had produced an automatic script, explaining many of the concepts that I’d been given. [...]
It was extremely difficult to choose a few excerpts on any given topic from Seth’s growing body of work. [...]
I do not have a physical body, and yet I will be writing a book. [...]
[...] I’ve had several “out-of-body” experiences also during sessions, when I saw events actually happening some thousands of miles away.
Sensual data is not basically—underlined—dependent upon the physical body. [...] The senses are indeed often used by the inner self as a constant method of acquainting it with circumstances pertinent to the survival and interests of the physical body, but the inner self is not entirely dependent on them for its entire data by any means. [...]
[...] Sooner or later we are going to have to discuss the ways in which what would appear to be sensual perception is made available to an individual when the physical body, with its senses, perceives an event at which it cannot be said to be present.
The self does not remain as permanently attached to the physical body as you imagine, during physical existence.
[...] Consciousness projects in an out-of-body experience. The physical brain is cushioned against shock, since in this case consciousness travels at such a fast pace that ordinarily contact between it and the body would be severed.
[...] He didn’t recall any strong inner image of the interior of a body, though; yet he said that he had been thinking of body interiors—something that I didn’t know. [...]
[...] I believe you had a mental image of the inside portion of a human body, or a thought having to do with inner organs. [...]
Such travel between probable systems is done through projection of consciousness out of the body, as was explained in the excerpts, but this seems to involve a welding of medicine, physics, and other disciplines. [...]
[...] The very mechanism of the body however is so constructed that it can bear the brunt of many errors, and free itself from them, though this may not seem to be the case at times. [...] Your body is much like a sculptor or a sculpt, never really completed, the inner self trying out various techniques of creativity on its first test piece. [...]
[...] There is no saving time lag, as within your own system, and there is no physical body such as you know it.
“Ruburt’s body is allowing itself to relax, particularly on the couch when his back is supported. [...] It is excellent therapy on the part of the body, of a fairly temporary nature. [...] Rigidity is drained from the body by such methods. [...] The body knows what it is doing (emphatically).
[...] When company had gone I talked to Rob and nodded and dozed—then again my leg suddenly dropped and entire body turned independently of my will or intent to the left. [...] Then in a moment of dozing I suddenly found my body moving forward, half standing, with strong energy and more or less natural motion—all by itself.
[...] In a land ruled by a body of theocratic law the needs of the country must ultimately prevail, as in the case of attack from without, say. [...]
[...] These events show once again her body’s incredibly tough, creative, and ceaseless attempts to right itself and carry on—when it was allowed to respond to faith:
[...] They are also still adjusting, however, as the whole body posture undergoes changes. [...] If you trust the body then you trust that procedure.
Your house has been calm, Ruburt’s body has improved each day, and his work and yours have been productive. [...]
[...] Most of all I want him to realize that his body is improving, and that the improvement can easily accelerate—easily.
(Amused:) An atom can take care of itself, but atoms themselves are somewhat like domesticated animals; joining in the biological family of the body, to some extent they become like friendly cats or dogs under your domain.
[...] Children also know that the present is the point of power, and that precept is a biological truth, for the physical body in your terms cannot act in the future or in the past, but only in its contact with the present moment.
It shows a change of belief —being willing to bring the body physical pleasure instead of the Sinful Self’s idea of, say, penance or atonement. Pleasure is good for the body and the soul. Religions have been denying the right of the body to pleasure for centuries, so changes in those attitudes are significant. [...]