Results 21 to 40 of 41 for stemmed:blank

TPS5 Deleted Session August 13 1979 worth yeoman equal Europe parentage

[...] It might delight the eye as decoration, or cover a blank spot upon the wall. [...]

TES2 Session 83 August 31, 1964 libido Freud Jung cooperation advocating

[...] 29, the story of the arrest of an addict connected with the theft of a doctor’s bag and prescription blanks at an Elmira hospital parking lot. [...]

TPS7 The Fred Conyers Story Sunday, October 17, 1982 Fred police Denver coat Pittsburgh

[...] In one he’d written a note on a blank page to Jane, and to me in the other. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, October 14, 1969 flashlight channel shadowy penance psychologists

[...] There is no need for you to feel that when you block out one conscious mind, there is only blankness—for you have other conscious minds. [...]

TES5 Session 202 October 27, 1965 astral gallery seesaw tassel exhibition

[...] Jane and I drew a blank on “a particular event, with some unpleasant connotations” at the moment.

TES4 Session 194 September 29, 1965 rem test Beach photo sleep

[...] Something partially blank, dots, an assemblage of something, it seems of shadowy form. [...]

TES7 Session 304 November 28, 1966 list Bernards scramble package Tubbs

[...] The back was blank.

ECS3 ESP Class Session, April 27, 1971 sacrifice Ned evolved Chary isolated

[...] See your mind within your mind as a clear sky or a blank board upon which the answers will come. [...]

TES7 Session 310 January 9, 1967 Keck Caroline Pomerantz Louis Brooklyn

[...] The object is a card, blank on the reverse side, written to Jane by Caroline Keck, conservator of the Brooklyn Museum; it was mailed to Jane in early August, along with a copy of the book, Is Your Contemporary Painting More Temporary Than You Think? [...]

TES1 Session 29 February 26, 1964 plane Callahan Miss Watts camouflage

[...] She was, she said, tired tonight; her mind was a blank, and yet the material came through. [...]

TES2 Session 82 August 27, 1964 Provincetown cottage keg Gary Larry

[...] The prescription blanks used were from the stolen bag mentioned above. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 10: Session 639, February 12, 1973 Rooney puddle nightmares lsd creature

so my mind was blank.

TES5 Session 233 February 14, 1966 Linda six wedding groom marriage

[...] It is printed in black and the reverse side is blank. [...]

TES6 Session 245 March 28, 1966 vaccine Wyoming polio Lucy family

[...] draws a blank with us. [...]

UR2 Section 4: Session 715 October 28, 1974 library models Politics Unknown Roman

[...] Among other papers I finally turned up half a sheet of blank paper, and gave Jane the pen I usually used to cross out items on the grocery list. [...]

TES7 Session 290 October 3, 1966 Wendell tunnel studio reunion Crowley

[...] The back was blank. [...]

TMA Session Three August 13, 1980 magical intellect Mary rational pad

[...] In the dream, I’d left certain areas blank in the panels making up the Sunday page, and my nameless assistant had done the art to fill in those places. [...]

TES2 Session 46 April 22, 1964 Mark Ed barn discipline son

[...] The rest of the screen, to my left, was empty, appearing to be a milky white blankness.

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 21 astral snoring projection bed park

[...] Either the shadow in the room was freaking me out or the eyes were wide open but blank. [...]

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 20 projection chemical frog awake excess

Without moving my physical body and with my physical eyes closed, I reached over and checked my dream book, finding that the page was blank. [...]

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