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TES4 Session 177 August 11, 1965 Jesuit multiple exchange study aspects

(Bill and Peggy Gallagher were again witnesses. [...]

[...] And as Bill Gallagher pointed out, they probably heard the deep Seth voice while in the hall outside our door; upon admittance they saw no one with which to identify such a voice. [...]

[...] She sat opposite Bill Gallagher. [...]

TES8 Notes by Peggy Gallagher table circulatory Danny graphics complacency

(Later talking to Bill Gallagher: He and Pat Norelli stood at one side of the table, exerting strong pressure to force third leg to floor. Never did get it down. [...] Tabletop didn’t break beneath Bill’s hands, he said, but, he believes, when table fell over to floor & struck edge of table top against floor, away from Bill and Pat.

[...] Many in this room have abilities…my dear friend, the Jesuit, whose flippancy does not help him in his dark moments (to Bill) for you are not facing yourself and your abilities. [...]

TSM Chapter Nine Phil illusion Gene dunes Shiva

Exactly a week later Bill called us, sounding very nervous. [...] Instantly I remembered my own experience, and told Bill to wait while Rob got my notes, so I could check them as Bill talked. Bill told me that exactly a week before he had been awakened suddenly. [...] He shook Bill’s shoulder and disappeared. Bill told his mother at breakfast the next morning, and wrote a report out for us.

First of all, I thought I had been in a crowded room in my out-of-body experience, but Bill was obviously in his room, alone. [...] Did Bill hallucinate Seth’s three-dimensional image? [...]

On May 3, 1967, Peg and Bill Gallagher dropped in for our regular Monday night session, and as we sat around chatting, I told them about a letter I’d just received that amused me—and sort of outraged me at the same time.

TES3 Session 89 September 19, 1964 Louie Ida cruelty eloquence son

(We had not asked that Bill follow the material from session to session, feeling that it was for him to decide whether to pay any attention to it or not. Jane and I were therefore pleasantly surprised to learn that Bill and Ida had read some of the material; and while not hostile to it, they still expressed a healthy skepticism—an attitude Jane and I much prefer to any gullible, overenthusiastic belief blindly undertaken.

(Ida’s brother, Louie, had also been following the material somewhat more thoroughly, and he visited the four of us at Bill’s home Saturday night. [...] However, when we finally became convinced that a session was quite welcome to Ida, Bill and Louie, if only out of curiosity, Jane and I agreed to try to hold one.

[...] Bill has been acting as custodian of the second carbon of the Seth material. [...]

TES5 Session 216 December 9, 1965 roof painless brother debt needle

[...] My younger brother Bill and I were in a very deep mountain valley, with steep rocky brown walls. [...] Part of the time I was looking out of a window, and part of the time I stood on the roof or a porch with Bill, our backs pressed up against the side of the house. [...]

(Then I was looking at Bill, off to my left. [...] At the same time, Bill looked up at me and I thought he was smiling; or at least he didn’t appear to be worried.

[...] Both of these involved my younger brother Bill, who lives in Rochester, NY with his wife and 3 children.

TES8 Session 381 November 24, 1967 table Carl pressure floor Claire

[...] At the table were Bill Gallagher, with beside him Pat Norelli. Others were also at the table, but Bill and Pat were on the side showing the strong pressure. The pressure finally reached the point where Bill Gallagher could not force the third table leg back to the floor. [...]

[...] Claire Crittenden, Carl Watkins, Jane and I, along with Pat Norelli, from Boston, were joined by Bill and Peg Gallagher,Doug Hicks, Danny Stimmerman, Curt Kent and Peg’s brother Dick and his wife Carol, for an even dozen present, at our apartment.

(At the same time the table was performing so well, Jane was standing a few feet away, talking to it in a loud voice very intently, rooting very strongly for the table to resist Bill and Pat’s really strong efforts to level it out. [...]

TES2 Session 75 July 29, 1964 structures psychological perspective construction hatred

(It will be recalled that in the 68th session, page 221, in relation to Bill’s projected trip, Seth had stated that he saw Bill meeting an older man “with prickly hair,” and that he saw a rowboat with a symbol on it. An older man and a boat both are mentioned above, and when Bill returns from Provincetown, Cape Cod, which is indeed on the ocean, it will be interesting to compare Seth’s material with what Bill actually saw and/or did.

[...] During break I mentioned that I wondered whether Seth could tell us what Bill Macdonnel was doing on his vacation on Cape Cod., since we’d had but one card from him some time ago. The three of us had made plans to try some telepathic communication at certain times, but not hearing from Bill had sent these plans awry. [...]

[...] Jane was dissociated as usual, although she said she was coming out of the state by the time she gave this last material on Bill Macdonnel. [...]

TES8 Session 339 May 3, 1967 coastline garage dunes Chula Vista

(Bill and Peg Gallagher attended the session.)

([Bill:] “Hum de do.”)

([Bill:] “Thank you and the same to you, Seth.”)

TES4 Session 170 July 19, 1965 Footage dear display prove doctor

(In answer to a question of Bill Gallagher’s, Seth said Bill did well to refuse a promotion that would have necessitated his moving to Detroit. [Bill also works for the Elmira paper, in advertising.] Seth said that Bill was on the right track, that once he gets his physical problems straightened out, meaning his ulcer, he will be doing very well.

[...] More than once he referred to Bill Gallagher as his favorite Jesuit, and this is getting to be something of a standing joke between Bill and Seth.

[...] The following Seth session, number 170, is being recorded at the home of Bill and Peggy Gallagher, Pine City, NY, with them as witnesses.

TES4 Session 172 July 26, 1965 Lorraine wings voice deep louder

(Tonight’s session was witnessed by Lorraine Shafer and Bill Macdonnel. The last session witnessed by Bill was the 133rd, of February 17,1965. [...] It will be recalled that Bill Macdonnel’s entity name is Mark, and Lorraine’s is Marleno.

(I looked at Lorraine and Bill, but neither of them had a question prepared. [...]

[...] And again, the peculiar accent that Bill Gallagher insists is not an Irish brogue, was in evidence at times during the session.)

TES1 Session 36 March 18, 1964 distortions choice arrived ache meddling

(Tonight our first formal witness, Bill Macdonnel, was to attend a full session. [...] Bill was due at 8:30.

(At 8:45 Bill still had not arrived and we were beginning to feel uneasy. We did not want a later arrival; also we had wanted to explain a few things to Bill, among them the taking of his own notes.

[...] Her own thought was that it indicated Bill’s arrival sometime after the session had begun.

TES4 Session 183 August 30, 1965 calendar test intensity clipping solution

(During the session Seth gave an accurate psychological account of Bill Gallagher’s mother, according to Bill. [...] Bill has told us very little about her, other than that she was an arthritic cripple like Jane’s mother is. Three points in particular were quite authentic, according to Bill. [...] After the session Bill Gallagher told us his mother had been a bookkeeper, was buried wearing a blue dress—blue was her favorite color—and that she was indeed very fond of flowers.)

(Bill and Peggy Gallagher witnessed the unscheduled session, the 182nd, on Saturday August 28. The Jesuit tag has come to be a standard one for Bill, and quite a humorous one in Seth’s view.

(Mark is Bill Macdonnel’s entity name.)

TPS1 Session 382 (Deleted) November 27, 1967 Psycho Cybernetics table compassionate divan

(“I thought it was interested that I picked on the two Bills for models—Bill Gallagher and Bill Macdonel.”

[...] (Bill Gallagher.)

You will do a painting of the Jesuit (Bill Gallagher) that will become well known. [...]

TES8 Impressions Given in Session 333 on April 10, 1967 Gallaghers constables antique combos hobnail

[...] Bill met Mrs. Ed Lagonegro on Eighth Avenue.”)

([The Gallaghers:] “The number 12 may be significant in that one night Bill spoke very loudly in his sleep, saying we had to make our way to 12th Street. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session October 9, 1983 redemption hospital gotta Yep swivel

(As we talked a most interesting development took place: Peggy and Bill Gallagher visited at 7:10. [...] Their visit was most unusual at night, and we hadn’t seen Bill at the hospital for months. [...]

[...] It was too much: Peg and Bill dropping in like that during a break in the first Seth session we’d held in almost a year. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session January 1, 1973 Adventures Eleanor Rich writer Tam

(A few notes for the record: Bill Macdonnel returned to Elmira over the holidays to visit his parents. [...] A week or so ago Jane had a dream in which she saw Bill with his mouth full of blood. Calling Bill a couple of days later to invite him to a New Year’s eve party, Jane was told by Bill that he’d been to the dentist and had several teeth pulled the day of the call.

Bill Macdonnel, coming at this time of year, did remind him of the first sessions and the ESP book and the tooth incident, caused physically by the sinuses, was a message that the time was crucial, a crisis. [...]

[...] Her pendulum told her she was picking up on Bill. [...]

TES8 Results of Bill Gallagher’s Trip to Syracuse. syracuse trip gallagher bill results


TES2 Session 83 August 31, 1964 libido Freud Jung cooperation advocating

[...] 30, Bill Macdonnel, back from Provincetown, Cape Cod, confirmed almost all of the data given by Seth in the 68th and 75th sessions, concerning Bill’s vacation. [...]

(Before tonight’s session I mentioned to Jane that I hoped Seth would discuss the August 12-15 date he gave for Miss Callahan, and would mention Bill’s report on his predictions. [...]

(It will be recalled that Mark is the name of Bill Macdonnel’s entity.)

ECS4 ESP Class Session, July 6, 1971 Joel Bette divinity listen Astor

[...] When Bill came through, certainly we all looked. [...] If he hadn’t, I wouldn’t have pushed in to talk to Bill. [...]

“I saw last week as Bill started to speak, the class swerved, and everybody looked and listened to the new teacher, hoping that he would have the new answers; that if you couched your questions differently he would give you the answers. [...]

([Joel:] “The reason that Bill didn’t come through a long time ago was precisely as Jane says, and I don’t care what anybody says anymore.”

TES6 Session 251 April 15, 1966 Diebler apparition exhibitionism unscheduled Ann

[...] Once again he went into the reasons why it was possible for Bill Macdonnel to see Seth’s apparition during the 68th session for July 6,1964. [...] The gist of tonight’s material on this subject was that Bill allowed his intuitions enough freedom so that he was able to see the apparition for over an hour and to make several drawings of it; by the same token Jane and I were unable to see the apparition because we tried to intellectualize it. Later in the 68th session however I did see, along with Bill, a very striking change in Jane’s physical features. [...]

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