Results 1 to 20 of 27 for stemmed:ancestor

UR1 Section 3: Session 695 May 6, 1974 Mama Papa ancestors children official

(Pause.) In your terms, think of those ancestors in your family history. Now think of yourself and your contemporary family. For this, try to imagine time as being something like space. If your ancestors lived in the 19th century, then think of that century as a place that exists as surely as any portion of the earth that you know. See your own century as another place. If you have children, imagine their experience 50 years hence as still another place.

Now: Think of your ancestors, yourself, and your children as members of one tribe, each journeying into different countries instead of times. Culture is as real and natural as trees and rocks, so see the various cultures of these three groups as natural environments of the different places or countries; and imagine, then, each group exploring the unique environment of the land into which they have journeyed. Imagine further of course that these explorations occur at once, even though communication may be faulty, so that each group has difficulty communicating with the others. Imagine, however, that there is a homeland from which our groups originally came. Each expedition sends “letters” back home, commenting upon the behavior, customs, environment, and history of the land in which it finds itself.

Give us a moment … Remember, in this analogy the various children represent your ancestors, yourself, and your own children. They are exploring the land of time. Now in your physical world it is obvious that nature grows more of itself. In the land of time, time also grows more of itself. As you can climb trees, both up and down the branches, so you can climb times in the same way. Back home, Mama and Papa know this. The family tree exists at once — but that tree is only one tree that appears in the land of time. It has branches that you do not climb and do not recognize, and so they are not real to you. There are probable family trees, then. The same applies to the species.

UR2 Section 6: Session 731 January 20, 1975 plant selfhood ancestral ancestors chromosomes

[...] While being independent individuals their members also identified with their ancestors to some extent, accepting them as portions of their selfhoods. [...] A completely different kind of focus was presented, in which the ancestors were understood to contribute to the “new” experience of the living; one in which the physically focused consciousness clearly saw itself as perceiving the world for itself, but also for all of those who had gone before — (gradually louder for emphasis:) while realizing that in those terms he or she would contribute as well as the generations past.

[...] Biologically you do indeed carry within you, then, the memories of your particular ancestors. [...]

To that extent the so-called past experience of your ancestors and of your species is concurrent with your own, biologically speaking. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session December 10, 1980 villages Roman soldier Nebene peasants

Ancestors had worked the same fields, walked the same paths, and to that extent the past was open-ended rather than closed. The people believed that those ancestors still existed in the Christian heaven—or, earlier, in the Roman equivalent and they also believed that such a dimension awaited them to give them a further extension of existence after their own deaths. [...]

[...] People just before the earthquake even related imaginatively not only to their own ancestors, but to their children’s children after their own deaths, as those children lived their lives in the same locations, in the same land area. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 4: Session 893, January 7, 1980 dreamers language ancient cooperation ancestors

[...] In your terms those entities are your ancestors—and yet [they are] not yours alone, but the ancestors of all the consciousnesses that make up your world.

TPS4 Deleted Session November 12, 1977 Framework modern sales animal manlike

[...] Not from an animal ancestor in the way generally supposed. [...]

[...] In those terms so-called modern man, with your skull structure and so forth, existed alongside of the creatures now supposed to be his ancestors. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 5: Session 902, February 20, 1980 Bible Abraham ship age Noah

In Genesis 11, the listing of Abraham’s ancestors begins after the Flood with the oldest son of Noah, Shem, living some 600 years. [...]

During the little time we’d spent thinking about such matters, Jane and I had considered the Biblical accounts of such great ages to be simply wrong, badly distorted, or perhaps epochal—that is, Abraham’s ancestors may be listed in the correct genealogical sequence, but with many gaps among the individuals named. [...]

NotP Chapter 6: Session 774, May 3, 1976 nest love identify selfhood explore

[...] In comparison with those times, however, children are now born ancient, for even biologically they carry within themselves the memories of their ancestors. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 21, 1984 movie Cecce animals Georgia unicorn

[...] I didn’t see how our ancestors had survived, were the movie accurate. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 12: Session 551, September 30, 1970 abiding chosen reincarnational relationships deep

[...] Some families are literally reincarnations of their ancestors, but this is not the general case by any means. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 7: Session 852, May 9, 1979 Hitler Aryan Germany Jews grandiose

[...] Hitler idealized their waves of conquest in his own racist philosophy, attempting to trace German origins back to Aryan ancestors.

NotP Chapter 10: Session 795, February 28, 1977 sex feedback dreams slate species

[...] Instead, you draw upon what has gone before: the experiences of your ancestors, back — in your terms now — through time immemorial.

SS Part Two: Chapter 15: Session 562, December 7, 1970 civilization violence Lumanians technology caves

In the period that you now think of as the Stone Age, the men you think of as your ancestors, the cavemen, often found shelter not in rough naturally formed caves, but in mechanically created channels that reached behind them, and in the deserted cities in which once the Lumanians dwelled. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 8: Session 918, June 2, 1980 nuclear intervals venting mathematical passageways

[...] In those terms (pause), your world’s reality stretches back far further than you imagine, and in those terms—you need the qualifications—your ancestors have visited other stars, as your planet has been visited by others. [...]

NotP Chapter 11: Session 796, March 7, 1977 nonliving illumination life evolution spatial

There were fully developed men — that is, of full intellect, emotion, and will — living at the same time, in your terms, as those creatures supposed to be man’s evolutionary ancestors. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 12: Session 648, March 14, 1973 geese animals instinctive disease beasts

(“I think these animal doctors were a variety of apelike ancestor,” Jane said. [...]

TSM Author’s Introduction paranormal God students Carol advice

[...] I was brought up a Catholic, but as I grew older I found it more and more difficult to accept the God of my ancestors. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 7: Session 910, April 23, 1980 genetic mice thymus research idiots

[...] These remarkable physical changes stem from a genetic “defect” carried by a common ancestor who lived more than a century ago. [...]

UR2 Appendix 12: (For Session 705) evolution Darwin appendix dna realism

[...] There were fully developed men — that is, of full intellect, emotion, and will — living at the same time, in your terms, as those creatures supposed to be man’s evolutionary ancestors.

(Seth’s statement just given, that fully developed men coexisted with their supposed ancestors, led to our request that he follow through with more information on the subject. [...]

In your terms of history, man appeared in several different ages — not from an animal ancestor in the way generally supposed. [...]

UR1 Appendix 1: (For Session 679) mystical grandfather religious Burdo daemons

[...] His ancestors had originally spelled the family name “Bordeaux.” [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 1: Session 883, October 1, 1979 divine progeny inflationary unimaginable sleepwalkers

You had the sleepwalkers,2 early members of your species, whose main concentration was still veiled in that earlier subjectivity, and they were your true ancestors, in those terms.

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