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TES6 Session 256 May 4, 1966 Berry Mrs photo article antidote

It is interesting to note also that these personalities did alternate, and all were in existence at once, so to speak, even though only one was dominant at a given time. In the same way all so-called past personalities are present in your now, but not dominant. [...]

Now we may possibly develop into a newer gestalt, for I cannot see all portions—underline all portions—of the spacious present. [...]

[...] For we are dealing here after all with an interdependent gestalt. [...]

TSM Chapter Eight test Rob portrait Instream impressions

All in all, Seth gave twenty-four impressions. [...]

[...] But that was all. [...] Was the data all wrong? [...]

[...] Now I wonder that Seth was able to do anything with me at all in those days, but most of the time he managed to do very well indeed.

TES7 Gene Asks About Past Lives Gene illusion game Shiva relevant

[...] 73 in all. [...]

[...] There is no place to go, because you are the place, in those terms, and all places. [...]

([Gene]: “But I can’t leave the system because I am in all systems simultaneously.”)

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 16, 1984 Joe coughing clerk recovered frightened

[...] I was frightened by her reactions — appalled that after all we were trying to do, she still reacted to something beneficial — the coughing — as something to be scared of. [...] I wondered what we’d been trying to do all of this time.

Through all of this, however, the body is responding, and it is indeed quickening the healing processes. [...]

[...] Then she said, her voice breaking, “It wasn’t until the other day that I really realized — felt — just how far I’d strayed from normal motion, or life, after all this time. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 10: Session 641, February 19, 1973 therapy imbalances sculpture drugs chemical

[...] While artists all use the same “material” — the human experience — it is still the brilliant uniqueness or individuality pointing out and riding upon that shared human performance that makes a work “great.” [...] But all of this may have little to do with the artist’s interpretation of his own symbols, or with his personal experience, so he may wonder how the critics could read this into his work.

There is another consideration involving medicine; though as I mentioned earlier (in the 624th session from Chapter Five), if you accept Western medical beliefs I am not suggesting that you suddenly forsake all doctors. [...]

[...] When imbalances of a physical nature are removed by the introduction of drugs, however, the body signals say that the inner dilemma must have been taken care of also — while this may not be the case at all (very positively).

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 13: Session 651, March 26, 1973 black age races sleeping white

All of this is also connected with your beliefs about the waking and dreaming states, white being acquainted with the day, and black with the dreaming condition. Here again is the old connection between the God of Light and the Prince of Darkness, or Satan — all distinctions made at various levels of development, and having to do with the nature of the origin of the present consciousness.

[...] And in such civilizations all races were accorded their place, joyfully, and those of all ages were respected for their particular contributions.

[...] In scholarly circles, and many that are not scholarly at all, the intellect is equated only with the critical faculties, so that the more diagnostic you are the more intellectual you are considered.

TPS3 Deleted Session December 3, 1973 money beliefs concentrate financial complexion

All of this was based upon your much earlier beliefs that life was short and that all of your energies must be put into your work. This was literally interpreted, and all other impulses systematically denied until, say, a shopping endeavor like today’s must be first thought out as good or bad. [...]

You doubted that your own good work would bring any financial success at all, while you believed that commercial work would; but you do not like commercial work. [...]

[...] Tam has recently told Jane that the Seth books outsell all P/H’s books except the Ozzie Nelson. [...]

NoME Part Two: Chapter 4: Session 826, March 8, 1978 grandmother invisible Framework psychological vaults

Obviously there are objects of all sizes, durability, and weight. [...] Such events involve psychological configurations on the part of all those involved, so that the inner individual patterns of those lives touched by each such event have in one way or another a common purpose that at the same time serves the overall reality on a natural planetary basis. [...] Each is also endowed with patterns toward growth and fulfillment — not at the expense of the rest of nature, but to the contrary, so that every other element of nature may also be completed (all with much emphasis).

[...] He was more shadowy all through the dream, however, not nearly as substantial and real as his mother was. [...] All of us were talking constantly, but I don’t remember what any of us said, except that our meeting marked a joyous occasion.

[...] You are biologically and psychologically predisposed to grow within that rich environment, to contribute on all levels to the fulfillment of your species — but more than this, to add your own unique viewpoint and experience to the greater patterns of consciousness of which you are part.

TPS5 Session 850 (Deleted Portion) May 2, 1979 stress unpleasant reconcile affectionate potent

[...] All is much more subdued, though. I still read the deleted material for myself on most days, paint a little, do chores, work on the files, the yard, help Jane, record dreams—but I try to do all of these things at an easy pace while trusting that I’ll continue to reconcile opposing beliefs, and see more physical and creative improvements. [...]

[...] You are seeking from future probabilities unpleasant—or perhaps the most unpleasant—circumstances, and actually demanding that the body handle that stimuli now (all intently).

TPS6 Jane’s Notes March 16, 1981 Mafia gangster nightmarish Burnett kid

[...] not at all sure but the idea was that unpredictable unpleasant things could happen I suppose to “knock you off your ass.” [...] So all I have out of this I guess is released feelings that the world is at best unpredictable and can hurt you at any time. [...]

[...] The experience seemed to last all night gradually deepening in intensity, without overt dramatic story line — there was material on the Mafia in its relationship to family and particularly in connection with women—this seemed to be the focus point. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, July 20, 1971 Hess baiting fun Let vitality

Now I am glad that you have all had such a jolly evening, and in the table’s energy I hope that you saw a reflection of your own (to Ron), and I hope that you realize, not looking at anyone in particular, that a playful answer will be given and long faces will get you nowhere. [...]

Now if you all want to play games some night, we will have some fun with the table. [...]

[...] And let it above all, also arouse questions as it has with you (Arnold) and with you (Tom D.) but realize again that this vitality that rings through this voice rings through your own identity and yours. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 11: June 9, 1984 suicide depression irreversible damnation choices

[...] After all, if you do choose suicide, you can always kill yourself. [...]

[...] They are also painting a highly prejudiced view of reality, leaving out all matters concerning man’s heroism, love of his fellow creatures, his wonder, sympathy, and the great redeeming qualities of the natural world itself. [...]

The point is that all of the world’s problems also represent great challenges. [...]

TES9 Jane’s Notes Tuesday October 22, 1968 giant pyramid peering massive shrinking

[...] If the room was going to shrink and all of us with it—as it had grown massive, I just wasn’t ready for the experience. [...] Through all of this, I use the word I, yet these things were happening and “I” was a part of the action so a part, that it was difficult to separate me from it. [...]

[...] All in all I think I reacted well; and brought the thing to an end when I decided enough had been done for one night; so I wasn’t just tossed, say, willy-nilly. [...]

[...] It seemed as if the room now was almost huge enough to take up all of Elmira; but I didn’t feel as if; I felt as if this were actually happening. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session July 19, 1978 trust building leisure impulses invigorating

If many of your letters are from those in need, this also shows that people, who were previously in despair at finding any methods to help themselves, now want all the information they can get. [...]

The impulses will automatically lead to Ruburt’s greater understanding of himself, and each one in its way will be a signal to act or not to act from Framework 2—all in line with a greater pattern that seeks Ruburt’s full physical recovery and the fulfillment of his abilities.

All of these ideas can be put to excellent use now. [...]

TES6 Session 248 April 4, 1966 Doug transparencies ball music Betts

Now the spacious present obviously contains all of these systems, and these systems are all open systems, for the energy that composes them is the same. [...]

—in all probabilities, in all possible directions.

[...] Space, time, size, density, all of these are the results of your own perception.

TPS5 Deleted Session January 28, 1980 Leonard slap truck react age

[...] So why all the other hash in life, I wondered? All of those other things seemed to get in the way of the few things I really wanted to do, including writing. [...]

[...] The connection between Leonard working at the school, and Loren—all that was in the background. One event or another would serve to connect all of those issues. [...]

[...] The idea of activity, of the body wearing down—all of those issues contributed. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 27, 1983 Andrew Sue steak evolution endorsed

(Naturally the book has been endorsed by all the right scientists and organizations and reviewers. [...] Actually, the beasts and birds and fishes pictured in the book all seemed to be regressive, rather than to show what true progress in evolution might be like. [...]

[...] It was a beautiful compendium of all of the fallacies and distortions and wishing-thinkings concerning the scientific view of evolution.

[...] All kinds of unseen, unknown inner organizations have been corrected and activated, so that the hands once more begin to show signs of coordination and strength. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 30, 1983 fund insurance Cardwell Del Maude

[...] Above all, I didn’t want the fund idea, say, to lead to complications with the insurance deal, I told Jane, or perhaps to lead to a failure of a settlement there. [...] I want to note that I have faith that all will work out, that I’m not running from one hope to another while deserting previous ones.)

Exuberance and high spirits are natural characteristics of all living creatures. [...]

[...] They expect that they will develop all of their capabilities. [...]

TES9 Session 491 July 2, 1969 race system abrupt clay violent

[...] Within consciousness all things are incipient, and all creations are lovingly nurtured. [...]

[...] All of this is done on an unconscious basis, but as a teaching method the results must be seen physically.

Because you respond as physical creatures you respond best of all to tangible physical results. [...]

NotP Chapter 9: Session 790, January 3, 1977 kitten Willy psychological awe dream

[...] Children often frighten themselves on purpose through games, knowing the game’s framework all the time. [...] The fears, after all, are seen as groundless. This is not an explanation for all unpleasant dreams by any means, yet it is a reminder that not all such events are neurotic or indicative of future physical problems.

(With all of our outgoing activities, though, the month of November was also a sad — and educational — one for us. [...]

[...] There is always a give-and-take in all such relationships.

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