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TES9 Session 428 August 12, 1968 Elver fox Van Lennon Alice

This would seem to deny the idea of progression, since I tell you that all portions or all guises, or all aspects and all levels, of any given personality exist at once. [...]

Now because the spacious present exists, in other terms, these selves are actually in all places at one time. [...]

You must realize, again, that nothing is static, psychological activity least of all.

DEaVF2 Chapter 11: Session 936, November 17, 1981 conserving Iran Iraq Moslem nostalgia

[...] This is true at all levels of nature, from microscopic to [...] As I have said before, all systems are open. The theories of both evolutionists and creationists strongly suggest and reinforce beliefs in the consecutive nature of time, and in a universe that begins in such-and-such a fashion, continuing on to such-and-such an end—but there are horizontal events that appear in the true activity of nature, and there are horizontal entry points and exit points in all experience. [...]

[...] There are many in all areas of life, and this involves not only an excitement on the part of your own species, but the same kind of curiosity and excitement on the part of other species as well. Again, most difficult to explain—but those connections that exist between all species and the environment are themselves affected. [...]

[...] We still feel regret that the company had to go to all of that extra expense in order to publish a second edition of the book. I also wrote that “all concerned must wait for at least another year before a full-length version of Seth Speaks will be published in the Dutch language.” [...]

TES7 Session 323 March 1, 1967 symptoms should rids housecleaning flexibility

[...] In all hypnotic sessions and in all periods of self-suggestion, emphasis should indeed be upon health, exuberance, flexibility, strength and vitality. [...]

[...] There may be, but should not be, some slight difficulty at first, the result of his own idea patterns, but that is all. If he keeps track of himself, no difficulties at all will arise.

[...] All of this simply means that you became aware of larger portions of the whole personality, and were consciously able to use these abilities, conscious and subconscious being, of course, artificial terms.

SS Appendix: ESP Class Session: Tuesday, February 9, 1971 Bernice predestination aristocratic slums justification

Now I do have something to say to this one (Sue W.), and that one (Jim H.), and to some extent to all of you. [...]

[...] This does not mean that you cannot use all of your courage and resolution to solve these problems. [...]

All you have to do is realize your own freedom. [...]

NoME Part Two: Chapter 4: Session 825, March 6, 1978 confounds Framework reason universe predisposed

[...] In the same fashion, jointly all of the people alive at any given time “direct” the events of the universe to behave in a certain fashion, even though the processes must happen by themselves, or automatically. Other species have a hand in this also, however, and in one way or another all of you direct the activity of the physical body of the world in much the same way that you [each] direct your own bodily behavior.

All of those characteristics have their sources in Framework 2, for the psychological medium in Framework 2 is automatically conducive to creativity. It is not simply a neutral dimension, therefore, but contains within itself an automatic predisposition toward the fulfillment of all patterns inherent within it. [...]

[...] In a manner of speaking the universe as you understand it, with all the events that it includes, functions “automatically” in its important processes, as your own body does. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: August 2, 1984 Carla crying Marie murderer nurses

[...] She said that after I left her at 7:15 or so last night, following all the events of the day, she “passed out” and slept well for 2½ hours. [...]

we all are,

(I was surprised that she had a session at all, figuring she might want to relax more today.)

TES3 Session 109 November 23, 1964 universe inwardness parallel sales regenerated

[...] She told me she “still feels funny” even after all this time, when she hasn’t any idea about the material to come.

[...] Inward, individualized, aware energy existed before the conception of your time, your time obviously being an interpretation of the spacious present, from which all creation not only originally began but continues in terms of value fulfillment. [...]

[...] I will here add however not only that the universe you know had no particular origin in your time; and I will add that its roots, if we may so speak, continually go in all directions. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 4: Session 621, October 16, 1972 willpower beliefs examine imagination dissect

[...] All of its infinite resources are placed at the disposal of your conscious mind, however, and for your conscious purposes.

(Pause.) There has been on the one hand a too-great reliance upon the conscious mind — while its characteristics and mechanisms were misunderstood — so that proponents of the “conscious-reasoning-mind-above-all” theories advocate a use of intellect and reasoning powers, while not recognizing their source in the inner self.

[...] These theories hold that the intellect and usual consciousness are far inferior to the inner “unconscious” portions of being, and that all the answers are hidden from view. [...]

UR2 Section 4: Session 710 October 7, 1974 demons journey objectified City travel

(10:16.) Now: In almost all instances, demons in dreams represent the dreamer’s belief in evil, instantly materialized. [...] Your state of mind, freed from its usual physical focus, creatively expresses itself in all of its power and brilliance. [...]

(Pause.) In your world you travel from one country to another, and you do not expect them to be all alike. Instead, you visit various parts of the world precisely because of the differences among them — so all out-of-body-journeys do not lead to the same locale.

[...] All of these assumptions are taken for granted in your physical journeys. [...] You are used to projecting all destinations outside of yourself. [...]

UR2 Section 5: Session 716 October 30, 1974 station drift home program focus

Now: Bring all of those sensations together. Try to be aware of all of them at once, so that one adds to the others. [...] Let all of them together form a brilliant awareness of the moment.

Try to experience all of your present sense data as fully as you can. This tones your entire physical and psychic organism, bringing all of your perceptions together so that your awareness opens fully. [...]

[...] However, Section 4 was finished after all.)

TPS2 Deleted Session December 29, 1971 job tu deeply du rewards

[...] One thing however is a great consistency that escapes you, beneath all the shifting guises of his behavior.

Now all of these qualities are noteworthy and can be used to advantage. [...]

Now this has been consistent in all of his behavior. [...]

TES8 Session 381 November 24, 1967 table Carl pressure floor Claire

(When we asked for a full levitation, it seemed the table did its best to achieve this, getting all legs off the floor except the last tiny point of contact of the third leg; it would then go in circles beneath our hands, or begin to dance about, eventually. [...] At just about all times one or more of us was talking to the table, exhorting it to go on, to better its performance, in most positive tones.

(Even so, when all present withdraw their hands from the table, no matter what its antics have been, as soon as all contact is withdrawn the table falls back into normal floor position.

[...] The session lasted for several hours, perhaps until 1 AM, and at its end all of us were exhausted.

TES8 Session 405 April 18, 1968 touchy Montgomery quotes afraid spirit

He was outraged by A A, because he persisted in considering him as a “spirit”, in quotes, with all the connotations the word arouses in him. A A is no longer a physical personality, and that is all. [...]

[...] He must be indeed fully committed to the experimentation and work in which we are all involved. [...]

[...] It means that use of the term automatically limits the reality of All That Is by its very connotations.

TPS7 Deleted Session November 24, 1983 Thanksgiving Gail turkey Judy pranks

[...] It seemed weird not to have cranberry sauce with the Thanksgiving meal, but all in all things worked well enough. [...]

[...] I don’t want you falling into that old trap of worrying all by yourself—we just can’t have it. And all of this applies to me as much as it does to you, in case you think I’m setting myself up in a superior position.” [...]

[...] The funny thing is, I told her, with all of this I think I’m just beginning to glimpse the possibilities in this new way of thinking about life. [...]

TES8 Session 337 April 26, 1967 war peace battle outcome argued

[...] It is all right. He is all right. [...] Symbolically, you see, and beneath it all, both men showed characteristics that under different circumstances could have led them into violence for the sake of their beliefs.

Now, H at the paper is not doing all of this on his own entirely. [...]

[...] All of your physical activities, from the political to the economic and to the most insignificant individual concerns have their origin in mental existence, and their outcome is known.

ECS4 Jane’s Exercise in Class August 31, 1971 pyramid flash gladly Return freedom

I would like all of you to give yourself full freedom as far as perception is concerned. [...]

[...] And by all means enjoy the feeling of your own consciousness as it does these things. [...]

[...] You’d flash it all over so that you could see what was before you. [...]

SDPC Part Two: Chapter 10 Mark Rob furniture arrangements bookcases

Rob laughed about all this after the session. “A terrific lot of new material, really startling, on dream reality and some suggestions about your furniture, all in one night!”

[...] You know, now, that all form has consciousness, and so there was no point at which self-consciousness entered with the sound of trumpets, so to speak. [...]

[...] I give you this slight evidence of my humor, Joseph, simply to show you that I am not, after all, one to carry grudges.

TES2 Session 82 August 27, 1964 Provincetown cottage keg Gary Larry

(Finally I sat with her, ready in case the session developed after all. [...] Again Jane had been coughing all day, but when she rose to begin the session the coughing virtually disappeared. [...]

Once this is understood, all the rest of our material can be seen in the light of both logic and intuition. [...]

This is our main message to the world, and this is the next line in man’s conceptual development, which will make itself felt in all fields, and in psychiatry perhaps as much as any.

SS Part Two: Chapter 21: Session 586, July 24, 1971 Christ Paul historical Saul zealot

(9:25.) By that time, all religions will be in severe crisis. [...] His message will be that of the individual in relation to All That Is. He will clearly state methods by which each individual can attain a state of intimate contact with his own entity; the entity to some extent being man’s mediator with All That Is.

[...] An open-ended consciousness will feel its connections with all other living beings. [...] As a result of all this the social and governmental structures will change, for they are based upon your current beliefs.

(9:05.) Psychic or psychological identification is of great import here and is indeed at the heart of all such dramas. [...]

TES1 Session 31 March 2, 1964 camouflage creation killing plane entities

[...] That is, all you can see now are physical systems. I am speaking of the universe in your terms, as even being all that your telescopes can pick up. [...]

The inner senses operate on all planes and under all circumstances. [...]

[...] Half crouching in the middle of the room, he looked all around with his eyes round and his ears drawn halfway back; it is a pose we have often seen him take when on the alert.

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