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WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 2, 1984 Jake Bantam shaky staff barber

(In the dream, all of which was in brilliant color, I’d combined many elements, which I described in more detail to Jane than I’ll give here. [...]

[...] They were talking and laughing and crying all at once. [...]

(I told Jane that I didn’t think I’d figured out very much of it, beyond that I seemed to be remaking the past, and that all of the figures in it except her seemed to be figures of authority from that past. [...]

TES9 Session 483 May 21, 1969 Reverend Crosson Berkshires cybernetics psycho

[...] If he now uses psycho-cybernetics as applied to his work and to the (Seth) book, and makes a definite effort with those methods to focus all of his energy into the book, the symptoms will simply fall away, and quickly. [...]

[...] To do all the things that he should do, to put in the writing hours that he should, inspired writing hours, then he must automatically be in good health, you see. [...]

[...] Despite the errors that have been made, you did set about to gain the necessary knowledge, and all the episodes in your life have been used in this behalf. [...]

TES2 Session 45 April 20, 1964 camouflage Callahan cube hypnotism Miss

[...] I do not want to end the peacefulness of our quiet and intimate sessions, and never will suggest that they all be witnessed. [...] By all means experiment with psychological time, both of you, for there confidence is to be found.

The value climate of psychological reality can be likened to an ocean in which all consciousness has its being. [...]

[...] So are all the other basic laws of the inner universe followed on every plane, and reflected from the most minute to the most gigantic spectrum.

TPS6 Deleted Session April 28, 1981 Sinful raccoons rope fireplace slackened

[...] It is already blessed by All That Is before its birth, and its desires, impulses, and characteristics are also inherently good, meant to insure its own fulfillment, to bring out its best characteristics, and to help the rest of the world as well—all very important issues. [...]

[...] She had some right leg sensations—strong enough to notice but not nearly as strong as before, and she’s had them “off and on all day, particularly in the knee and lower leg. [...]

(All of these signs are good ones, of course, and we hope they continue. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session January 11, 1972 chant Valerie reclaim Sumari anymore

Now over a period of time you will all be given a series of sounds or a particular song or chant that will be yours alone and meant to apply to you alone. I suggest that you learn the sounds and say them to yourselves all alone. [...]

[...] Now she wears another face, as you all wear other faces. [...]

[...] That you form the universe as you know it en masse and individually from the focal point of this moment, from the focus of this moment that all of your selves exist now and are not done and finished anymore than you are done and finished. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 19: Session 667, May 30, 1973 defects Indianapolis radio driver restructure

A person may choose a great talent instead, through which he or she will perceive reality and concentrate all experience. [...] (Pause.) Without rational illumination, the emotional elements may be so unwieldy that the artist, for all of his spontaneous expression, cannot relate in any kind of permanent situation of an intimate nature. [...]

(9:54.) Since all existences are simultaneous, this simply means his stressing certain aspects in this life — at the expense of others, you would say — and setting up a frame of reference that may seem to be limiting. [...]

[...] Yet in all instances not only do children choose their parents ahead of time, but parents choose their children, of course.

TES3 Session 145 April 12, 1965 hate evil ego roles assimilate

When he sips of it, as you have sipped of it, and as all conscientious human beings sip of it, then indeed the taste is bitter. It is not too farfetched however to add that all, or many, medicines have unfortunately a foul taste, and that the child who sips such a medicine finds it difficult to believe that such a distasteful brew can do him good.

Basically, all action is. [...] All is unfolding. [...]

[...] Sometimes it will not assimilate or accept an experience at all. [...] It is not necessary that the ego assimilate all experiences that are open to consciousness of self. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session June 1, 1981 Werner Jim Adams muscular difficulties

At the same time he was trying to uncover the basic reasons for his difficulties, so that all in all a good deal of loaded material of one kind or another was being encountered, some discussed in these sessions. [...]

All of the material I have given about attitudes toward revelationary material are important in that context, and please realize that I am categorizing. To that degree and in the light of this discussion, you end up with what I will call —and have in the past called—the overly conscientious self, which attempts to deal with the attitudes of the Sinful Self by checking and double-checking all the time, by being, in other words, overly conscientious: is Ruburt dealing with “the truth,” and so forth? [...]

[...] In all of this, however, thoughts of self-accusation simply must be avoided as much as possible, for to a good degree in one way or another such activities and misunderstandings are behind any illness, and Ruburt is hardly to single himself out in any one area as being more stupid than anyone else. All of these issues are responsible for the bathroom difficulty, and once again I maintain the steady attempts of the body to recuperate. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session July 25, 1977 future compliment equated confidence uncreative

[...] It is, therefore, the focus of your attention that delineates your time period, and provides a psychological stance from which you will then view all other selves, or all other experiences of your entity. [...]

[...] One entity might focus its main energy, intent, and drive in one particular earth life, filled with incredible creativity, so that that “focus life” becomes a central core for all other existences, the foundation and the source of energy for all other lives.

[...] It is most difficult to explain, since all lives are being creatively formed simultaneously. [...]

TPS2 Session 599 (Deleted Portion) December 8, 1971 montella alphabet language cordella dyniah

(I told her in turn, and believe she agreed, that all phases of our lives were changing, that it was vital that they do so, since the way of life we had worked out was doing so poorly. [...] I’m not so sure Jane would lump all of her activities together in the same way, though – she may not feel the need. [...]

If new ambrya—think of embryo now—(in parentheses now:) data were to be inserted into a painting, a completed painting, from the inside, then all the relationships within the painting would change. If new ambrya is inserted into a physical montella then all the relationships within it must change. [...]

First of all, this evening’s small chat: it was a beginning. [...]

NotP Chapter 9: Session 789, September 27, 1976 predream events ee undecipherable rocket

This in no way denies the validity of events as you think of them, for all of your physical activity immediately alters all other relationships at all levels of being. [...]

[...] You know that space is filled with all kinds of inhabitants, and we will compare these space inhabitants to probable events. [...] Some space inhabitants would not be able to land under those conditions at all. [...]

[...] When she comes out of trance Jane can remember what he’s said, or have no recollection at all of his material.

TPS4 Deleted Session August 28, 1978 authority authoritative Atlantis crazy professor

[...] All concepts and ideas in the first place, referring to a continuous forward progression of time distort all reincarnational experiences as a rule. [...] The past changes, even as in your terms, say, a river does—only the changes go out in all directions. [...]

[...] Such an approach meant that we’d be hard to deal with, I suppose, but at least all would be forewarned.

[...] Even after all this time, then, we can still be caught unprepared.

NotP Chapter 3: Session 763, January 5, 1976 personhood knowledge prejudiced Cézanne nonverbal

Any information or knowledge must have a pattern if you are going to understand it at all. Ruburt’s own painting, his knowledge of his psychic abilities, his love of Joseph — all served to form a pattern which then attracted the Cézanne material. [...]

These minds all work together to keep you alive through the physical structure of the brain. When you use all of these minds, then and only then do you become fully aware of your surroundings: You perceive reality more clearly than you do now, more sharply, brilliantly, and concisely. [...]

The Cézanne material, the dream and the painting, are all aspects of another kind of perception. [...] All of this will help Ruburt toward a nonverbal comprehension that will, on another level, reorganize some of his beliefs.

TPS3 Jane’s Notes Tuesday, July 26, 1977 James dishes walked snack synchronized

***All afternoon, right side of head and body get “lighter”. Almost impossible to describe but it’s as if a million tiny things in my head were just off enough, so that the rest of the body didn’t work right, walk right; as if the body wasn’t synchronized and as if this afternoon it was fitting together again correctly; all the parts lining up or something. [...]

[...] continues all evening; some additional motion, standing, to the left; left arm feels ready to let go; new sensations right upper thigh; left knee. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session October 20, 1975 unsafe Bantam realistic Pocket safe

[...] It is as if you can trust your abundance only if you can prove to yourselves that there is a threat connected with it, or say “After all, it is not all that good.” These are all examples, yet they point out habitual reactions that belong to the unsafe universe, that seem appropriate and realistic there.

[...] There’s no need to go into all the complicated details here; it’s enough to say that the photos Bantam used in Seth Speaks were involved, especially the cover shot of Jane; as well as bids for Oversoul Seven between Pocket Books and Bantam; Jane’s fears that she’d end up committed for two more Seven books she hasn’t written yet; and various misunderstandings concerning ethics, expired option, and an offer to Jane to go to work for Simon & Schuster-Pocket Books, and to take Tam with her.

[...] First of all, generally pertaining to yourself. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session May 22, 1982 blood Dr finger clot Persantine

I think that all art is created at that level—that is, with that sense of support that isn’t our own alone but a part of the great force that sustains all of life. (Long pause at 9:17.) In any case I feel all that in my body now. [...]

[...] We could tell she was enamored of her work and very sincere in all of her suggestions. Our own ideas were that treatment was all the better the simpler it was. [...]

[...] The black girl at the typewriter had the papers all made out, from the information Dr K. had given last February when she’d talked of transferring Jane from the Arnot. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session February 19, 1972 drives chained negotiate yawns welded

[...] All you have to do to please me is work a reasonable amount of hours daily; then I do not care what you do, but I expect that purpose to govern and direct your lives to be the focus about which all other events happen, not a sideline.

All right (Jane said), call me the creator, this part of me that’s talking. [...]

[...] I relied on you to see that Ruburt’s creativity was channeled and used, protected, but most of all not frittered away.

UR2 Section 6: Session 728 January 8, 1975 ledge season mountain violets born

[...] You have to walk around a plant on a table in order to see it from all sides. So, figuratively, walk around “time” to see yourself from all angles, and to perceive all of your manifestations.

[...] All are related, of course.

[...] All kinds of alterations also take place in the soil beneath the mountain’s layers. [...]

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 12 dream recall locations investigation recorder

[...] There is a dimension of reality (an “objective” dimension, if you prefer) in which all dream events happen. There are rules; Seth calls them root-assumptions that operate in all realities, our own included. [...]

[...] First of all, the emphasis was on the delivery of the Seth Material itself, as in the twice-weekly sessions Seth continued to explain the nature of nonphysical reality. [...]

[...] I considered sleep a small death in which all sense of continuity vanished. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session May 28, 1979 faster Scout permission consoled ground

[...] How come, with all of these positive dreams, you aren’t improving physically to any observable degree? If you get the messages we sent you, do they do any good at all?” The questions would apply in any dream exchange among people, of course.

[...] Yet the old man does sleep in a gigantic shoe that is also like a cradle, from which he and all of civilization continue to emerge. [...] Through expression of the words, but also through your art, for you saw all art as an expression of love, a love in which the old man and civilization was ultimately held.

[...] All dreams are on file in dream notebook #2.

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