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TES8 Session 346 June 14, 1967 peanuts overproduction sun symptoms apricot

[...] Nevertheless without these alterations our work could not be fulfilled in all the ways possible. [...]

[...] The resulting resentment was the true basis for all symptoms, and attracted the other sensitivities that nourished them.

[...] It is imperative that Ruburt throw considerable energy into his idea for classes; whether in writing or in psychic matters, that all available, practically available time and effort be given here to such an endeavor; that it not be adopted halfheartedly.

TPS7 Deleted Session June 1, 1982 Hal clots medical vasculitis Dr

[...] While we were there Dr. K. called him and gave him the results of the blood tests begun in the hospital the week before: One was normal, one said vasculitis could be present, the third one didn’t work—so after all of that the results were very meager and frustrating. [...]

[...] Jane evidently listened to all of this with horror. [...]

[...] I kept thinking that she was on her way to adopting a stance in which she would turn against medical help and/or advice if at all possible. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 22: Session 676, July 9, 1973 unworthy hate inferior older scrawny

[...] Some want to HELP THE WORLD AT LARGE — in capital letters — but all they do is think about this desire without trying to implement it at all in practical terms. [...]

You will accept your present position, whatever it is, as being a part of that direction, and realize that from it can come all the creative elements that you need. [...]

[...] Yet in material terms they must all realize, sooner or later, not only the challenges but the other peculiar characteristics of creaturehood, in which basically no such generalized beliefs make sense.

NotP Chapter 4: Session 770, April 5, 1976 puberty sexual sex male biological

[...] During what is called the sexually active time; the larger dimensions of personhood become strictly narrowed into sexually stereotyped roles — and all aspects of identity that do not fit are ignored or denied. [...] And the scientists, for all their seeming independence, often simply found new intellectually acceptable reasons for unconsciously held emotional beliefs.

[...] All of them will not necessarily be heterosexual at any given time.

(Long pause.) Give us a moment… In almost all such cases involving cancer, spiritual and psychic growth is being denied, or the individual feels that he or she can no longer grow properly in personal, psychic, terms. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session November 1, 1978 Jastrow Carter Hebb cosmetics Sadat

Some people write to you in their triumphs and in their despairs, giving you, all-in-all, a library of unique, private reading matter, capsule biographies of the people of your time and country. [...]

[...] It does not mean at all that you should concentrate upon the problems people write you about. [...]

[...] I must remind you both that peoples’ good intent, their constructive creativity, their desire “to do better,” is far stronger, far more vital and all-pervading than any of their negative qualities—or, quite simply, you would not have a world, in your terms.

DEaVF1 Chapter 4: Session 899, February 6, 1980 awakened earth insects creatures affiliations

[...] [I didn’t.] Then later today she reread all of the material Seth has given on Dreams.)

[...] Those affiliations fell into being as all of the consciousnesses that were embarked upon physical reality divided up (long pause) the almost unimaginable creative achievements that would be responsible for the physically effective world.

[...] And in a matter of speaking, again, man becomes the earth thinking, and thinking his own thoughts, man in his way specializes in the conscious work of the world—a work that is dependent upon the indispensable “unconscious” work of the rest of nature, a nature that sustains him (all very intently). And when he thinks, man thinks for the microbes, for the atoms and the molecules, for the smallest particles within his being, for the insects and for the rocks, for the creatures of the sky and the air and the oceans.

TPS1 Session 267 (Deleted Portion) June 13, 1966 expansion outdoors balance disturbances riotous

[...] This is quite all right. [...]

[...] You are then tempted to see trivial disturbances as large ones, and to cut off all heads indiscriminately, in order to get rid of one or two main disturbances, because you can no longer tell one from the other.

[...] Now he reacts you see by bothering you all the more, peeking in on you, to discover whether or not you are really upset, or rather, if his own imagination runs away with him.

TES5 Session 220 January 5, 1966 Marine coat uniform disturbance slips

[...] There is no direct relation here to your own system at all, except of course that all systems are ultimately connected. [...]

(The rest of the test data appears to be all of a piece, and can be connected with a young friend of ours with whom I used to work. [...] I met him twice but Jane did not see him at all. [...]

Otherwise you concentrate your creative energies, all of your energies, upon the disturbance itself, and interpret all other data in the light of that disturbance. [...]

TES1 Session 28 February 24, 1964 Miss Callahan entity psychiatrist plane

[...] I do not want to take up all your working hours, and you must have time to paint. I see no harm in sleeping until 8:00 the morning after a session, but a balance of schedule is important, and you can see that I wish to relate you to yourself and your work, and not to turn all your energies toward myself.

You, Joseph, and Ruburt, are basically well-balanced, and sensible as well as intuitional, and you are in absolutely no danger at all.

(“What do you have to say about the psychiatrist’s idea, that all this is merely Jane’s subconscious talking?”)

UR2 Section 6: Session 735 February 3, 1975 apple composition melody music contradictions

[...] All of the counterparts alive as contemporaries then form, together, a musical composition in what you think of as a present; and once that multidimensional song is struck then its past ripples out behind it, so to speak, and its future sings “ahead.” [...] Yet all are in the same overall composition, in “time,” so that time itself serves as the scale (gesturing) in which the [musical] number is written — chosen as a matter of organization, focus, and framework.

This is obviously not the case with all suicides10 or would-be suicides, or all risk-takers. [...]

[...] To one extent or another, each family of consciousness carries within it the characteristics inherent in all of the families. [...]

TES4 Session 162 June 14, 1965 Lorraine electrical witnesses delivery brogue

[...] Neither, therefore, is it aware of those distortions that cause it to construct faults within physical matter, for in all cases the physical matter of the human body will be subconsciously created in line with inner conditions.

[...] All in Volume 3.)

I now suggest your break, and I thank all of you for both your help and your attention.

SDPC Preface Sonja Jack program television camera

[...] Though the objective effects of this phenomenon largely escape me, I’m trying to learn all I can about the subjective aspects involved, for surely no one is in a better position to do so. Because of the emergence of Seth, I’ve become increasingly aware of many other states of consciousness besides the normal daily state that all of us know.

[...] All kinds of doubts filled my mind. [...]

First of all, as always, my face changed expression drastically, and I began to speak in a deep male-like voice. [...]

TES6 Session 261 May 23, 1966 mirth serape sketch lawn party

[...] For all practical purposes, you will find yourself in some sort of body form in your out-of-body experiences.

When you enter a different dimension the abilities of the body form change, and for all intents and purposes it is a different body form, which we will call a mind form. [...]

Now my dear friends, you will find all projections much easier if your head is to the north.

TES7 Session 326 March 15, 1967 projection levitations remember easiest occultists

[...] There are similarities upon which you all agree, of environment and conditions. The same can be said of all systems into which you may project. But you must learn which portions of the environment are held by all, generally speaking, and which are not. [...]

In all probability you will become aware of me first either in a dream projection or in a session. [...]

TPS3 Session 694 (Deleted Portion) May 1 1974 gullibility monitor spontaneity trusted compromise

[...] The very fact that anyone looking at him sees he has not solved all problems is meant to portray exactly that message.

[...] When your enthusiasm grew, and your trust in his abilities, then he felt that to voice any fears at all in your eyes meant that he did not trust his abilities himself.

[...] Tell him that I can be trusted to monitor any and all of his experiences of a psychic nature. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 4, 1984 ginger ale decisions dreaded limping

(Jane got tired waiting for people to take all of her vital signs, like blood pressure and temperature, so she launched into the session.)

[...] They will concentrate upon all of the dangers present in society in their own country, or in other portions of the world, until their own frightened overall concern for safety seems to be a quite natural, rational response to conditions over which they have no control.

(Pause.) What is actually involved is a kind of paranoia, which can become such a powerful response that it can take over a person’s life, and color all projects. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 12, 1984 blueness Karina Shawn lipstick eyebrow

[...] This was followed by “a very sensual” episode she cannot recall at all. [...]

(Long pause.) It may be far more pleasant to be good-humored all of the time — but in Ruburt’s situation the fairly infrequent periods of blueness do indeed operate therapeutically, so that he is able to express those feelings through tears, and therefore relieve the body of expressing the same feelings through additional symptoms.

[...] Ruburt is not looking at his own eyes all of the time — so that mysteriousness is somehow taken for granted. [...]

TES9 Session 446 November 6, 1968 lessons system training polls ideals

Creation, creativity, is natural under all systems and all circumstances, but your system is a training system for emerging consciousness; for having a talent does not yet know how to use it, and must be trained.

There is a point where all realities intermingle.

[...] When you have learned the lesson you realize that the ideals were not necessary, but until you learn the lesson they are all you have as guidelines. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 13, 1983 Teresa bumpity Andrew Cathy crying

(It was still raining when I got to 330 this afternoon; it had rained all of last night and this morning. [...]

[...] The man there said he’d pull our file, go over it all, and call Andrew back tomorrow. [...]

[...] I could see that rain was still falling, as it had all afternoon. [...]

TES8 Session 420 July 1, 1968 Bernard letter Dr temperature statement

We were all complete strangers at the time.

(“You’re doing all right”)

[...] This is all that is needed.

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